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Things I hate about the ex wife! Need to vent!

Denys's picture

Im sorry but while I was reading 10 things i hate about my skids I couldn't stop myself to want and put all the things I hate about my fiances ex wife......

1. I hate that you exist
2. The fact that you married him first
3. That you have a kid with him first
4. If you divorce my fiance why you still are so involved with all his family even though you are in another relationship. I hate you so much...move on with your life and let me be
5. I hate how you think that you are soo perfect but in reality youre not thats why you are alone and that guy is going to leave you soon
6. Every time that you call to know where are we, when we are coming and what we are doing using the excuse of your kid
7. I hate how you think you are so perfect but everybody knows how you neglect your son and what a bad mother you are for not taking care of him in the basic things.
8. I hate that you not even on Sundays give us free time you know what you are doing and I hate you for that
9. That you go to church and oh you act so puritan and as soon as you leave you transform into Devil
10. For using your kid to scared everybody and have control in that way
11.For not giving me room with my fiance and always try to find ways to enter in our lives.
12. Every time that you call and everybody has to run just for you....I hate you soo muchh....

I wish you were not part of his life at all and that you never had a kid with him. I HATE YOU!!!!

Milomom's picture

Great post, Denys! Vent away!!

Like your list of 10 things, too, AllMitchell!! You both covered just about everything I hate about BM/exW also.

It may not change things or solve any immediate problems to VENT IT OUT, but it sure helps you feel a little better and less frustrated.

You are not alone. Many of us here feel the exact same way about our BM's.

I personally cannot STAND the way BM here has turned FSD16.5 into an exact replica of herself - talk about mini-BM, she even LOOKS like her in many ways. Imagine that, having to LIVE WITH someone who not only is taught to ACT just like BM (liking the same slutty way of dressing, same music, same attraction to weird-looking, tattooed guys (bad boys), same failing grades (BM was a preggo high school dropout at 16) etc....) but looks like BM, too. We share 50/50 custody of fskids with BM, so FSD lives with me 3-4 days/week, every week.

The only thing that helps me feel better is my "Child Support countdown"...just knowing that EVENTUALLY our BM will be OFF our payroll and her free Gravy Train life will come to a halt in a few more years. Can't wait. Hang in there.

Milomom's picture

Yep, Mazzy - these are great ones, too!

#9 is one of my HUGEST pet-peeves about exW's/BM's existence. The CONSTANT EXPECTATION for MORE MONEY ABOVE AND BEYOND THE $1,500/mo. my FDH pays her in CS!!! She CONSTANTLY puts in the fskids' heads that "Daddy doesn't buy you ANYTHING for back-to-school clothes, shoes, etc...MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS you EVERYTHING". Um, hello, bitch - where do you think that money you're spending on fskids COMES FROM?!?!?

Oh, and we share 50/50 custody of 2 fskids with BM and STILL have to pay her $1,500/mo.!!! How can she NOT see that she's getting away with MURDER???? How can she actually have the EXPECTATION that she's "ENTITLED" to more??? Is she effin CRAZY??? Does she NOT REALIZE/UNDERSTAND that FDH is currently supporting 2 households at the SAME TIME??? And why does she think SHE'S EXEMPT from having to financially support children that SHE also made??? When exactly does SHE become accountable for making 2 kids?!?

Many people out there barely make $1,500 per month working FULL-TIME JOBS, for pete's sake!!!

Denys's picture

Omg CS is one of the thing I did not write.

13. Even though my fiance is paying for CS you have no decency at all that plus you're receiving that money I don't know what you are doing with that but surely you are not spending any money on your kid still my fiance is the one that has to pay for everything. More than 100% is like so crazy. I do hate you. You have no shame at all and take advantage and the sad thing is that there is nothing right now that we can do about it. Shame on you!

Disneyfan's picture

1. I hate that you think I should be the one paying you CS.
2. I hate that you continue to fish around trying to find out how much I make.
3. I hate that you think it's cute that your girls knew all the words to Rude Boy. (they were 3 and 5 at the time) Yet the 5 year old did not know her alphabet, could not count to 10, could not spell or write your name... the child was not ready for kindergarten but knew every song on BET.
4. I hate that you try to make DF feel bad for taking care of his other kids that he had before yours.

5. I hate that you are an uneducated hood rat who only cares about her looks and beating the system.

6. I hate that I work hard for what I have, while you sit on your ass collecting food stamps and welfare.

7. I hate that you told your kids that their father loves me more than them.

8. I hate that you told your kids their father couldn’t spend time with them, because he was too busy in bed with me.

9. I hate that you kept the kids away from him on Father's Day because he would not agree to let the 3 of you take him out to lunch.
11. I hate that you try to cause problem between the other BM and I.
12. I hate that you yell, curse at and hit her kids when you hear them speak to me.
13. I know you hate me because you’re afraid I will treat your kids the way you treated his oldest two when you were with him.

skylarksms's picture


Things I Hate About the Psycho Bitch:

1. You THINK you are his ex wife when in reality, *I* am the ONLY wife he's had. You are just the slut that "accidentally" got try to trap him into marrying you. How did that work for ya?

2. I hate that you are so threatened of me and my relationship with my H that you have to PAS against him and I to the skids. Why not let them be themselves? Why do you suppose they have so much anxiety. Why do you suppose that me, my H, AND the skids are all on anti-anxiety meds?? Look in the mirror bitch. Why not be happy there is ANOTHER adult who cares about your children?

3. I hate that you only follow the CO if it pertains to you. Otherwise, you look at it as a "suggestion" even with numerous judges chewing you out and giving you a Contempt of Court fine for NOT following it.

4. I hate that you cannot fathom why it would be GOOD for the skids to have a relationship with their father. Or at least one that you aren't controlling the strings on.

5. I hate that you have taught the skids that it is OK to lie because their mom tells them to and she lies all the time.

6. I hate that you have put it in the skids heads that it is MOM vs. DAD. There should be no VERSUS. There should just be parenting.

7. I hate that, even though H and I have been together for over 12 years, you STILL think that anything that goes wrong in your life is HIS fault. Take responsibility for your OWN actions.

8. I hate that, even with a No Contact order in place, you will still occasionally call up MY H and bitch to him about money. Greedy bitch - manage your damn money better. If all your cash is going out the door too quickly, I have a few suggestions...QUIT EATING OUT EVERY NIGHT. SS just told me you never cooked, even when he was young. That it is up to him to nuke a tv dinner or make a sandwich OR you go out to eat or to your parent's house. GROW UP ALREADY. QUIT BUYING SO MUCH STUFF ON CREDIT! Or - get this - GET A FRICKEN JOB for once in your life!! Quit trying to keep up with the Joneses and then get pissed at US because you can't.

9. I hate that you are manipulative enough that people think you are a nice person (even if they think you are a dim bulb!) when they first get to know you.

10. I HATE HOW MUCH YOU LIE! If you will lie to us and you will point-blank lie to a judge, why the hell should I think that you do NOT lie to the skids and your family about what is going on in this entire situation.

11. I HATE that you scammed the system and taxpayers when you were young AND I HATE that you are teaching SD to do the SAME DAMN THING. You got what you wanted. She had her first baby at 16, JUST LIKE YOU. Now you can teach her how to never have to work and live off the system and baby daddies...JUST LIKE YOU.

12. I hate that you come from a family that is well off enough that THEY spend the money to buy skids clothing and other items they need (always brand name, gotta make a good impression, you know. Keep up with the Joneses) freeing up plenty of money for YOU from the CS you are getting.

13. I hate the fact that I KNOW you are the reason that we have not seen SD or her baby in over a year. I hate that you "claim" you cannot make her call. But yet according to SS you are "making" her work FT so she can move out after she turns 18.

14. I hate that you are such a money hungry grubbing bitch that you made SD work FT when she was a new mother and made her school her LAST priority. She barely graduated because of YOUR GREED. And you acted all MOTY at the graduation. How pathetic.

smileygirl's picture

I hate....

1) that you think that DH is still your DH just because you bred with him

2) that you've never worked a day in your life yet have the nerve to call us worthless

3) that I assist in raising your sons like they were my own but your call my son "worthless bastard Jr." and taught your kids to do the same

4) that you live off of the CS received for the kids & admit it yet feel compelled to tell everyone including the kids that you don't get anything from "us"

5) that you abuse the kids in every way possible but have the courts and kids convienced that your trying to be a good mom

6) that you took every once of trust and good will that DH had so now I have this scared/angery man, who's always just waiting for me to turn into some crazy, cheating, drug abusing, psychopath

7) that you think that you have the right to control MY home because you lost control of yours

Dirol that you only had children in an attempt to hangon to a husband that you didn't even want but in a way it worked because you still get all his money, time, attention and efforts...exactly because you had those kids. I hate that it worked!

This could go on all day....

In Gerneral, I hate you, everything about you. It is women like you that give us all a bad name...the kind of women that I used to think only existed in bad movies written by bitter angery men...

I hate that you proved me wrong.

skylarksms's picture

that you took every once of trust and good will that DH had so now I have this scared/angery man, who's always just waiting for me to turn into some crazy, cheating, drug abusing, psychopath OF A SLUT!!

I forgot this one. That's a biggie!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture


I hate that you never reach out to contact SS13. The fact that you want nothing to do with him makes him feel like garbage, and nothing I do as a stepmom makes up for your behavior. I'd like to shoot you in the ASS with a BB gun. You are supposed to love him, and the fact that you don't is inexcusable. WTF is wrong with you? He's a good boy! Do you even know how lucky you are with him?


I don't say this about many people, but you contribute NOTHING. Nothing to your kids, nothing to society..honestly, the world would be a better place if something happened and you disappeared.


1. I hate that you can't seem to see the forest for the trees. Yep. You're the victim. Both your husbands have walked out on you. What do both your marriages have in common? YOU. You are difficult to impossible to find happiness with.

2. As long as you have an emotionally incestuous relationship with your own father, your relationships aren't going to work out. No man is going to put up with that, unless it's a guy trying to use you as his beard, like the last one did.

3. I don't care about your relationship problems. Everyone has them. But when you can't take SD during your time because of your relationship drama, you lose a lot of ground with me. Stop dating until you get your shit together, and can be a whole part of a relationship. I know life is easier when somebody comes to your rescue, but repeating this pattern is futile. You have nothing to offer until you are standing on your own two feet, likewise you will only attract the kind of men you have been attracting. Get it together. It isn't that hard.

4. Playing mother of the year when you have no custody of one of your kids and only 50/50 of your other child makes you look crazy. Seriously, the daycare notices that you don't have her half the time. Your parents notice. Her social peers parents notice. Everybody knows you are a selfish dipshit. Don't talk to me about "me time". I'm a good mom. You aren't. End of story.

tellmewhywhywhy's picture

These are awesome. Gotta put mine in.

I hate:

1. That you created a child only to try to keep him trapped in your marriage.
2. That committed credit fraud against both us.
3. That you have turned your child into a whiny little brat.
4. That you have not met the front side of a bus doing 65 miles an hour while you cross the street.
5. I hate that you have lied to your children about their father.
6. That you have tried to make yourself out to be the victim.
7. That you think you are mother of the year when your sole purpose is to use the children against their father and I.
8. That you even exist and are wasting space on this planet.
9. That you think you can control our lives by using your children.
10. That you have taught your children to be egotistical narcissitic and entitled.

However, I do love:
1. That there is a restraining order on you because you are too immature to control yourself.
2. That you are the one living in a room at Mommy and Daddy's house because you can't keep a job or pay bills properly.
3. That child support for both boys will be ending on Sept. 30.
4. That your daughter still calls me Mommy despite the fact that you have told her not to.
5. That you are a criminal and someday your kids will know the truth about you.
6. That I am married to my DH.. he is hot and super sexy.. too good for the white trash douchbag troll that you are!!!

Coolbats's picture

I absolutely love #4 about the bus...totally wish that would happen to my husband's ex!

readytogo's picture

I love this!! I feel the same way about my DH's ex!! I absolutely cant stand that he reproduced with her!! He is such an idiot sometimes!!

joanie's picture

1.I hate that you haven't taken the kid and moved to the south pole, making it impossible for either of you to exist in my life.

2.I hate that you're not a millionaire, and actually have to get paid money.

damn, it's easier to find things I love...

1. I love that you want the kid to be with you all teh time.

2. I love that you have a mustache. Actually I find it amazing taht my Mister said, while looking through my bathroom, "You don't have some kind of mustache bleach? Don't all women have a mustache?" lol

3. I love that you've trained the Kid to call your boyfriends "daddy so-and-so". Hopefully one of them sticks around.

4. I love that you tell the Kid that he can't have expensive stuff. The Mister hardly has to get him anything.

5. I love that you keep the Kid confined to his video game. when I do run into him, he just wants to go outside, like a trapped animal.

6. I love that despite the fact that the Mister knocked you up, you know better than to ever text him, rarely call, and basically ignore him in return.

7. I love that you are fat and yet healthy, hopefully your deep craving for time with the precious and your health both hold out, so that the Kid remains the center of your life, and never ever gets more time in mine.

I haven't been in my situation long enough to list more, but it'll come.

Txsmom's picture

Oh I so need to do this!
I HATE....
1. when you try to control our schedules by not picking up the kids for your visitation!
2. that you try to talk to MY DH about anything and everything when its NONE of your business!
3. that your kids are so bratty thanks to your parenting "skills" or lack thereof!
4. that you sit on your ass all day collecting welfare because you don't want to work so we won't get CS from you.
5. that you have 2 BF that rotate staying the night at your house when the children are there.
6. that even though your BF's know you are pathetic they won't leave you, and they vent to ME.
7. that you throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way!
8. that you won't get counseling to manage your mental illnesses.
9. that you only take your depakote when you get GVMNT assistance.

I love....
1. when my DH realizes you are such a LOSER.
2. when my DH listens to me more than you Smile
3. the skids call me mom and you by your name.
4. that you are making it worse for yourself for future court proceedings.
gtg guys!

littlemommy's picture

1. I hate that you didn't have an abortion like my DH wanted you to when he made the horrible accident of getting you pregnant.

2. I hate that you have SD to use as a paycheck. You only work a handful of hrs at a crappy restaurant and earn next to nothing intentionally so you can collect more welfare and CS from my H.

3. I hate that people (not my DH tho) kiss your disgusting ass so you will still bring SD around to see family

4. I hate that one day I will have to explain to my son who you, SD and the rest of your white trash family are

5. I hate that SD at 3.5yrs old, already has your shitastic attitude, yet all the IL's think she's an angel

6. I hate how literally every disagreement my DH and I have is related to you or your bratty kid

7. I hate despite the fact that you're pathetic you think you know everything there is to know about being a good mom and that DH and I are the bad ones

Betty79's picture

Can I play too?

1. I hate that you hurt my DH and continue to try and manipulate his life.

2. I hate that you use PAS to make yourself the "better" parent in SS7 eyes.

3. I hate that you pretend your job is so important, you're a f*cking secretary. Stop calling yourself an adminitrative assistant to Dr. so-and-so.

4. I hate that you ask for more CS before you go on vacation, every time.

5. I hate your entitlement issues.

6. I hate that you encouraged SS7 to call his Dad "Daddy Scott" and his step-dad "Dad"

7. I LOVE that you still have acne.

8. I LOVE that your brother is still best friends with my DH and thinks that you are a snake.

9. I LOVE that I am pregnant and it makes you mad.

10. I LOVE that you will always be unhappy because you never appreciate what you have in life.

marty15's picture

1. That you get to legally siphon money from our bank account through CS.

2. That you passed on your genes to your daughter and she looks exactly like you (fugly face, beer gut, bongo lips, giant feet and all).

3. That you spoil your kids incessantly with toys, video games, restaurants and nail salon visits to compensate for abandoning them previously.

4. That you single handedly are turning them into entitled, spoiled black holes of BUY ME BUY ME BUY ME.

5. That you haven't fulfilled my daydream of falling into a ditch and scraping your face completely off.

6. That you never seem to have that baby you are clearly pregnant with... how can you stay 7 months pregnant perpetually? Oh yeah, that's your BEER GUT! Sorry, my bad.

7. That your fat bongo lips haven't just flapped you into the air and into a brick wall.

8. That you don't realize that no toe ring or pedicure will pretty up those size 12 flip flopped monstrosities you call feet.

9. That you show up to school events with a giant camera and shoot like the papperazzi to prove what a great mom you are. Wait, didn't you abandom then a few years back? Sure, the photo taking will erase all that.

10. That you can't see that a middle aged, homely, beer gutted, "I only wear clothes from Target" person like you doesn't belong in a bar trying to feel young and cute.

Newstep's picture

1. That you moved in loser boyfriend straight out of prison and balk when the mediator tells you he has to drug test weekly if he will live in your home with SD

2. That you even exist

3. That you actually think that you can still order my BF around, like he owes it to you to listen to you because you gave birth.

4. That you go to school events like you are MOTY when everyone around town knows your reputation and you aren't even ashamed!!!

5. That you go around bragging and laughing that you and your loser BF are living off my BF's hard earned money. GET A JOB you waste of space!!!!

6. That you tell your sob story to people to lend you money like my BF isn't doing right by SD he pays you a lot of money every month. Start spending some of it on SD


1. That you were so stupid that you gave up such an awesome guy!! He is now mine and he loves me completely

2. THat you seethe with jealousy because he never loved you like he loves me

3. That BF no longer does your bidding and you hate it!!!

4. That everyone who knows you describes you as a crack whore!!

CRH12's picture

Thanks, ladies! I see a lot of common issues here. PETHETIC, ISN'T IT????

My turn:

1. I hate how you are "nice" one day, then b*tch the next. You're two-faced, fake and impulsive white trash.
2. I hate how you use your children for attention and pity. POOR YOU!!
3. I hate how you gave up custody of your sons to their father (my husband) a mere 6 months into our relationship, because YOU ARE SELFISH AND LAZY!!! You obviously don't value the joy and satisfaction in being a full-time mother.
4. I hate how you have been the root of so many bad moods and f'd up days!
5. I hate how I do all the work as a mother to YOUR 4 and 6 year old sons, and you get all the glory for your title as their mother.
6. I hate how you use your parents' deaths when you were a teenager as a f*cking crutch for your EVERY failure and wrongdoing!
7. I hate how you use my husband's family in the name of your children, especially when you don't even have them but 4 days a month on your scheduled periods of possession.
8. I hate how you manipulate your children also to get PITY even from them.
9. I hate your appearance! The sight of you literally makes me ill, especially how you have a protruding roll-infested mid-section on a short and squatty stature and walk like a duck which only makes that fat jiggle at the highest rate possible. have a puckered tucked in @ss too! JUST GROSS!
10. I hate how you always say and write "my boys". F-off with the stress of possession and if their so YOURS, then do your d@mn job!
11. I hate how you run your mouth about me, show no respect and don't appreciate the fact that YOUR children are love and cared for, despite your absense, eventhough I'm doing your job for you, B*TCH!!!!!!
12. I hate how you behaved on your son's first day of Kindergarten, by spitting in my face and getting an assault citation by the police and are now banned from ever going back to the elementary school. ALL THAT OUT OF EMBARRASSMENT AND JEALOUSY BC YOU AREN'T DOING YOUR JOB! IDIOT!
13. I hate how you've made me respond to you in such an aggressive way, by blocking all your email addresses, phone numbers and not allowing you to step onto our property. Because despite everything, no one but my husband, you and I know all that you've done to get things to this point and it makes ME look like the bad person to outsiders because you are not allowed reasonable access to our lives.

Agh! That feels better. Smile

Sm5kpb820's picture

Where do I even begin...
1) I hate that you moved the children 600 miles from me and their father.
You are the most selfish person in the face of the earth
2) I hate that you don't take care of the basic needs of the children.
You don't realize the values of cleanliness and sanitation because
You came from trash and that all you will ever be, I hope the kids can recover.
3) I hate that you never have gas money to meet us for our weekends
But you can afford partying with your trash friends and tattoos and hooker nails
Oh yeah, and your hair is always a different color. Give me a break!
4) I hate you think it's ok to offer my husband to stay on your couch when he goes to
The girls kindergarten graduation... Are you kidding me? I would kick you right in the face
If I wouldn't go to jail.
5) I hate you won't give up custody of the kids that I love more than anything in the world
Because you love the money too much. Get a job like the rest of us. You are such a LOSER
6) I hate basically every thing about your appearance, particularly your face.
7) I hate that you don't feed the kids!!!! What kind of a mother are you and what
The hell is wrong with you???
Dirol I hate that the kids cry when you finally pull up to pick them up because they don't
Want to leave with you! They hate you too...
9) I hate that the car my husband pays for you to hate is completely trashed because you are so
10) I hate that the kids refer to the men that spend the night as Chris #1 & Chris #2!!! I hope they
Figure out what's going on one day and never speak to you again!
11) I hate that you call my husband crying about your stupid
Problems because you have no real friends that give a crap about you lol
12) I also hate that you won't shut the heck up about your foot blisters
When he calls to talk to the KIDS. He's only nice because he wants to keep a
Relationship with the kids.
And 13) I hate that I can't tell you all this because you would go
More crazy and not let us see the kids, you only have them now for something to
Hold over our heads. You don't even love them!!!

Oh and quit acting like mother if the year on Facebook because. Some of us know you in real life

Sm5kpb820's picture

Where do I even begin...
1) I hate that you moved the children 600 miles from me and their father.
You are the most selfish person in the face of the earth
2) I hate that you don't take care of the basic needs of the children.
You don't realize the values of cleanliness and sanitation because
You came from trash and that all you will ever be, I hope the kids can recover.
3) I hate that you never have gas money to meet us for our weekends
But you can afford partying with your trash friends and tattoos and hooker nails
Oh yeah, and your hair is always a different color. Give me a break!
4) I hate you think it's ok to offer my husband to stay on your couch when he goes to
The girls kindergarten graduation... Are you kidding me? I would kick you right in the face
If I wouldn't go to jail.
5) I hate you won't give up custody of the kids that I love more than anything in the world
Because you love the money too much. Get a job like the rest of us. You are such a LOSER
6) I hate basically every thing about your appearance, particularly your face.
7) I hate that you don't feed the kids!!!! What kind of a mother are you and what
The hell is wrong with you???
Dirol I hate that the kids cry when you finally pull up to pick them up because they don't
Want to leave with you! They hate you too...
9) I hate that the car my husband pays for you to hate is completely trashed because you are so
10) I hate that the kids refer to the men that spend the night as Chris #1 & Chris #2!!! I hope they
Figure out what's going on one day and never speak to you again!
11) I hate that you call my husband crying about your stupid
Problems because you have no real friends that give a crap about you lol
12) I also hate that you won't shut the heck up about your foot blisters
When he calls to talk to the KIDS. He's only nice because he wants to keep a
Relationship with the kids.
And 13) I hate that I can't tell you all this because you would go
More crazy and not let us see the kids, you only have them now for something to
Hold over our heads. You don't even love them!!!

Oh and quit acting like mother if the year on Facebook because. Some of us know you in real life

Sm5kpb820's picture

Where do I even begin...
1) I hate that you moved the children 600 miles from me and their father.
You are the most selfish person in the face of the earth
2) I hate that you don't take care of the basic needs of the children.
You don't realize the values of cleanliness and sanitation because
You came from trash and that all you will ever be, I hope the kids can recover.
3) I hate that you never have gas money to meet us for our weekends
But you can afford partying with your trash friends and tattoos and hooker nails
Oh yeah, and your hair is always a different color. Give me a break!
4) I hate you think it's ok to offer my husband to stay on your couch when he goes to
The girls kindergarten graduation... Are you kidding me? I would kick you right in the face
If I wouldn't go to jail.
5) I hate you won't give up custody of the kids that I love more than anything in the world
Because you love the money too much. Get a job like the rest of us. You are such a LOSER
6) I hate basically every thing about your appearance, particularly your face.
7) I hate that you don't feed the kids!!!! What kind of a mother are you and what
The hell is wrong with you???
Dirol I hate that the kids cry when you finally pull up to pick them up because they don't
Want to leave with you! They hate you too...
9) I hate that the car my husband pays for you to hate is completely trashed because you are so
10) I hate that the kids refer to the men that spend the night as Chris #1 & Chris #2!!! I hope they
Figure out what's going on one day and never speak to you again!
11) I hate that you call my husband crying about your stupid
Problems because you have no real friends that give a crap about you lol
12) I also hate that you won't shut the heck up about your foot blisters
When he calls to talk to the KIDS. He's only nice because he wants to keep a
Relationship with the kids.
And 13) I hate that I can't tell you all this because you would go
More crazy and not let us see the kids, you only have them now for something to
Hold over our heads. You don't even love them!!!

Oh and quit acting like mother if the year on Facebook because. Some of us know you in real life

Coolbats's picture

I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I am hoping that venting here keeps me from going crazy! What I would like to do right now is drive to ______'s house and tell her (it) exactly what I think. Who abandon's her 3-year-old daughter to f@$# her boyfriend while she is married....she does! I freaking cannot stand my husband's trashy, lying, self-absorbed ex. Here goes:

1. I hate that you moved back to this area...I was so much happier when you lived 40 miles away.
2. I hate that you moved to this state in the first place! Why the hell didn't you stay where you were?
3. I hate that you don't have the balls to admit why you don't like my SD's school. Why don't you just come out and say it, you racist!
4. I hate that you think you are the hottest thing walking around..get over yourself. Under all that makeup is, well, nobody.
5. I hate that you are a LIAR as well as stupid.
6. I hate that you are so vile that you would accuse my husband of sexually abusing his child just to try to get CS...when you know that is a total lie!
7. I hate that you have not gone to jail for perjury. Going to jail would do you a world of good, and it would make me HAPPY!
8. I hate that you do not care about my SD's education, that you see no problem with taking her out of school every time you feel like it or want to take her out of state to your sister's millionth wedding.
9. I hate that you are a dead beat parent who is too f-ing cheap to pay for your daughter's asthma medication.
10. I hate you for treating my DD like crap...screw you!
11. I do not have enough time left on this earth to list everything I hate about you...go f$#% yourself!

oldone's picture

Things that I hate about fucking asshole loser BM:

1. That you exist
2. That you think you are hot shit because your father was a doctor and a big fish in a little pond.
3. That you are so entitled and self important
4. That you see yourself as a victim
5. That you are disgusting tramp too stupid to use birth control
6. That you somehow think you have a right to dis me as a partner decades after your divorce
7. That you expect me to provide a safety net for your disgusting alcoholic crotch dropping
8. That you are an asshole self righteous "church lady"
9. That you resent me being in DH's life 20 years after your divorce
10. That you are a total piece of shit.

hereiam's picture

I could list a lot of things, but it all boils down to the fact that she just doesn't care who she hurts or who's life she fucks up. She only cares about herself and what she thinks will make her happy. It's sad, really, because she is never happy.

Coolbats's picture

This is also a perfect description of my husband's ex (aka the biggest bitch in the world). She is not happy unless she is screwing up the lives of others. It is all about her. The longer I know this woman, the more I want to put my fist down her throat!

fedup13's picture

Oh you rotten, vile, nasty, jealous, miserable, horrible, worthless, no good, piece of shit, lying, conniving, evil, using, fat assed bitch.

I hate that:

1. You were ever born.
2. That you ever crossed paths with my DH.
3. That you were around for last call 7 years ago and managed to get it in with my future husband.
4. That you have absolutely no self respect or respect for others.
5. That you blamed your pregnancy on DH knowing he would be dumb enough to take the rap.
6. That you used him to cover up your lesbianism.
7. That you were that worthless and self centered that you would reproduce to cover your own sense of shame.
8. That you were manipulative and smart enough to pick the best and most likely one to do the "right thing" by you out of the endless lineup of men you fucked trying to get pregnant.
9. That my husband's first experience with marriage was with a no good whore like you.
10. That you will forever be imprinted in his mind and on paper as someone he actually bound himself to.
11. That I have had to deal with all the backlash of your manipulations of this man for the last three years of my life.
12. That you have a fucking son with my husband.
13. That your son is my husbands only child.
14. That you will forever be the mother of my husband's child after what I have suffered thru because of you.
15. That you have destroyed me.
16. That you have skated thru all of your destruction and manipulation unscathed.
17. That you are still present in my life by default even though I have NOTHING to do with you.
18. That I have to look at your fucking kid every week of my life and be constantly reminded of your sorry ass.
19. That you still think you have the fucking privilege of talking to my husband whenever you want after all you have done.
20. That you have not been ran over by a mother fucking freight train.

Fuck you. you no good wretched bitch. I cannot wait until karma reigns down upon you everything that you deserve.

Thank you. I feel better now.

Step_in_Time's picture

In my group, we refer to this as a hate circle. I'm on board!

I hate:

1.) That you are erratic and neurotic, making you completely unpredictable. One moment you're saying how we really "need to be good to each other" for SS's sake, and the next you're dragging my DH through the mud at court paying $300/hour for an attorney but miraculously, you're "too poor" to afford your own health insurance. Good thing you just "borrowed" more than $10k from your ailing grandmother. I'm sure she'll get that back some day. Or maybe you can just take it out of your inheritance when she kicks the bucket?

2.) That you actually and sincerely believe that your problems are not self-created. Your choices are why you are here today. Your insanity and anxiety is why you are divorced. You are poor because you made horrible life decisions and refuse to improve your situation because you're too busy clinging to and lining up the hand outs.

3.) That your primary method of survival is a single part time job and the kindness and material and monetary gifts of others playing into your pity party. And can't forget throwing other people under the bus for personal gain.

4.) That you will not let go of DH's family and even though they talk a staggering amount of shit about you and how you are mentally unstable, and they cannot handle you for more than 24 hours. They, for whatever reason hate my DH more, and invite you to holidays, instead of him/us. I blame you all for that.

5.) That you ask my DH for things that you are fully capable of doing because of this deeply ingrained Damsel Complex you have. You do NOT need my DH to install a car seat for you. Being a single mom is your identity, right? It's your thing? PROVE IT.

6.) That the one of the very few times you actually had decent sex with my DH after 8 years together, it resulted in pregnancy. Too bad you weren't infertile as previously suspected.

7.) That you chat with my DH as if you are anything but a business. He doesn't care about your life. He doesn't care about you. He remains cordial for his son, and you chat his ear off because you're a lonely Miss Havisham crazyface. Go get it in, lady. Find someone else. Knock it off.

8.) That you haven't developed inoperable brain cancer or gotten hit by a truck.


1.) Your face. If I had your teeth, I wouldn't smile. It's a good thing you're depressed and sad, because that smile isn't doing you any favors. Neither are your over-plucked clown-like eyebrows. Your constant look of surprise amuses me. Lay off the tweezers.

2.) You spent over $10K during the divorce proceedings for a pretty cut and dry settlement, because you're too emotionally unstable to do something so simple as file paperwork yourself. It might put too much "emotional strain" on you. Boo hoo! My DH, on the other hand, spent a total of about $10 - on parking meters - and received the official decree for free because he's so charming and handsome. Had you cooperated together, he would have paid MORE than he did in court costs and you, obviously, would have paid significantly less of your ailing grandmother's money. Good job shooting yourself in the foot and then crying about it.

3.) That you are 10 years older than me and I make a minimum of $15,000/year more than you with my full time job, never mind my part time job. And I get amazing benefits, which I provide to YOUR son because YOU are unable.

I'm sure there's more, but that's a good start!

momto3's picture

There's not enough room on this page to list all the reasons I hate DH's ex, but here are just a few...

1. Of course I hate that you exist.
2. I hate that you moved SD's around so much, with a bunch of different men when they were younger.
3. I hate that it was perfectly acceptable for DH to pay over 1K/mth in CS when you had custody yet you refuse to work & only pay $150 twice a year now.
4. I hate that you only want to be a parent when it suits you.
5. I hate that you tried to help my ex get custody of my DD18 years ago.
6. I hate that you lie about every damn thing that comes out of your mouth, especially telling DH you have cancer so he would come pick up the kids when you really had a miscarriage with your BF's baby.
7. I hate that you don't live farther on another continent or planet.
8. I hate that I've been stuck taking care of your kids full time for the past 5 1/2 yrs because you can't manage to be a decent human being, let alone a decent parent
9. I hate that you got off on your burglary arrest. I wish you were rotting in jail.
10. I hate that you never pay your bills, yet get by with it even with tons of liens against you.
11. I hate that now you think you've "won" b/c SD18 is back in your good yeah here's a tip, she's using you to pay her cell phone & buy her stuff. She is after all just like you.
12. I hate that your parents are stupid enough to continue to give you money to bail you out of financial're 46 yrs old!
13. I hate the fact that you use your adoption to make your parents do the things they do.
14. I hate that you tried to poison the kid's heads about us for years & now one wont even speak to you.
15. I hate that you criticize my parenting, yet I'm the one who has been their for your kids.
16. I hate that you try your best to remain in contact with DH's family.
17. I hate that you slept with my ex.
18. I hate the fact that you ever lived in the home we share.

But you know what I love...your 15 yr old daughter is a beautiful girl. I know what size clothes she wears, what size shoes she wears, who her best friends are, what her favorite clothing stores are, what music she likes, what foods she hates/loves, her favorite TV shows, what boy she thinks is cute. You know NONE OF THESE THINGS, because you choose not to. And guess who hates you for it? Sure as hell ain't me...

love_my_shichi's picture

I hate:

1) the fact that you think being wife #1 means more then being wife #2, WHEN IN ACTUALITY HE HAS GOTTEN SMARTER AND DID BETTER THE SECOND TIME
2) that you have golden uterus complex and think that birthing three kids means you are "special" when they are all lazy, rude, unkempt, ill mannered, idiots with poor grades and losers
3) you still expect MY HUSBAND to treat you like a queen and bow down to you and buy everything for you even when YOU HAVE A NEW HUSBAND
4) you actually think plopping out 3 kids is an achievement when all you do is plop them in front of tv and x box
5) my child who was raised by a single mom (me) with no child support is more intelligent, likeable, well groomed, well mannered, gets better grades, excels more in EVERYTHING and is not an entitled lazy piece of crap...........came from our small means and you HAD EVERYTHING HANDED TO YOU AND YOUR KIDS ARE ALL PATHETIC LOSERS.......yet you think you are better then me and your kids are better then me..............ha ha ha

StillLivingButDifficult's picture

I hate that you forced so much guilt onto him in order to keep him from me, that I had to suffer through while you pretended to be 'the other woman' and literally got off on that far too many times. I hate that you were bitch enough to tell me you thought that my pain over it was funny.

I hate that you always take charge, and that he has more often than not allowed you to.

I hate that you called me an f'ing b*tch in a loud screaming fight with their father. I hate that you LIKE that, and that you encourage your kids to never ever TRY to get to know me!!!

I hate that you don't tell your middle child that he needs to have a relationship with this father and be forgiving no matter what happened with your marriage. I hate that you won't let the child's father txt, call or see him freely. I hate that he has virtually no relationship with him, more because of YOU than ever because of me, and that you hide behind "doing what's best for him" rather than admit it's all about YOU needing control, and enjoying the fact that your ex hurts over that loss... you consider it his punishment, his natural consequence, and you don't lift a finger to encourage your son to talk to his dad.

I hate that you request private chats, and use your kids as leverage in order to get the father of your children to comply. I hate that he feels afraid to tell you no, because you won't then be cooperative in allowing him time with his kids.

I hate that you pretend to be better than the rest of society, walking around with your nose held high in your fancy new clothes, fresh manicures and new hair-dos.

I hate that you take 85% of his income, don't work outside of the home, and pretend that because you have 3 teenagers that you're unable to even work part time. I hate how you treat them like they're babies, and do EVERYTHING for them.

I hate how you 'volunteer' at school, pretending it's out of the goodness of your heart, when really it's to ensure that in the future you have SOMETHING besides housemaid to put on a resume, should desperate times call for desperate measures and you should HAVE TO work a REAL job! Your volunteer work just `happens` to be along the same lines as what your University degree enables you to do work-wise! lol

I hate that you lured father of your children back to you, and then through him away like trash when you could have had him. I especially hate it that he continues to give you the time of day despite all of that, usually against my wishes, and that there`s not a damned thing I can do about it besides wait for him to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to you and your manipulations.

I hate that your relative who is a lawyer made damned sure that your separation agreement took your ex for a ride to the cleaners, and wouldn`t have squat to live on after paying you! ...and I hate that despite your many unnecessary private meetings over finances, that you STILL cannot fathom WHY he doesn`t have enough money to pay you MORE!!!

I hate that you think that every time you do anything with the kids and your new boyfriend that you somehow think that you need to check on your ex`s feelings... or do you do that just to upset me and cause me grief because you hate me so much and can`t help yourself!

I hate that you often GLOAT over the `consequences` of alienation, when really so much of it is because of YOU.

I hate that you think you`re the be all and end all of mother and wife. That you somehow your ex is lacking without you as a partner!!! I hate that you play with his mind continuously, and have this constant need to hear about his remnant love for you, or the fact that he still finds you attractive... despite you saying that you`re moving on. Your ego needs constant reassurance from the ex.

I hate that you don`t work and live in a castle compared to most people. I hate that you call upon your ex to be the handyman when you have 3 able-bodied people who can help, as well as have a boyfriend who is capable.

I hate how you won`t allow the ex into the house unless you`re there. He OWNS the house. They`re HIS KIDS.

I HATE that you always get your way. Like a spoiled rich girl, you always get your way.

Crazy_Psycho's picture

I ...HATE the fact that you like many women you thought by having kids with them would make them stay would make them love you.
I HATE the fact you stopped taking your pill behind his back cos u knew he wasnt happy!
I HATE the fact im not going to have his first kid first daughter or first son!
I HATE the fact im going to have to live with your baggage for the rest of my life

However I LOVE the fact that it didn't work!
I LOVE the fact he left you to have ur second trap on your own cos u deserved it!

I LOVE the fact he never loved or respected you and dreaded your two 'plans' being born
Where as he will LOVE me carrying his child a child that he wants and planned

And I LOVE the fact that I make him more happy than u could ever make him and god u know it!!

(And I HATE the fact I cant say any of this to ur face u

gaviotas's picture

What I hate:
1- She does not care about her child and leaves her with us most of the time. She travelled on her own to Peru for a month and I had to take care of her kid.
2- She does not teach her child to be polite, independent or social. She is overprotective and clearly affects self esteem of her daughter.
3- She does not care about the phsycological problems of her kid and did not search for the right proffesional.
4- She manipulates my DH and threats him to stop the visits
5- I have to buy clothes for her child, as she does not spend a penny on her! Of course she never bought any present for my kids (SDs brothers)
6- Feeds her kid with junk food, she only eats nuggets, spaghetti or potato chips. So my DH has to cook this food for her, as we eat healthy and sd rejects what I cook (vegetables, fruits, meat).

What I love
1- She changes bf once a year, for that reason my DH thinks she is inmature and unstable
2- She lives far away, so I do not have to see her frequently

crushed step-mom's picture

I wanna play too..and I will try to keep it to top 10 things I hate about you BM!!!!!!!!

1. I hate you BM for all the hell you have put me through over the years!
2. I hate the way you manipulate the system and get everything for FREE because you lie about the CS you receive!
3. I hate the way you talk and gossip about me and DH....telling everyone that will listen that DH is not happy with me. (14 years later still together)
4. I hate you for convincing the kids that we are the crazy ones!
5. I hate you for telling the twins there father wanted them to be aborted.
6. I hate that you tell the kids and everyone that will listen that DH does nothing for his kids, yet he has never missed a month of CS.
7. I hate the way you act like his CS is nothing but when he lost his job no fault of his own and tried to get it hired an Attorney that suggested you would be financially destitute if it was lowered.
8. I hate the way you have used the poor me, single mom story for years.
9. I hate you finally found a good man and he has money.
10. I hate that you finally got your on line degree and you keep trying to throw it in my face and I REALLY just think your a piece of shit for not helping your girls get a college degree before you did dumb ass!!!!
11. I hate that you actually think your a wonderful mother but yet put yourself and your needs before your get a second wedding and refuse to help your daughter with hers!
You crazy bitch!!!!!!!! I hate you!!!!!!!!!!

Jae's picture

This is most sad and pathetic site I have ever visited. You hate the ex wife because she exists? She married him first? She has kids with first? Why marry a divorced man with children?

Really? I feel for the children.

kitkat639's picture

This is brilliant. I don't know why my therapist hasn't suggested this.

1. I hate that you married him first.
2. I hate that you didn't abandon your son when you first tried, so that I could be his mom and never have to waste time thinking about you ever again.
3. I hate that I have to tell SS6 that your relationship with him is "special" because you're his BM. If it were really that special, I wouldn't have to tell him that I'm not his mom.
4. I hate that SS6 probably thinks that I don't love him as much as he loves me because I told him not to say that I'm like a mom.
5. I hate that I have to wonder if DH loved you in the same way that he loves me, because that might mean that eventually our marriage will break up too.
6. I hate that you did such incredible psychological damage to DH. If you had just left, without repeatedly cheating and messing with his head, we'd all be better off.
7. I hate that you think you're a reasonable person. You're f***ing insane.
8. I hate that you kept DH's last name. You purposefully broke up your family--you have no right to that name. And don't give me bullshit about keeping the last name so you have the same name as SS6. I know that as soon as you get the chance to get married again, you will, and you'll change your name. You are just ruining my chance to have an iota of my life that isn't ruled by your shadow.
9. I hate that you think I like you.
10. I hate that you think you're entitled to a larger amount of CS.
11. I hate that you exist.

sma08mommyof1's picture

for a second there I thought we knew the same person...but seriously I know how you feel every single point...