My Husband and Teenage Son Seem to Hate Each Other
My husband and I have been together for 10 years now. My oldest three children are from a previous marriage. For the past year or so, life has been miserable with my husband and my 13 year old son. It seems like my husband expects him to be perfect and emotionless. He never greets him with small talk like "good morning" or "how was your day". It's "GET UP" or "get your crap out of the living room". My son has become increasingly hostile toward my husband, switching back and forth between acting like a victim and talking back and being disrespectful. He seems so lost and alone sometimes it scares me. My husband seems to look for things to harp on my son about, and my son resents it. I'm torn, because I don't believe there is any excuse for a child to be disrespectful to a parent, but on the other hand, there's not really a reason for my husband to be so disrespectful to my son. I understand yelling at kids. It happens. I do it. What I don't understand is going out of your way to make a kid feel bad. I want so badly to present a unified front with my husband, but I find it difficult because I don't believe he's right. They have moments when they talk, my husband tells my son he loves him, but those are getting fewer and farther between. I agree with the sentiment of what my husband says, but not in the way he says it. Yes, my son needs to keep his room presentable. If he doesn't, there should be consequences. End of story. Instead, it turns into a 15 minute rant about how "G** D*** irresponsible and selfish" my son is. It doesn't end there. It will be referenced for the rest of the night, and for the next day or so until my husband can find something else to yell at him about. My son feels like my husband hates him, and I completely understand that. My husband swears that he doesn't, yet won't change his behavior. We've talked about it at length. My husband feels that either I'm insane and he's NOT mean to my son, or that he's completely justified to treat my son the way he does because of his back-talk. I find it hard to be as hard on my son as I should be in some circumstances, and my son absolutely manipulates that to his advantage. I'm torn, and I hate it. I do feel that my husband has valid points but CANNOT support the way he expresses them. I hold him responsible, because HE is the adult. There should never be a 30 minute argument with a 13 year old, but they both have to have the last word. Basically, it's like having 2 teenagers that hate each other in the house, and it's tearing the rest of us apart. My husband is also disrespectful to me in front of the kids, criticizing my parenting skills (apparently I let them walk all over me, which is a joke as anyone who knows me could tell you) or telling me to shut up or go to hell. I feel like my marriage is crumbling, and I know if I have to choose it won't be him. He knows that too, which may be part of the problem. I'm not innocent in all of this. I have so much hatred and resentment toward him when these situations arise that I'm sure he knows it. I openly defend my son, and I KNOW that that is detrimental to the whole situation. It's just a mess, and I don't know how to fix it. I feel like I've really just scratched the tip of the iceberg here. There are just too many undercurrents and feelings to put here. I fear for my son's well-being. I fear for my marriage. I fear for my other childrens' well-being. I know we all need counseling, and my husband refuses to go. Does anyone out there have any advice? Please help.
Has your husband always been
Has your husband always been this way, or is it a recent thing?
mom I was and I stress WAS in
mom I was and I stress WAS in a similar situation and posted on ST. I have attached a link to that post. Please take all of the comments to heart and stand strong. The most important thing in Step families is respect from ALL sides![Smile](
I have been searching for
I have been searching for answers to ALL of the same challenges you are having. I would have thought I wrote this post aside from some of the logistics. I am going through the same stuff with my H and son, and have been for quite some time now. We have had talks (initiated by me) and he says he will change, but it keeps on. He says sweet nothing to my son unless it is a request of him, or a complaint of some kind. He continually focuses on the negative, and I know my son is not innocent, but as you said, we should expect it to come from the adult to be the adult. I am so completely at odds at what to do, and my son has said he wants to live with his dad full-time because he can't stand how my husband treats him. The only advice I can give you, is to continue to protect and stand up for your son if your H is being abusive verbally or emotionally, and be very clear you are not okay with this treatment of your son. Seek counselling, do whatever you can to change the situation- and if nothing changes, I believe our children should come before a relationship- that is my honest opinion, it is our job to protect our children mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally wherever possible. Home is where a child should feel safe, loved and respected. I feel for you, big time. Best luck to you and your family.
Im not surprised you feel
Im not surprised you feel resentful towards your husband, I would too, if he made more effort with your son, he would too, its not easy being a 13 year old boy, hes not a child and not a man yet, a bit of guidance from your husband would help him no end.
Barking at a child never works, a big shake up is required here, you all need a fresh start, sit down with hubby and tell him that things cannot continue as they are, this feud is effecting the whole family, I know that you are scared for your marridge, but you have to do something that will make your husband sit up and listen, he needs to know that his behaviour could damage your son, as well as others in the household, surely he must not want to upset you all the time?
If he has a problem with your son he could verbalise it so much better, please could you pick up your things from the lounge, it's really quite easy, your husband needs to respect your son and in time your son will respect your husband, this situation is so sad, so it must change asap, if your husband loves you he should listen and consider what you have to say, if he can't make the effort to do that, then is he worth it?
Sounds like your husband has
Sounds like your husband has a lot of built-up resentment for your stepson...and it's reached the point where it's out of hand. It's his fault that he's let himself get to the point of acting hostile, but that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it. If there's any way you can let him take some time away from the stepkids on a regular basis, it would help. I'm a stepmom, and sometimes I have to say "I need a break." If i go off an let my SS have alone time with his dad on a regular basis, I feel recharged, SS feels grateful to me for recognizing his needs, and the tension abates for everyone. Hope that helps!
I am actually a stepfather to
I am actually a stepfather to a 15 yr old. we don't see eye to eye sometimes due to my upbringing vs. his mothers upbringing. even though I've known ss15 since he was 4 I've seen him grow as a human and person but not as much as an adult which I can say I don't like. I have punished him by taking his games/computer/tv away but ended up going over it till the next day. I know I was wrong many times punishing him which was due to my feeling like I had no way to teach him what was right. Mom teaches him that he has the freedom to make decisions as he sees fit even if it upsets me. I am trying to only have happy conversations with him and I'm not allowed to punish him. his bm will do that. I think I am feeling resentment from not being able to teach/guide him. maybe this is a direction for those who have their new spouse being like me. I don't hate ss15 and do tell him I love him. He just chooses to not want to help either his mom or me with ANYTHING. I understand how the BM feels and how the sf feels. I am just starting with my new routine.
Did this resolve?
Did this resolve and if it did, how? I'm going through this exact thing now. *sad*