Frustrated Beyond Belief
Grrr so I'll try to make this brief...
My boyfriend and I have been discussing where our relationship is going and we both have decided that moving in together is the next logical step but we cannot do that until I am on better terms with his six year old son. Its very frustrating to think that our relationship is being put on pause because of a child. But if I were a parent I would want to make sure that I was getting into a good situation for my child as well so I get it but gosh its hard sometimes..Since I met the "little darling" a year ago I have only spent time with him on about five different occasions (each for only about three- five hours. BECAUSE I CANNOT STAND HIM!
Before I continue let me expalin that while I don't have my own children yet (I'm 28) I have always worked with children and have a very extensive list of practical expereince with children (namely being a nanny while in college). But wait there's more...I also have an extensive academic background regarding children as well. I have my BA in Psychology (emphases on children) and my MA in child development!!! I know and love kids, generally speaking!I also know many things about their behavior and how to control them in an appropriate and successful way.
Now back to my situation. The boy is basically the product of poor parenting. Now I'm not saying that his parents haven't tried their best because I believe they have but its not enough. I also beleive that both of his parents feel guilty for the situation he is in (50% cutody) he is always going back and forth. While I know that its not his fault that he is a brat it is also not my fault! It is very hard for me to be around him as I have very high standards for children and their behavior and he falls very short! His manners are appaling especially when it comes to eating its as if he has spent his life eating with animals. The words "please" and "thank you" don't appear to be a part of his vocabulary either. He is also an attention seeking whiny brat (obviously this works for his parents). He has had behavioral problems at school (biting and being physically aggressive)last year in kindergarten and his parents blamed the school, the teachers, and the other kids never their darling perfect angel. At a birthday party the kid got mad at his mom and slapped her in the face in front of everyone, did she dicipline him? no way she called my boyfriend so he could talk to the brat and tell him to stop. FAIL!!!
At first my boyfriend was very sensitive to any of my suggestions and would tell me "your not a parent so you don't know" that drove me nuts as I know more about kids than most parents. Anyway over time and after talking to teachers, doctors and other parents he has come to realize that alas I do know what I am talking about and he realizes that perhaps he hasn't been doing things as well as he thought. Its a sore subject for us so we very rarely discuss his child, my boyfriend knows how I feel about him I have told him that his son "isn't that great" and he respects my feelings. I have told him why and he has tried very hard to address those issues and I am so thankful for that. I have told him that I will always treat his son with respect as long as he treats me the same way. Other then that I don't care. I am fine with this type of relationship but my boyfriend seems to want more from me, he doesn't get that his son is not mine and I don't want to be responsible for his child's outcome. With time my boyfriend has been more understanding and accepting of my feelings as he knows I would never let his son know how I really feel for him (or about his dead beat BM). And that has been a relief as I refuse to lie to my boyfriend and tell him I love his son when I don't and don't see that happening. I hope that with time he will grow on me but if he doesn't I'm fine with that I just wish my boyfriend would realize that that's not that bad. I can be around his son with no problem but my boyfriend knows its not my favorite thing to do. Oh well I love my boyfriend and his son is just part of the package.
If anyone has any suggestions for how to be around a kid you loath and make it more bearable please let me know. I'm great at hiding my feelings from children I just wish there was a way to numb myself around that kid so it would be easier. Thinking about moving in with my boyfriend scares me as then I would have to deal with his son on a regular basis which I could do I just don't think we are there yet. Also should I tell my boyfriend that I can't stand his son (as I have in the past) or should I just keep my venting to myself? I don't want to hurt my boyfriends feelings but I don't want to lie either. I know as a parent he thinks his son is great but I am not required to feel that way!
Going on two years!
Going on two years!
I have heard of that book and
I have heard of that book and will have to check it out! I have read some other books that were helpful I also like the idea of my boyfriend reading them too, I think I'll try that too!
You can only control you. You
You can only control you. You should know this. Your BF has 50% custody of the child. So, he is at least 50% responsible for how this child is. You cannot stand this child, and cannot be around him for more than a few hours at a time.
YET YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH THIS CHILD FOR HALF OF YOUR LIFE. Put your MA to use here. Does this arrangement make sense to you?
Do you think you will be able to make BF "see the light" and become a different parent? (If that answer is YES, then you are in for a BIIIIIG surprise!)
How long have you and BF been together? And why have you chosen to be with a man whose young child you loathe? That kid is going nowhere and will be in your life for a very long time to come.
SMH. I just don't get this. You've set yourself up to be unhappy in this position. Why?
PS: My skids didn't turn into absolute shits until shortly before our wedding. It only gets worse.
I have asked myself all of
I have asked myself all of your questions and I have answers for some. It's not that I can't spend more time with him so much as I choose not to. Over the past several months my boyfriend has worked with his son on his manners and poor behaviors and he is much easier to be around these days.
No I don't expect my boyfriend to change his ideas about his son nor would I want that I just want to be able to be honest with him. My boyfriend is amazing and he would be a great husband and father. I dated him despite his kid mostly because I fell in love with him before I ever met the kid and I do believe that things could get better but I know that they might not...
Oh my gosh thank you! And I
Oh my gosh thank you! And I am totally aware (I think) of how hard this journey could be but my boyfriend is amazing and really does put me first and listen to my concerns. I think you are right about keeping my comments to myself I think I will just express my concerns in a constructive way if I feel it is necessary because I really don't want to hurt my boyfriends feelings. I know I can tolerate the kid and my boyfriend doesn't think his son is "perfect" by any means but I do believe his guilt over the kids situation leads him to turn his back on certain behaviors. I also think my boyfriend is sort of lazy when it comes to his son. He literally has told me that he prefers to "pick his battles" when it comes to his son's poor behavior and I'm like that's fine but I'll pick and win them all when it comes to being respectful. And I have corrected the kid on many things and have made it clear that those rules may only apply to me for instance "if you'd like my helo you need to ask me nicely otherwise I cannot do anything for you" and he responds well to that.
Listen to
Listen to PutaFork!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen, listen. listen! Don't think....just listen!
Stop blowing through the stop sings, you're going to end up injured and hurt.....once you and your BF are past the "amazing phase" when the kid starts causing much more serious issues, you are going to say, "Why the hell didn't I listen and RUN RUN RUN when I had the chance?"
Not to be dramatic, but seriously, that child will be in his life FOREVER. They don't actually turn 18 and magically disappear.
If this seems harsh, please just know I once had an amazing BF, too, and a "disrespectful" (to put it nicely) SS. I blew through every dayum stop sign, warning sign and barricade there was and thought I made it through. Now, I'm married to that not-so-amazing father of the SS and have to send him to stay at my MIL's EOW.
I figured my education degree, love for kids, and for the most part, calm and rational mind would solve and get through it all.
Now, I'm just figuring out day by day how to avoid any more damage to myself and have to make sacrifices to remain married.
I know my life MIGHT be different than yours, and you MIGHT be better able to deal with what's coming, but trust me when I tell you, picking battles stops being a matter of choice when the kid comes armed with a f***ed up upbringing and mind!
True! I appreciate your
True! I appreciate your honesty and I really have thought about such things I just really feel like my boyfriend is the one. Obviously I don't know what the future holds but I can't see breaking it off because of that kid! I don't think that would be fair to my boyfriend or myself...
Love him... you keep saying
Love him... you keep saying it wouldn't be fair to you or BF. What about what is fair for this SMALL child?? A Master's in Education clearly hasn't taught you that being a selfish adult up against an innocent child is a BAD thing. Sometimes, it just isn't all about you and what you want. I think it would be terrible for this child AND your relationship to move in. Simple as that.
Perhaps this forum isn't for
Perhaps this forum isn't for you with those types of comments. I am not a selfish person in any way! I posted on here to vent and get advice not for some bitter person to make snide comments and false assumptions.
EXCUSE ME?!? You've been here
You've been here as of today, and *I* don't belong here? LOL.
My advice stands. You have written that you don't think ending the relationship is fair to the ADULTS. No mention of young child. You're still in the "amazing" throes of a fairly new relationship. Just wait. When reality hits, it hits HARD. And *you* will end up being the bad guy.
Agree! You are NOT selfish.
Agree! You are NOT selfish. You are a person who has feelings and needs to vent, not to mention you are a person who obviously invested a lot into yourself with your own education & experience. Because of that, it does make it harder to give up any of your hard work, education, & experience by having to "stoop" to dealing with a situation that feels less deserving that what you've earned. Plus, feeling like you're being taken advantage of by an unruly skid.
In my opinion, it's worse when the skid spends equal or shared time with both parents. It really confuses them as to rules, expectations & identity. Plus, they learn to manipulate whichever household they happen to be at the time.
love him- don't listen to
love him- don't listen to stick a fork, she almost always judges people based on what they post....I don't feel you are selfish just because you can't love your BF's child.I personally wouldn't move in until things have improved even far more and then you need to clarify clear rules before you do so.I still struggle emotionally having SD 7, but at least SO worked very hard to implement rules and respect, so I can enjoy my life and feel better when she is there.Sometimes it is also the fact that stepfamilies are so difficult to live in.If I were you I wouldn't risk it yet, but don't feel bad about yourself!
Of course she judges people
Of course she judges people by what they post! Everyone does.
OP, you have seen this child a total of five times across a year's time. Yet you have formed such a strong negative opinion of him. I think it is less the child and more about what the child represents: the forever connection of your boyfriend to another woman, the reality that you will never be the one and only in his life, that this small child is his responsibility first.
With a MA in Child Development, you should know how damaging your negativity will be to that child if you live with him 50% of the time.
Thank you for the support
Thank you for the support that is helpful! This whole situation is tough and I am just trying to do the best I can because I do know my guy is worth the effort. But I for sure think we need to really work on and establish some ground rules now! I really appreciate your constructive criticism and the heads up about stick-a-fork!
I guess you'll have to learn
I guess you'll have to learn the hard way like I did. I have written about it on here before, but in case you don't know, I tried to be a strong, caring, loving SM to my SS(4). Just when we had a "breakthrough", he fell off of his bike (that I had my husband buy him the night before). His father, so scared of the BM asks the kid what he will tell mommy happened. The child says that I'm mean, I hit him and that he's telling his mommy.
In all my dramatizations about the worst that could happen in this situation, I never once thought up him saying something as crazy and psychotic as that.
You have a lot more signs than I did.
The first time I met the kid, he smacked his mom in the face, smacked his dad, got mad because he couldn't have four apples and started hurling them down the steps....he was "asked' by mom to sit in time out, but decided she was the one that needed punishment and smacked her in the face! That was my sign, but I ignored it. He was never that "insane" when we had him...He mostly ignored me when I talked to him, or was just down right rude; to which I brushed off as an adjustment period. He hit my son who was 16 at the time, and I sternly told him, "We never ever hit people"....never had trouble again with hitting. He did tell us once his mom told him not to talk to me, again another sign, but....adjustment period and all..I just had to hang in there and get through it!!!!!...why, because I love his "Amazing" daddy, of course!
The signs are all there telling you there's danger ahead, but like me, you will wait for the train wreck I guess!...although, I'm happy to say that because of the support I got here, I realized quick to keep the kid away from me FOREVER.
I completely get where you're
I completely get where you're coming from. Many many times, I have asked myself, Why the fk do I have to do X because of SD? I can understand how you would be frustrated already that you can't make a simple adult decision to move in with your BF just because of a previous relationship. Believe me, these types of situations will continue to be a problem and will cause resentment.
I've even found myself resentful that a lot of our retirement money will be spent first on SD. It's maddening to think you are required to put another woman's child before your relationship with SO. I'm telling you, it doesn't really get easier, BUT, the good news is, you do sort of start to get used to it. Unfortunately, you start to lower your own expectations (which I think is sad in my case) and you start to sort of accept your position.
If I could offer any advice, I'd say get the hell away from the potential madness and misery of the stepparenting life. If you're like me and you still insist on staying with BF, I highly recommend disengaging as much as possible and don't let too many things get to you. Every time you're annoyed, just tell yourself I DON'T CARE. Or, Not my Kid. Not my Problem. Or, Thank God that's not MY kid!
It's tough as hell but it can work if BF is really the only one you want to be with. Otherwise, find someone else who has NO kids (please!)
Oh my gosh you sound so
Oh my gosh you sound so similar to me. Over the last several months those sentences have been my mantra especially "He's not my kid so I don't care" and it has helped because otherwise I would go absolutely insane because I have so much to say. I definetly am mature enough to admit to feeling resentment and that makes me kind of uneasy since I know he is just a darn braty kid who didn't choose his parents but it is SO HARD AND OVERWELMING sometimes. Thankfully my boyfriend is very understanding of this and doesn't push his son on me (which he did at first and made me want to run away).
That's what I'm afraid of
That's what I'm afraid of that they will get worse. However things have changed and the kid has been behaving much better around me and at school due to my suggestions to my boyfriend and as long as that continues I have hope things don't get worse!
RUN. That's the best advise
RUN. That's the best advise I can give you.
If you marry this guy you think you will gain some position of authority to raise the kid. Wrong - step-parents are powerless. You'll have the kid half the time which means what the father doesn't undo because he "picks his fights" the mother will undo just being the person she already is. Plus she'll be screaming at you to leave HER kid alone. And 'picks his fights' won't be fighting his ex on your behalf I assure you.
You think you can change the father but men never change. He was and always will be a lazy father who by and large will let the kid do what he wants and if that means over-ruling you then that's what he will do. You think you've felt frustration? Just wait.
You've found "the one" but you've lowered your standards to marry a guy who can't do the one thing you based your life upon. Woman there are a million men out there who because of their education and career have waited until now to have children. They are looking frantically for a women just like you who was smart enough to wait also. Find a man without children.
Speaking of which if you do, despite all the advise you've asked for and faught against here, decide to marry this guy DO NOT DO NOT have children with him for a year. After that I won't have to tell you to postpone children because you will become disgusted with the futility of the situation and will double up your birth control methods. Or be crossing your legs and filing for divorce.
As a child psychologist or whatever title you've assumed you'll find this the most frustrating losing situation you'll ever find. "Doctor heal theyself" the saying goes and you will find yourself telling parents to do things you cannot even do in your own home.
Please do not do this. Please. Don't.
AMEN OrangeCountyCA!
AMEN OrangeCountyCA! HALLELUJAH! You've just taken us to church with that comment!!!! Everything I meant to say you've said the right way!!!!
Fantastic post. I wish I
Fantastic post. I wish I would have fallen in love with a man with no kids or grown kids.
Unfortunately, when they're
Unfortunately, when they're grown, the problems don't go away.
SAF, I'm afraid to ask but
SAF, I'm afraid to ask but what new problems do I have to look forward to when skid is grown? Do you mean I'm counting down the days to SD's 18th birthday for NOTHING?!
It never fucking ends, and I
It never fucking ends, and I don't have grandchildren yet.
I fancy it will get WAAAY worse then.
Money. Oh, the money!! If it's not one step, it's the other. So, DH finally cut the little assholes off, and blamo! we are in court with BM. Our most recent was the judgment for DH to pay for SD's birth control and body massages...AFTER she was 18 and out of high school.
Don't get me wrong... it's WONDERFUL not to write that damn check every month. I had a little private party because BM had to vacate her big 4 bed home and move into a tiny 2 bed condo. }:)
I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME understand how DH keeps getting ordered to pay like he is. They are 20 and 24, respectively, and the CO didn't expand past the standard 18 and graduated!
Oh, and the steps treat DH like shit. All the time. They pull him in with their "oh, daddy, we miss you" act and them BAM! stomp on him like he's a bug. I told my DH (when I wasn't being very nice) that I'd kill myself if my kids turn out like his.
Then, there's the family stuff... BM and my ILs are super close, so holidays and family days *must* include BM. Fuck no. I'm too old for this shit. So then allll the drama about how DH is picking his wife over his "kids" starts...
Sorry, I got going... deep breath.
If that chick is grown enough
If that chick is grown enough to spread her legs, she should be grown enough to take herself to Planned Parenthood OR have the dude she's laying with get some birth control!!!!!
Sorry, I know there was more to it than this, but that just stuck out like as a huge WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit that's a lot of
Holy shit that's a lot of crazy stuff I never thought of. Why the hell does DH have to pay for a 20 & 24 yo? Is he doing it out of the "kindness of his heart" or can he be legally forced to do that?
I heard some COs force you to pay 1/2 the "child's" college tuition. How can that be true when kids of non-divorced parents can't "force" a parent to pay for their college? I know my dad didn't!
Oh, no, the "out of the
Oh, no, the "out of the kindness of his heart" ended about 2 years ago.
Since then, it's been court after court. GRRRRR.
Bada-bingo!!! Go, OCC!
Bada-bingo!!! Go, OCC!
I know this all seems tough
I know this all seems tough and mean and we don't understand how 'amazing' and how much in love you are. But we KNOW because we have BEEN there.
The 'amazing'... will it last when he is sleeping next to his little boy because he is suddenly scared of the dark? Will it last when the boy changes his mind from week to week over what food he likes or dislikes and only dislikes the food the way you cook it? Will it last when you get pregnant and have a child of your own and this boy decides to use your baby as a football? Seriously, these are all scenarios I have read here.
Also your BF wants you to 'wait' to move in until YOU get along better with his son. Well he has a point. You don't get along with him because the way he is raised goes counter productive to everything you believe. Wouldn't you call that 'settling'? So you have to amend your standards and expectations to accomodate this boy (who is only the product of his environment) and he does nothing? Oh excuse me, he expects pleases and thank yous. Big deal. My 11 mth old grandson says 'Ta' to me when he wants something.
I wonder how your BF would react if his precious slapped you across the face and spat at you? Or bit you? Or screamed abuse and obscenities at you? Or keyed your car to prove how much he hates you? The free range raising of kids is well and good as long as they keep their 'experiments' a long way from me and I don't have to endorse the programme.
If I were you and I really wanted to move ahead with this relationship I would maintain my own apartment and slowly up the ante with the child. There is no rush to move in and it isn't compulsary. And maintaining your own front door may just give you the escape route you need. No one says you have to love the boy but you have to accept him and tolerate him. And never complain again because you have been warned!
Thank you for your advice! I
Thank you for your advice! I have no intentions of moving in with him anytime soon and I wouldn't unless it was right for all of us!
You say things are getting
You say things are getting better.
The father is starting to parent more and the child is responding, his manners are improving etc.
So I guess it's time to up the ante a little, try spending a full weekend with your partner and his son (at partners house) See how that goes for a few months.
If you can't take it then you know this situation is not for you. If things are improving and your finding the child more tolerable, spending greater periods with him should be easier.
Just for the record. Agree with pretty much everything that has been said.
This is a HARD HARD road you are contemplating. This kid could go either way.
Not going to tell you to run (hell I didn't LOL) but take it very slowly. Build up your tolerance
You may never like let alone love that child. I am just starting to tolerate my skids now (we've been living together almost a year now) And it has been SO much harder than I ever anticipated. and WE thought we had anticipated bad. We thought we were prepared. We read books, we talked about everything under the sun.
The reality is FAR different than anything we anticipated. In our "this love we share is so amazing" bubble.
Our love still is amazing. He is still the love of my life, and me his. That, sometimes, is the only thing that gets us through. After we scream and yell and fight and cry, we hold each other and remind each other that we DO love each other.