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The word Daddyyyyyy

byebyebirdie's picture

At what age does this stop? sd 12 always uses word daddyyyy. I don't remember ever calling mt dad daddyyyy growing up if I did if must of been at a time before I can remember but certainly not doing at 12 ..... I thought I might start saying to SD" go give this to your daddyyyy " or "wheres your dadddyyy" in hopes they both relize how dumb it sounds to use that word constantly when referring to her dad.

valerie10411's picture

I agree it can be very annoying. Especially in that terrible whiney voice! Ugh!!

byebyebirdie's picture

i been polling a few people and girls that live with their fathers do not refer to him as daddyyyyy and they thinks its crazy too for any girl above 6 to use that word. it seems to be only the ones that just visit their fathers that use the word on regular basis. not that it makes it anyless annoying since it just sounds stupid coming out of the mouth of anyone above 6 and still needs to stop. what really gets me is why the dad just does not say something and don't correct the behavior. once and a while my DH will say something but he is not consistant about telling her she sounds like a baby. next time i hear the word come out of her month which will be tonight i am sure since she comes over i might have to say something....if she was my kid i know i would say stop it you sound like a baby! that has to be the worse thing about being step parent you can't ever say anything with out sounding bad.... this is why i no longer compliment SD either i figure if i can't say what i dont like i will not say what i like...