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Love this site

steppingover's picture

I am so glad I found this site
For along time I thought the way I was feeling was so wrong and that I was a bad person alot of the time. Or as fdh likes to say "its all in your head"
Is so nice to know that there are others who feel the way I do and that I am only human
So thanks so much to all of you !!!!
Smile Smile Smile

unbelieveable's picture

There's all kinds of websites out there to, to let you know you are NOT crazy. You can google anything these days. Sometimes I will get upset about something and then find an article about it (I've learned this from many awesome stepmoms on here) and I send it to FH...he then for some reason "gets it" because it is coming from someone else. Neato.

Angel72's picture

I know i love this site as well.
Been on several other sites and there is always afew individuals who act like queens...of course its BMs on that dont know why they are part of a stepfamily forum when they dont have stepkids.
Either way, this site is the best! It allows you to vent , everyone here on board lets you vent without attack and when things calm down , the advice is hashed out. Love it!
I am also glad i found this site. Better than the other two i was on .

NaturallyMom's picture

I hear you there lady.
DH used to say it was in my head too and then I showed him this site. He reads my blogs sometimes to see why I am so moody about being a stepmom.
It has helped our marriage a great deal.

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln