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guiltystepmom's picture

so sd16 sent a text to dh saying he had no choice but to pay for private college...euhhh???

since when is he obligated to pay for private college situated 80 miles away from her home when she a public college in her town???

is he obligated??? nothing written in the c.o.

jumanji's picture

Or, perhaps... if she went to the more expensive school... she'd know how to spell college?

Sorry, but could not resist.

TASHA1983's picture

Thankfully, that is one good thing about BF's DD...there is NOTHING in it that says he has to pay or contribute to skids college or expenses. Gold digging BM probably didn't even think to address that because she is a white trash HS drop out POS and more than likely her spawn will follow suit. Here's hoping!!! }:) Handing 920.00 a month to some gold digging whore for the fat slob she farted out is 920.00 too much!!! IMHO Smile

Oh and I almost forgot to say...BF has NO INTENTION of paying or contributing either!!! Love that man!!! Wink

RedWingsFan's picture

Nothing in DH's CO says anything about SD's college expenses and in the state of Colorado, no one is liable for this expense unless both parties agree and have it written into the CO.

BM actually went to DH's GRANDPARENTS (they're in their late 80's) and begged them for money to put in SD's "college fund"!!! This was last year when SD was in SEVENTH GRADE! She said she'd never be able to pay for it and well, her FATHER isn't going to, so don't they want their great-grandchild to go to college? OMG I'm so glad they turned her down. RIDICULOUS!

z3girl's picture

DH was court ordered to pay for private college for SD21, and had no say. In the CO, it only said 50%, but BM took DH to court when SD21 started college and it was changed to 65% of whatever school SD21 wants. DH tried to say he would pay 65% of in-state public, but the judge didn't want to hear it. It sucks.

Orange County Ca's picture

Some courts do participate in the insanity of making a parent pay beyond high school.

Best if you talk to your attorney if it gets serious but I think the best advise you got so far is to totally ignore the subject and any written communication that appears from her or the mother.

If anyone bring its up verbally I would claim that I have cancer and am going to have to pay for a operation followed by chemotherapy and have already taken out a second on the home to pay for it.

After she is 21 if the subject comes up I'd say I went to Laurdes in France and received the miracle I prayed for.

I'm dead serious.