Should i be worried?
:? So... my SO can't really stand his ex wife also the mother of his daughter 10. They have been divorced for 8a years and the BM has been in the picture when I got engaged. So for almost 2 years. We married now. SO has custody of daughter so... but when BM calls daughter she will ask to speak with dad. Sometimes my SO wont talk to her b/c he just don't want to deal with her or hear some stupid petty question. BM usually calls or text daughter when she wants her over which is every weekend but we don't allow daughter to go every weekend. She goes every other weekend.
When SO does speak with BM i've noticed he speaks to her quietly. Like a whisper to me. He'll speak regular to anyone else. Including his mom and brother. He speaks to where I really don't have to try and eaves drop. I don't eaves drop on his convo but I can hear most of them. Except BM's. If in the car... he speaks low and at home... its low! He'll walk off sometimes. If i'm in the living room he'll go to kitchen (sometimes) and speak low. I can't hear Shit! Even sitting beside him on the couch and she calls, I can't hear! Not that I try to but I do now since I can't hear nothing. Don't get me wrong. I trust my husband. We keep everything real. I don't believe he is cheating but shouldn't he stop talking low to her?
(Sorry so long) I just feel that if my sons BD called and I spoke to him softly and low all the time then my SO would think I was being seductive or something. And then after the convo, not tell my husband what it was about? Just talk about something else? My husband does that. After the phone call he'll give daughter phone bck and talk about what we were previously talking about or something else. Don't I deserve what the convo was about between him and ex wife who by the way every month says she needs help with car in our driveway before leaving with daughter or asks a dumb question something so simple like " Do you know how much a Hershey bar is?" My SO don't go and help her. We'll watch her in the window and question each other how long we think she gonna stay out in the yard trying to fix the car.. lol but that low talking....? Should I tell him speak where I can hear him and let me in on the convo? Why speak so low??? Any advice? Anything? Thanks in advance.
This would suck, attach a
This would suck, attach a microphone , so his voice will scream out loudly!!!
I Hate talking on the phone
I Hate talking on the phone in front of DH or even if he's in the Next room. It doesn't matter who calls me, I will go to a whole other floor of the house. Why? Because he interrupts, he tries to "add" to the conversation, he insists I tell people things, he tries to answer questions he's inferred from my side of the conversation. Basically, his phone etiquette SUCKS and it annoys the Piss out of me. I do however, come back and tell him "Oh, it was X, we were just catching up about...." I'm not trying to hide anything from him, I'm just trying to prevent a fight.
I would just Ask. "So what did BM want?/What's the news?/etc" if you want to know. I wouldn't get suspicious until he started not answering my questions. Or ask him if he realizes he talks to her that way (maybe it's a reminder to stay calm?) and why?
GcYea I don't like chatting
GcYea I don't like chatting on phone in front of him either I agree. But BM is the only one he talks to so quiet. All other phone calls are regular. He talks normal. Regular convo. Its just with her. I'm not jealous of BM she is a drug addict. And when she does something wrong with SO talks to her loud enough where everyone can hear. Lol. So I just don't get. I ask sometimes of the convo they have but I just feel he shouldn't whisper or talk so low. Idk... I think its inappropriate maybe? But again I trust my man. Idk... guess i'll confront him about it and just ask why he does. Lol thank u all for the suggestions. I love this site. U all are so real and understanding! I thought I was alone!