guiltystepmom's picture

Sd16 asked dh when he was getting his dental insurance...

he answered by the end of this month...

Well she got her braces yesterday! Is he still gonna be obligated to pay for this?

Even though he had told her at the end of the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!

StickAFork's picture

But it won't matter as much...they will bill incrementally...
My insurance was billed and paid out monthly, even thought I paid my entire annnual portion in a lump sum payment at the beginning of each year.

StickAFork's picture

Yeah, because it's not a "one time" thing. It's not like surgery that was performed on day one and insurance started day 15. It's a rolling thing.
One of my kids had braces, insurance paid, then I left that job and started another, and that insurance paid their portion... it didn't matter that the kid already had them on.
Have you checked and made sure that the insurance covers braces?

Anyway, try not to worry right now. You, or DH, can call the insurance company tomorrow and ask them about it. Chances are, you're fine. Wink

guiltystepmom's picture

nothing written in the c.o that they have to share the bills of any kind. he used to cause he could of afforded it but now he cant pay for all the stupid expenses, like outings with school and friends....which she busted to get half of everything.

U decide, U assume! thats my motto!

silentnites's picture

Well, if it helps..years ago when my ss had braces, my dh lost his job. He got a new job a couple weeks later (better times!) his new insurance went into effect 60 days after. The new insurance paid the remainder even though the braces were already on. Like stickafork said above, they bill in increments, not the entire benefit at one time.

BUT,,,,the right thing to do would have been to wait. Back in the day I always asked BM to please at least let me know when their dental appts were so that I could budget accordingly. Of course she never did. Needless to say, my skids went to the dentist every six months, like clock work. She never cared that their daddy was paying out the portion not covered. But then we did get the most expensive Christmas list items too!

jumanji's picture

At 16, I wouldn't expect a kid to understand how insurance works. Not unless someone told her. Why did Dad not tell her that it may not cover anything done before it is in effect? That's kind of a no-brainer, IMO...