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The bitter SM laughs

Jcksjj's picture

I guess BM has been whining that she picked the wrong baby daddy. Usually she's been fairly silent on that subject. At least publicly, I'm sure to whoever she's dating there's tons of sob stories.

The bitter SM in me responded to that info with glee. It makes me happy to know that she hates/regrets having to deal with the situation as much as I/we do. Also, does it reallllly count as picking your baby daddy if you weren't sure which guy out of 3 it was?


JRI's picture

Poor BM.  Lol.   I always enjoyed anything that made our late BM unhappy.   She made enough people unhappy herself.

CLove's picture

Toxic Troll actually still is emotionally attached to DH (hes not attached to her at all, thank goodness).

I wish she would move on...

BUT she does have her guys on the internet keeping her "busy". She hasnt been texting as much.

Jcksjj's picture

I'm not sure about emotional attachment, but I know BMs expectation was that being a BM meant eternal adoration and a slave. 

She started being more of a PIA when she was single again also. She's recently in a relationship, but the guy lives halfway across the country so it probably won't keep her that distracted.

SeeYouNever's picture

I suppose it's easier to regret her "choice" of baby Daddy then regret being a skank.