Boyfriends 10 yr old daughter wants to know when we have sex! She questions me all the time and tries to play gooseberry !
How do I 'side step' all of this ?? It's driving me mad! She questions me about 'why I have changed my top' or 'why were you naked in bed' - she isn't stupid and knows we are obviously having sex but why should I be questioned like a naughty teenager?!!! I want to tell her to get lost and that it's none of her business but I don't want to hurt her feelings, but why should I have to justify everything I/we do to her?!!!
Do not justify. Simply answer
Do not justify.
Simply answer with
"That question is inappropriate."
If she asks what inappropriate means, hand her a dictionary.
Thanks - I don't want to
Thanks - I don't want to upset her but it's a bit much having to justify why I might have 'changed my top' and 'did you have sex last night' questions are out of order. ....
Good answer!
Good answer!
Very good answer
Very good answer
The OP is having sex with the
The OP is having sex with the child's father in a room with a door that doesn't close properly. They are aware that the kids peek in the room & watch them have sex. They are aware that the kids come & climb in bed with them & dad dresses in boxers & OP in whatever.
Yes. This creates a situation where kids will have questions. It IS OP's & her bf's faults.
If they want their sex life to be private, they need to make & keep it private.
It's as simple as a lock on the friggin' door!
The child does need to learn that the conversation is inappropriate, but the OP & bf need to realize that their behavior is also inappropriate, & likely add to the drive behind the questions! You can't put it out there & then shame a 10-year old kid for asking about what they see.
Seriously?!? My first thought
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
My first thought was how does the kid know she's in bed naked???
This is exactly what I was
This is exactly what I was thinking. Yes, what the child was asking is inappropriate, however how does she know you are naked in bed? My fiancee and I have sex when his kids are here, but they are either preoccupied and we lock the bedroom door and are very quiet about it.
"That's none of your
"That's none of your business" every time she asks anything that #1 none of her business, #2 inappropriate, #3 obsessive attention seeking questions. I use it with a 5 and 6 year olds who love to follow my kids and I around asking "what are you doing?" (cooking, cleaning, reading, on the computer, getting dressed, in the bathroom etc) over and over and over just because and they aren't stupid just annoying or nosy the amount of times I've had to say it when they are here has dropped dramatically.
Ohh my goodness - please
Ohh my goodness - please don't think that we DON'T keep it private because we do!
They 'peak' round the door in the middle of the night!
We are ALWAYS quiet, discreet and never, ever when the kids are either there or awake....
we are NOT exposing things to her - she is a very, very mature ten year old and hangs around with girls that are 12 and 13 and they are always talking about sex. She has already asked me 'are you and daddy going to have a baby' and questions like that. I WILL NOT go into detail of course but have assured her that we do not want to have a baby and that it's our private business - but she still sits there with her arms crossed firing questions at me.... I know she is just being protective of her daddy but I don't even discuss my sex life with my friends (and never have done) let alone with my boyfriends daughter.....
I want to find a way of stopping her asking these very intrusive questions...
1) we are ALWAYS quiet as I
1) we are ALWAYS quiet as I said before
2) the door does not shut properly - obviously this is an issue that we need to address
3) The first thing they do when they open their eyes in the morning (not matter what time it is) - is come and see what daddy and his girlfriend are doing...... we hear them obviously and are normally asleep anyway. NOTHING is exposed to the children.
4) not forgetting that I am the only women they have seen with daddy since their mother died nearly 3 years ago....
5) I think the eldest one is slightly jealous but I don't know how to deal with this.
6) I always give the girls plenty of 'father/daughter' time and they have lots of cuddles etc from us both. They are by no means 'left out' of the affection but I still don't think it's appropriate to be asked about my sex life.
It's awful that their mom
It's awful that their mom died but it doesn't give them the license to act however they want and ask inappropriate questions. Get over the "walking on eggshells" and tell them that it is none of their business! Fix that door TODAY.
Of course it is inappropriate and you need to tell them so. No explanations, just "It's none of your business and don't ask again."
both are correct. boundaries
both are correct. boundaries need to be put in place AND the door needs to be fixed or as scubbed said something holding it shut!
Not good, but I have to say,
Not good, but I have to say, if he was my ex and he couldn't get a lock for the door, my son would not be visiting. Believe me I know it's difficult, heck, we lived in a rental for 5 mos without a darn door on our bedroom! We just did without...simple, huh? I know...not everyone is like my husband and I, but although I think it's inappropiate for her to be asking such questions, I think it's also innappropiate if you don't have a lock on your door to be sleeping naked or doing anything at all...I can't see how hard getting a door would be. But again, my son would not be spending a single minute of the day with his father if he couldn't lock his bedroom door.
Their mother is dead so where
Their mother is dead so where are the children going to go?
To the MIL's house. She's
To the MIL's house. She's very involved with the girls.
LMAO - that is quite funny -
LMAO - that is quite funny - my skids BM actually informed SO that we are to leave our bedroom door open when her kids are here!!!
He laughed at her and said NO that won't be happening!
We have had to train his kids though to KNOCK if the door is shut - and whether it's shut or open you WAIT to be invited in.
If we want to have sex and any kids are still awake we put something in front of the door.
Tell her very firmly next time that her questions are inappropriate, and that you will not answer them and that if she continues to ask their will be consequences. If she persists then follow through.
They have been used to being
They have been used to being able to get into bed and have huggles with daddy anytime they have wanted over the past almost 3 years because they have wanted comforting when they have been 'blue' and missing mummy. They have clung to him as he has had to play mummy and daddy all in one role since she died. They are just not used to seeing their daddy being affectionate with anyone else apart from mummy (the girls are 10 and 5)
I think you are judging me through your own fears
She's not judging you. Many
She's not judging you. Many parents (and MILs) share her feelings on this.
Dad has no excuse for not fixing the door yet. Hell, he could have had MIL call a repair man to take care of it if he's too busy.
If he'is OK with his girls jumping into bis bed,then sleeping naked isn't an option.
I repeat - we DO NOT SLEEP
I repeat - we DO NOT SLEEP NAKED....
If your door doesn't shut
If your door doesn't shut properly, get it fixed. Until you get it fixed, have sex in the bathroom or in another room where the door does shut properly...& lock.
It's healthy for the kids to see some affection...hand-holding, hugs, quick kisses. I don't think that's wrong & it shows them what's invovled in a healthy relationship.
They should not be exposed to your sex life...any of it. By not closing (properly) your door you are allowing them to be exposed to that. They should not know you sleep naked in bed. They have no business coming into your room in the morning, & if you had a lock on your door, they wouldn't.
My guess is that they were not exposed to seeing mommy & daddy having sex & sleeping naked the way they see you & daddy, so my guess is that THAT is why she asks questions.
Her questions aren't to be protective of daddy. They are intrusive inappropriate questions that are none of her business & she needs to be told so. Of course, she's asking inappropriate questions about inapporpriate things she's seen, so you can hardly blame her. Even with that, it needs to be clear that what happens in the bedroom is private, & YOU & YOUR BF need to keep it so.
I agree with herewegoagain-
I agree with herewegoagain-
if you know that SD has this fixation, and you know that they get up at night to "peak" around the door at night to watch you...... Why on earth have you not gotten a latch for your door?
If you know they come into the bedroom to coddle with daddy at all hours of the night/morning....... Why do you continue to sleep naked?
If SD is noticing that your shirt is being changed midday, that implies that you are having sex midday while the kids are home in a room that the door doesn't close..... Why?
You know her 13 yr old friends are discussing innappropiate things with her...... Why is she still allowed to be around those girls?
Get a dang lock for your door ( a hook and eye-bolt latch is $2 at the hardware store for christened sake), and firmly tell this kid its kind of her business... If she continues send her to her room.
We don't sleep naked! But
We don't sleep naked! But sometimes she has noticed that daddy gets up in a different pair of boxers than he went to bed in! She is THAT observant.
The only time we have had sex in the day is when they have been out to visit family or friends for an hour on a Sunday afternoon. Is that so wrong for us to have some 'adult time' whilst the kids are out!?
yes, we need to be able to shut the door properly I agree..... will sort this out asap.
WTF??? Why does his 10-year
WTF??? Why does his 10-year old daughter know what boxers he's wearing...ever??? Does he not wear pants when she's around?
Blimey - this is getting out
Blimey - this is getting out of hand! He sleeps ontop of the quilt most of the time (hence having to at least wear boxers!) - I sleep underneath it as I get cold and STILL have pjs on.....
The point of my question is how do I 'side step' questions about our sex life from his daughter - not what kind of clothes we wear in bed...
But the clothes you do or
But the clothes you do or don't wear in bed may very well be part of what triggers her questions. That IS part of the point.
She peeks in your room & watches you have sex with nothing on. With the two of you putting that out there for her to see, of course she's going to have questions. If you want your sex life private, keep it private! Shut & lock the door.
You know she's hanging out with a crowd who encourages talk about sex. She's going to come home with questions. If you don't want to answer questions, don't let her hang out with kids who provoke them.
You side step the question by
You side step the question by removing all the inappropriateness that she is being exposed to.
I sometimes forget there are parents out there who behave like this.
If the girl is THAT
If the girl is THAT observant, why does dad continue to walk around in just boxers?
Dad is either clueless or he's about to set you up to be the evil SM. Instead of dealing with the issues, he's turning his head and allowing you to deal with them.
Once you start addressing the issues (changing the rules that have been in place since mom died) you will become the bad guy.
I have kind of a different
I have kind of a different take. I think that sex is natural, it's natural for children to be curious about it, and I wouldn't see her asking about it as a problem. I would answer very matter of factly, yes, your father and I enjoy having sex. Grown people who love each other usually do. Or, I might even simply not answer the question, and say, "why do you ask?" and see what she says.... sometimes, they have a good question, or are wondering something.... my daughter asked me a weird question once, and when I said "why do you ask?" I found out it was because one of her classmates had told her about nosing through her parents bureau and finding a dildo..... or if she's asking you in order to shame or embarass you, that's inappropriate, but if you respond as if you're not ashamed or embarrassed, she'll stop. After all, you shouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed- sex is perfectly natural and healthy, and part of adult relationships.
But, that's because I don't see sex as a taboo thing.
If it bothers you, then by all means, tell her it's inappropriate, and that your private life is off limits for discussion. But, if you're going to make it taboo, then keep it private.... don't do things that make it obvious. Don't be naked in bed, or at least put a lock on the door so she doesn't see you naked. Don't have sex in the middle of the day when the kids are home and awake. Don't allow her to hang out with older kids who are encouraging her fascination with sex, and don't allow her to watch movies with sexual content. Tell her that a person's sex life is private, and it is inappropriate of her to ask questions about it. Then, send her to her room when she does it.
When I was little and tried
When I was little and tried to peak around the door, my dad whooped me. I would try putting something in front of your bedroom door, so it knocks over when someone tries to peak or the door just will not move at all. The dad needs to talk to his children and say they cannot come walking into your room whenever they want and if they do, they will be punished.
By playing gooseberry I mean
By playing gooseberry I mean that she wants to be around us 24/7. She won't go to sleep until gone midnight sometimes on a weekend - and even then she makes excuses that she needs the bathroom etc - just so she can walk past our room. Not only is it embarassing it feels like my every single move is being watched. They have plenty of quality time with their daddy, I make sure they do.... and I do things with them (just us girlies) if they want me too also. It's just that she hates the thought of us 'having sex' so she tries to make sure we can't - even in the middle of the night....
Thank you - I guess I just
Thank you - I guess I just have to be a bit stronger and tell her it's none of her business. We will keep the door shut from now on and if she doesn't like it - TOUGH....
It isn't UPTIGHT. It's
It isn't UPTIGHT. It's APPROPRIATE. Is it appropriate for a woman to traipse around the house in her bra & panties with the kids around? Of course not. Those are things we do behind CLOSED doors, because they are PRIVATE.
Why would it be appropriate for a man to traipse around the house in his underwear? It's intended to be worn UNDER CLOTHES.
Would it be appropriate for the 10-year old to lounge around the house in her panties? We live what we learn. Children learn by example.
You can't address the issue of the questions without addressing the source of them.
I never, ever 'trapse' around
I never, ever 'trapse' around with just my underwear on! I have always either got my pjs on (pajamas!) or am properly dressed. He only wears boxers to bed then gets dressed....
we do not and never will act unappropriately in front of them - or let them hear things. We aren't stupid!
The comment about lounging in
The comment about lounging in boxers was in reply to what SMIH posted about her husband wearing around the house. I should've placed it better.
I'm about as sexually
I'm about as sexually liberated as they come (yay for DH!) and I would never, never allow him to walk around the house in his underwear.
Nor would I. It is about boundaries.
And believe me, I am NOT uptight!
I have just called him (at
I have just called him (at work admittedly) and he agrees - time to shut the bedroom door and make them knock - it's a start I guess.
She threw my bra out - I
She threw my bra out - I accidentally left it in his bedroom - where I keep all my things including my underwear in my weekend bag - It must have fell off the bed when I was getting changed and she found it under/by the side of the bed. I am NOT some fluzzy without any morals!
I remember that post. Pretty
I remember that post. Pretty sure we have identified where the problem stems from - dear old grandma!!!! It is probably out of a combination of loving protection for her grand daughters, protection/grief of her daughter's memory and a fear of being replaced herself. Who knows what she is saying to those poor girls - in the nicest possible way, of course!!!
Either way - you have a formidable opponent here because ANYTHING you do to combat her will set you up as the bad guy and her as the sweet granny. Are you sure this guy is worth it? He very well may be but I would do some major soul searching. The issues we all deal with here are rough but you are going to have an extra layer that most of us do not have.
It's far more conservative to
It's far more conservative to have sex on the couch, in the kitchen, or the living room when children are not home than it is to have sex in a bedroom where the door does not close or lock KNOWING that the kids have learned it's acceptable to peek in & come jump in bed with dad & his gf.
The child DOES need to learn boundaries, but we can't expect them to learn boundaries when the adults don't set them.
1) No need to call me honey.
1) No need to call me honey. We're not that close.
2) I wasn't one of those people.
3) The kids were sleeping in the parents bedroom. At least it was done when the kids were sleeping. Not my thing, but when you don't shut your door knowing the kids come in & watch you have sex, you might as well be on the kitchen table during Christmas dinner.
So don't read it.
So don't read it.
So read it.
So read it.
LOL!! This hit a nerve with
LOL!! This hit a nerve with some people, for sure.
1) we live an hour away from
1) we live an hour away from each other but his job brings him to my City at least once a week - hence he stays with me at least once or twice a week.
2) I go to his every weekend
3) The children don't come to mine during the week as obviously they have school to attend the next day. GM has them overnight (and has done so for the past few years when their dad has had to stay away on business- so there is no change in routine for them during the week - it's just different for them at weekends as they have me there as well now.
Also, hate to break it to
Also, hate to break it to you, but if children are in public schools, they will be hearing about sex at age 10. I would be horrified if my 10 year old didn't know the true facts about sex if they were in public school, because many 10 year olds are very aware of adult sexual behavior. Some kids are sexually active at 10... many are sexually active by 13....
Don't be naive.
LOLOLOLOLOL I think it's
I think it's funny that people think the kids attending private/Catholic schools are sooooo different from the kids in public schools.
My coworker's daughter saw a penis for the first time in a 6th grade classroom in a Catholic school. A group of boys dared him to pull it out and he did.
My son graduated from a Catholic high school. 3 girls in his class were pregnant.
If you're ever unlucky enough to find yourself on a NYC subway or city bus when school gets out, who will hear and see things that from kids (public, private, Catholic and charter schools) that will make your head spin.
I'm not talking about the
I'm not talking about the standard sex ed offered at school. I'm a public school teacher. I'm talking about the education they get from their peers.
By 6th grade, some kids are sexually active, and they talk about their activities. Not most are active , but the ones who are were not raised with appropriate boundaries in the least, so they talk about it. And a kid who goes to public school is very likely to learn about this. My daughter was told about a dildo when she was in 5th grade.... not in sex ed class, but by a girl who had found her mother's, decided to do a show and tell, and included one of my daughter's friends, who told my daughter about it....
And many kids in public school settings come from homes where the adults do all kinds of adult activities openly in their presence.
I think parents should shield their kids and guard their innocence more. But associating changing blouses in the middle of the day with sex may be something she learned at school, not from her home environment.
I just think it's probably
I just think it's probably less about Michelle having done or exposed the child to something inappropriate, and more about a child's natural curiosity....
Explicit songs are on the radio all the time....
"sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me..."
"when it comes to love if it's not rough it isn't fun"
"you make me feel good...."
"---- got the stuff to make your booty go smack"
Not to mention what's on TV....
I was still married to my daughter's father when she was 10.... and she asked me a lot of sexual questions because she heard so much and she knew I would tell her the truth. She would ask, and I'd always say, "why do you want to know?" Usually, her answer would tell me how to answer, and she wasn't looking for the info I would've said if I just started asking.
One time my daughter asked me if her dad and I had sex and when I said "why do you ask?" she said, Because I was wondering if you were gonna have another baby. So I told her we weren't going to have another baby. And she said, so, I guess that means you're not having sex. And then I told her more appropriate ways of wording that question.
Maybe, Michelle, next time just ask her "why do you ask?"..... her answer to that may be very revealing.
Girl, please. The private
Girl, please. The private school kids are WAY more worldly around here. Gossip Girl does not lie.
Then perhaps you should teach
Then perhaps you should teach her not to creep around on other people, then? If she has friends, she will spend some time at their houses, no?
I agree. It's the parent's
I agree. It's the parent's responsibility to parent.
Thank you ! At last! x
Thank you ! At last! x
People aren't attacking her.
People aren't attacking her. She hasn't done anything wrong.
The BF is the problem. He allows the MIL to talk shit about the OP. He allowed MIL to toss her bra out. He keeps telling the OP all the negative things the MIL says. He didn't fix the door prior to having the OP stay over. He hasn't put his MIL or his daughter in their place.
The OP isn't the problem.
You have a very good point.
You have a very good point. Thank you x
The 10 year old daughter is
The 10 year old daughter is going on 20! she has had to 'grow up' quickly when her mother died nearly 3 years ago. She has taken on the role HERSELF of looking after her little sister (5) and 'looking out' for her father...... she is a very, very grown up 10 year old (nearly 11) and doesn't miss a trick!
I can't even muster a lot of
I can't even muster a lot of enthusiasm for this thread other than-
The door needs to be closed, at the very least, and the kid needs to knock.
The kid needs to be told to stop snooping around.
I think that covers it.
I don't get why this has descended into who's house is who's, who is wearing boxer shorts when, presumed nakedness, dogs and cats falling from the sky, and whatever else people want to interject in there.
I agree with MichelleA. I
I agree with MichelleA. I think you guys have completely gotten off-topic and aren't even addressing the issue.
1) Kids do ask inappropriate questions. They are kids. It's what they do. It doesn't mean the adults are EXPOSING them anything. If the daughter is hanging with kids a little older, sex is definitely going to be a topic of discussion.
2) At some point in your life, your kids may actually catch you having sex. It happens to alot of people. Even if there's a lock on your door, there might be a time you forget to lock it. Kids have been catching their parents having sex since the beginning of time and guess what, the kids don't turn out to be mentally scarred adults. Not EVER having sex when kids come over may work for some, but doesn't work for most. To each their own.
3) The boyfriend wearing boxers in THEIR bedroom isn't really a big deal. Some of you need to get over yourselves.
The best way to answer it is just like SASX said. "That question is inappropriate".
^^^^this i've seen sexual
i've seen sexual aspects of my parents. it comes with growing up.
my step-dad is known as "underwear man" @@ rolling eyes. it's a private family joke. we see him walking through the house in his worse than a bathing suit really. and we all make fun of him. and none of us were damaged.
privacy should be respected and expexted. 10 year olds have a tendency to ask a lot of inappropriate questions because their awareness is developing. so is their humor, they say all sorts of inappropriate things.
she needs to be taught and corrected. and your SO should be the one to address many of these issues. but i see nothing wrong with you letting her know gently that that is a private matter between you and her father and she should respect that.
but since she's very snoopy the door should be fixed.
we wait till we know the skids are asleep, we close and lock the door and then we try to be as quiet as possible.
the skids like to crawl in bed with us too. dh is in his underwear and i'm in a t-shirt and underwear. usually if they crawl in i try to pull on some pants, but they don't seem to care at all if i don't.
i think it's normal family stuff.
Michelle, I would simply say
Michelle, I would simply say "nunya". When she asks what that means, say It means nunya business!
On another point, the girls do need boundries, of course, but maybe as a woman in thier lives you could gently begin to teach them about being young ladies. My girls laugh everytime I say "that's not ladylike", it's a joke w/ them, but they DO get the message! Something along the lines of " nice young ladies don't ask questions like that, and I KNOW you're a nice young lady"! Good luck!