Biological Father marries evil stepmom
My ex of 9 years married 4 years ago to a lady that is absolutley horrible to my now 12 and 13 year old daughters. This isn't the case of the ex wife being jealous of the new wife, I've actually like a couple of the girls he dated in the past. This new one has a teenage daughter of her own that lives with them full time. We carried joint custody of our daughters until a year ago when the stepmom did the unthinkable. My oldest started her period a year and a half ago and I called teh stepmom to ask her to buy tampons for her home because they had none and I couldn't keep sending her with my tampons and running out myself. She said no problem and then waited for 5 days to buy her nothing! My daughter finally told me and i said "what have you been using the whole time while you are there" and she replied "toilet paper". When i confronted both the ex spouse and his wife they said that my daughter should've asked them for tampons not me...My daughters haven't returned to their house in over a year now. More stories keep surfacing that make me want to cry, like how my daughters didn't have shampoo and their dad would tell them to use their step sisters, but then the step mom would pull them to the side and tell them the shampoo was too expensive for them to use so use the bar of soap.
I received full custody finally in October of last year since my ex proved to the judge that he was making no effort to see or talk with his daughters. Now when it's time for my daughters to sign up for the one sport each that they play a year, he tells me to take him back to court.
My question is...Our documents have always stated that extra curricular sports/activities and daycare and health insurance is to be split by both parties. But because we go to court so often, the items that are on the table at the time are what gets updated...does that mean that the other items are void now since we don't bring them to the table everytime? He says since i have full custody, his CS is to also pay for those extra curricular activities. how does child support have that added into it? what if they choose 2 sports a year instead of one, or in some cases they decide not to play at all, do i owe that money back to him and how in the world is that calculated? I'm so furious that i now have to take more time from my job to go back to court to force him to pay when he was paying for it all along and now because i have full custody he's refusing? Please don't post that you think i'm putting my daughters in sports to get more money out of my ex...that money doesn't go to me directly, it goes to the sport and I have to come up with 1/2 of that money too with 2 additional small children, daycare and a spouse who lost his job last year after 13 years. I personally dont' want extra money from my ex i just want my daughters to be able to play a sport if they choose which is something they've done for 9 years now and that included the time when i was with my ex. nothings changed except his attitude.
That's what i'm thinking
That's what i'm thinking too, i can easily go back to court and just have that updated. I mean I'm sure the judge isn't going to say "sorry mom, you get CS and should be able to incorporate all the things a teenager needs with that small amount of money. We live rather frugal as well and he's living this extravagant lifestyle where both spouses are working and she's a biologist.
More recently she posted something on FB (gotta love it) about my daughter's on one of their aunts pages and a lot of family from the DH side saw it and called and emailed her abouti t. i've heard that she's been doing a lot of apoligzing. Just sad That a 35 year old woman tinks it's ok to degrade teenage girls that already struggle through life, and degrade them on THEIR family's pages. Did she not think? Obviously her biology degree didn't teach her class or manners. Thanks mugglemom
Maybe you could just send
Maybe you could just send tampons and shampoo with them when they visit? Is that the reason they won't see their dad any more?
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
Why should she have to?
Why should she have to? Isn't he supposed to take care of them when they are there? Should she pack food too? How about tooth paste, that can get expensive.
I see your point but I don't think its the stuff that is missing, its the reason that the stuff is missing.
That's what I am asking her
That's what I am asking her - why don't they bring their personal items they need when they go to visit another person's house? or ask for what they need? Is there a reason they don't?
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
I'd assume that because they
I'd assume that because they are not "visiting another person's house" but spending time with their dad, their mom thinks that their basic needs will be met. Shampoo and tampons are basic needs.
Frankly Thetis - I am not
Frankly Thetis - I am not asking you! Are you personally involved in this somehow? Now I will go read the response of the actual person writing in!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
Thetis, you've hit the nail
Thetis, you've hit the nail on the head! Thanks
I actually did send them
I actually did send them with items but I believe that was the last straw for my daughters. There is 9 years worth of crap that he's done to them but it got extremely bad when he told the grils through an email recently that he is choosing his wife over them. He's emotionally abusive to them and I've stepped in now and told him that if he can't email them with constructive words and encouragment then i'll have to intercept the emails and delete them before they read them. And on top of that, why would I have to send all their toiletries clothes and other items to his home when at the time he shared 50/50 custody? It's not like i'm made of money and i provide for them at my house as well. He makes 3 times what i make and his wife makes 3 times what i make. I'm a family of 6 and he's a family of 3, so do the math. He's a dead beat plain and simple. My daughers will be in 8th and 9th grade this august, they are choosing not to visit a man that when these things are brought to his attention he dismisses them and calls them drama queens. then doesn't call or email for 5 months.
And assholes like this are
And assholes like this are why the "good guys" are still treated like shit. I hate men like this.
With my step kids, the BM
With my step kids, the BM never sent their tooth brushes.
When i asked them " when was the last time you brushed your teeth" they would respond " about a week ago"
SO BM herself was not meeting their needs. So I went and bought them funky cool tooth brushes, mouth wash, cool toothpaste and kids shampoo and soaps..those things stay at my house. So when they come to my house, they have their own personal belongings and it makes them feel like they are going to their other house instead of a sleep over kind of deal where they have to drag everything over. It's not a big deal to me to spend $20-$30 on things for them once in a while, but it bothers me when SHE is not after them to brush their teeth or bath.
" Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it's still dark"-R.Tagore
If you now have full custody
If you now have full custody you should have a modification to change your child support. Usually when you have joint custody that is taken into account when CS is calculated. Your CS would increase with full custody and hopefully the new amount could cover sports.
In regard to tampons though I would opt to send the girls with them even if the dad should provide them. If it would save your daughters the embarrassment of having to ask a woman they are not close to or a dad they are not close to, it may be worth it. It's like the saying you won the battle, but lost the war. It's not worth embarrassing the kids. In divorce both sides have to spend a lot of time being the bigger person even it the other side never gets on board. Ultimately your kids will benefit.
You support your daughters
You support your daughters and provide what they need (personal products and all toiletries) without making it a battle between you and your ex because they are your daughters, you are also responsible for their support, and you are given child support to do so. My BDs are allowed to take any of their personal use toiletries with them wherever they go so I fail to see the problem here! Why have you even made this an issue. You are given child support - use the money to support them!
Allowing your children to take their own toiletries etc. with them would also serve to provide them with some level of consistency as all girls of this age get used to using certain products and want their own - I know my BDs do.
I can not believe that you would make the availability of personal products (store and some name brands cost all of $5-6 a box!) an issue worth fighting over when your own BD's emotional health is at risk over what you are doing!
They- like my own BDs - understandably probably could not ask the ex or his wife to buy these personal products for them because they are EMBARRASSED to do so! Why humiliate them by asking or putting them in the position to do so when all they have to do is pack what they may need with them! You get child support. Why can you not be the bigger person and spend $5-6 of this support on a box of tampons that is theirs (not yours) each month so that they can pack them with them and then they will be taking their own products with them. Maybe this way you will not feel as though they are taking anything of yours outside of your house since this obviously seems to bother you! It is not worth the little bit of money you are talking about here to fight over this!
Also, I dont know about you but I find that often my children will tell me what they think I want to hear so perhaps the soap and personal product issue did not go down quite the way it was repeated to you. Did you ever talk to your ex about this to find out the other side of the story??? I really think you should reconsider the labels that you have attached to your ex ( deadbeat) and his wife (evil) over what could have been simply a misunderstanding. Having your daughters hear or observe this could contribute to PAS on your part.
The issue of emotional abuse is however a differant issue. You donlt really give any examples of this behavior just the personal produscts issues so it is hard to tell how bad it is.
Without knowing al of the issues you alledge I still think that you should want to encourage a relationship with your daughters and their dad as much as possible because of how important a role fathers play in the success of young girls at this age. Arguing over less than $10 a month in tioletries and personal products is simply not worth it if you want the best for your BDs.
Plus you seem too guick to label the SM evil over something that you later admit really is your and your husbands responsiblity???? After reading most of your posts it seems to me that you may want to reexamine your motives here becuase you seem to dwell far too much on how much money you think that SM makes which is not really relevant!!!
I wish you the best of luck and hope that things work out for the better with your BDs future relationship with their father. Maybe if you told your daughters that you would like for them to have a relationship with their father and to resume visitation as though it was a positive thing their realtionshop would improve??? Just a thought.
Me too - my feelings
Me too - my feelings exactly
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
I agree...always two sides
I agree...always two sides to a story...I really don't see the big deal over the whole toiletry debacle. I lived with my Mom, and when I went to my Dad's I took the stuff I needed, including tampons etc, or asked for money to buy it. You can't excpect another woman to mother your kids the way you would, because reality is they can never be her priority in the same way as they are yours. If you daughter's old enough to have her period she's old enough to sort out buying tampons...I mean seriously! Also, if you buy stuff once when you're at your dad's place, you leave it there for future, issue over. My own mother (who was a working single Mom, sending me to private school, and devoting all her energies towards me) would not always remember to buy that stuff for me but would think there was something wrong with me if I didn't pipe up! 6 days of using tissue...never once left the house and didn't have a couple of bucks to buy herown, ....come on!!
I agree too. I think the
I agree too. I think the tampons are an excuse. I would never dream of having my child have to ask someone else to get these things for her.
Ok whatever - there is
Ok whatever - there is obviously a lot we don't know about the situation, so suit yourself.! We have just had a lot of PAS in our situation and it is a shame when a child doesn't see their parent. That's all - carry on!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
Now that we have permission
Now that we have permission to carry on.....
Has the issue with basic needs been addressed in court? Has this man decided to disown them? I do agree that children need time with both parents. Have you talked to the Step mom about this stuff?
The judge addressed this
The judge addressed this with the DH and he admitted to it and said he didn't feel like he needed to pay child support AND buy them things for his home. I hounded my girls for 7 months every other day asking them if they wanted me to set up a time and a place for them to hang out with their dad. They finally got upset with me and said we will let you know when we want to see him. Then the courts ordered the dad to counseling with the girls and he told the counselor (she relayed it to me and documented it for the courts) that he said he won't see the girls without his wife present because she is his motivationt o even see does a father say that to his own children? I've continues to ask my daughters if they want to visit him, just not near as often and it always causes an arguement. My lawyer, years ago told me that one day they will see their dad for what he truly is, so even though I cry behind closed doors for them because I knew the truth, they'd see for themselves as they grew up.Well that time has come and I'm still crying for them. It doesn't get any easiery and if i could make him see our daughters and spend time with them and ACT like he cared for them, I would do it in a heartbeat. And even though they have a stepfather who's helped raise them for the last 8 years, it will never truly take the place of their biological father. I understand all of these things, but I can't make my daughters do what they don't want to nor can i make my DH do something he doesn't want to.
That is terrible. I am
That is terrible. I am assuming from the statement "years ago told me that one day they will see their dad for what he truly is" that he has been doing this for awhile?
"she is his motivationt o even see them"
So she's not the root of the problem, can you talk to her about any of this?
Mustang...I was beginning to
Mustang...I was beginning to think I was the only one that thought that. Thank you!!!
I wish i could. I've tried
I wish i could. I've tried to talk to her when things were "decent" between all of use and we were working on raising the kids together, but she blew that trust out of the water when she'd relay things to her 13 year old and the 13 year old would tell my daughters that she knew information about them from our adult conversations and procede to tell her verbatem what I'd said. When I confronted the SM about this, she said she was trying to get "more information" from her daughter and thought she could by telling her some of the information...come on, that's just dumb or a lie. probably both. Most of the things that occurred recently are done by the SM, but yes you are correct that some of the things have been going on for quite some time, before she was in the picture. Teh older they get the more they remember.
Focus on your girls and keep
Focus on your girls and keep doing what you know is right for them. They are going to need your help dealing with the feelings caused by this but don't pressure them. You'll all pull through this.
And about going back to court, make sure you list everything that you think may come up in the future and get it sorted out while you're there. It may take longer but you wont have to go back again, and again, and again.
Best of luck to you and your family.
Reading through all of your
Reading through all of your comments I can definitely feel your frustration. But I have to ask, is your problem with the SM or your ex-husband? Your initial comments showed your distaste for her but it seems like you have a problem with your ex and how he's not caring for your children.
Remember, it's not the SM responsibility to provide for your children; it's the biological parents. There may be some other issues at play that you may not be privy to in their household as to why SM isn't as involved with your children as she is with her own. This is speculation, obviously. Also, when I first read this, I couldn't understand why you would call her to purchase supplies for your girls when that's really your ex-husband's responsibility and who you should contact regarding anything pertaining to your kids.
It's sad that your girls don't have a positive, healthy relationship with their father. From your perspective, I can truly sympathize because you obviously want what's best for your kids.
Seeing what you said your ex-husband said to his girls in therapy makes me believe there is a lot more to the situation when they are in his home. It's possible that your ex is trying to maintain a unified front with his wife regarding your children and that he's making it clear to them that his relationship with her is a priority to him (as it should be) and that they both deserve respect. (Again, I'm purely speculating here more to play devil's advocate to understand the motivation behind a person's actions.) It is entirely possible, as wonderful as your girls are, that they are really struggling with the presence of the stepmother, regardless of who she is, and are acting out accordingly -- something you wouldn't hear them say to you. They could be displacing their anger or fear of losing their relationship with their father on her when really, it has nothing to do with her.
At the end of the day, communication is probably the most important factor. It might be worth having a conversation over email with your ex about why he made the statements he did regarding having the girls over.
He may very well be exactly the person you believe him to be and if that's the case, I am very sad for your kids. Wishing you the best of luck and I hope this situation has a way of working out for everyone involved.
"Remember, it's not the SM
"Remember, it's not the SM responsibility to provide for your children; it's the biological parents."
" Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it's still dark"-R.Tagore
Just to put my 2 cents in, I
Just to put my 2 cents in, I think nycSM has a point. The SM does sound like a pile of crap but looking at it from her side, maybe XH has driven her to the point where she can't take anymore and is taking it out on the kids. Pure speculation and that doesn't excuse her behavior whatsoever, WHATSOEVER. XH should be the one to care for them primarily when they're there. I can understand why you would talk to SM about getting feminine products for the girls though. A - they'd probably be embarrassed that their dad knew about those things, let alone walk in the door with a bagful of cotton ponies for them and B - it'd be easier for them to talk to her if they had a problem with their period than their dad. Hell, I still don't want my dad to know that I get one!
As for the extra cirricular activities, they're usually not in the documents but you said that they were so he should be paying the CS AND his percentage of the activities. I just spoke to a lawyer the other day and that's how it was explained to me.
Good luck!
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
In our situation anything
In our situation anything that the kids need as far as clothing & toiletries we purchase. I have boys so it is easier. My oldest like to pick out his own body wash & shampoo but the youngest like sto use mine or even his little brothers foam soap. I am usually pretty good about asking if they need something, but I also rely on them to tell me they need things, as I am not a mind ready but a pretty busy mom & professional woman.
Making any young girl go w/o tampons is pretty childish, however SM could be just reacting this way because you asked & maybe there is a history or a percieved history.
I think it is hard on divorced dads because so much of their monies go to CS, insurance, daycare and then they are expected to buy things for the children & spend money on them to entertain them when they are with them. Many guys are not left with much to survive on. My husband is one of those guys. He was barely making it before we married. Our BM make a lot more $ then him & CS is not taxed. Things changed because my income comes into play. I was the one who said that BM didn;t need to provide the kids with clothing here, I started buying them. She sent left overs, I want the kids to look nice & have selection. They have as many clothes & toys at our house as hers. My skids don't feel that they are on visitation when they are here, this is their home too because we made it that way. They are just as happy here as there, they have friends over & we are finally to the point where we let them bring things we have purchased like ipods ect.. back and forth. Those are their belongings & they should be able to do what they want with them.
Extra activities is where I differ. DH's order doesn't mention them. After we were married BM started billing DH for them & he paid them ( notice this was after we married she didn't when he was single) I was okay with doing this as it was my money that paid for it until our son was born and with daycare & diapers we just couldn't do it. The extra ciricular comes out of CS like the decree states. We will buy things like supplies for the pinewood derby, or a new catchers mitt & stuff for their sports, but the fee is paid by BM. But we are usually the ones that get them fed before practice & get them run around the coutry to practices & such.
Past histories play so much into how people react with one another. Can you ask to sit down with them & have a heart to heart on how to mend the relationship? Something has happened real or percieved & if it can be sorted out & fixed it would be in the girls best interest.
Good luck!
I agree. We do the same
I agree. We do the same things here as far as clothing and personal products. They each have their own stuff. Actually BM started this one. She used to send clothes with the kids but one time she sent them with two weeks worth of dirty clothes and expected the 12 year old to wash all of it (some of her own thongs "accidentally" got included). It was sickening and I told the SD12 not to do it. That's not our/her responsibility. The kids already had plenty of clothes here for the two weeks and those were the ones I washed. So BM got mad and decided there would be no more bringing things back and forth between houses except for white t-shirts and old jeans. I even keep their new shoes that I bought them here. I've sent them back to BM with nice clothes before then they come back in pajamas and I never see their nice clothes again. It's irritating. Anywho, SD12 texts my hubby the other day from BM (whom she is with until July) and asks if she can do gymnastics. Hubby asked her if she'd asked BM and she said the BM had told her to ask my hubby. In other words, it's our responsibility and if we can't afford it then WE'RE the bad guys. BM has 3.. yes THREE cars, goes to the gym, is out drinking every weekend, obviously goes to the tanning bed everyday, has a personal trainer AND does her own co-ed extracurricular activities. Then has the gall to make SD ask us for gymnastics classes. I haven't even gotten to buy a maternity swim suit yet because we are pinching pennies. I am 6 months preggers and we're trying to scrape together enough money for all the baby stuff that we need. We just don't have the money! She always makes us look bad, it's frustrating.
So yes, extras like that should come out of CS. That's why it's called child support.. it supports the child.
I think its horrible that
I think its horrible that the woman didn't buy your daughter tampons for 5 days! Its an embarassing situation to be in . Heck , if i'm at work and dont have a pad , i panick! Its all hit us for godsake! I have many girls over the years ask me and i've asked too, the question: do you have an extra pad????
As the items....think of it from this perspective, if you have full custody of your daughter, maybe your ex expects you to purchase those tampons for your daughter. Your her mother and provide for her.
But from what i can see , it was not an eowe sitution. she stayed for 5 days...and you asked on top of that.
BUT, in my situ, the exwife would take advantage and try to get my dh to pay Everything! and the pad issue becaem an issue as well in our household. He told his daughter bring tampons with you because he wont buy them.
I bought her a box but i wont buy her again. I use pads , not tampons and she can use mine when she visits (its now every 2-3 months) and if she is on her period. BUt she said she doesn't use pads, she wants tampons...Sorry but in my situ, i wont provide this because she is choosing tampons over pads. I bought her one box for now, Its lasted, ohhhh 10 months now...but she'll have to restock herself.
Am i a bitch for this? I know my dh will not buy her any. We have pads and our logic is this. She can use mine....but wont...too bad.
I totally agree, I have my
I totally agree, I have my own business with a public washroom and I leave a whole box of pads in there just in case some one needs them. what kind of mother is this, I can see a father forgetting but a mother who has gone through this before, WTF!! grow up and be a little bit responsable please!!!!
maybe why the bd doesnt want
maybe why the bd doesnt want to by tampons is because thats generally a thing between mother and daughter.he could be embaressed about having to buy them and in any case if yor daughters are on thier period or close to they should take their own. and as nycsm said its not the sm responsibilty to provid for these girls even if it is tampons
Why on earth did the
Why on earth did the daughter not ask for them and go 5 days with using toilet paper..... that is the fault of the daughter, but on the other hand the SM should have wondered why she did not ask for them after talking with BM.
The fact of the matter is, if the daughter was on her monthly, BM should have provided her with some I mean some to take with her.
I know in my case when SS comes to visit and forgets his contacts solution, he won't say he did, but my DH will ask about it, and if does not have any we will go buy some, but leave it here so he will always have some when needed.
"Why can't we all just get along" For the Children!
With 2 other small children
With 2 other small children to deal with and your DH out of a job, you are definitely in a tough situation right now.
I think nycSM made some good points though. You admit that your ex-husband has some issues, but you don't label them both as 'evil', only the SM. As much as the SM is influencing your Ex, he is ALSO making these choices for himself, and it seems to me that HE hasn't been able to manage the transition to stepfamily-hood where there is a balance between new wife and step-child and his two daughters.
Dating and being married are 2 very different things. It's quite possible that you and your daughters could have liked any of the other gfs, but had they become wives, this same scenario may have played out. Because, at the end of the day, a new wife has more privileges than any gf.
I am apt to agree that the daughter should have spoken to her dad and step-mom about the tampons while at their house. But I can definitely see how it might be very uncomfortable for her to talk to her dad about these things, as well as how it would be uncomfortable to talk to a stepmom who is virtually a stranger. However, I can definitely see how you telling the stepmom what to do/buy might seem like stepping on her toes. The defense of "you can't tell me what to do in my house" probably went up, and you may react in the very same way if the SM told YOU what to do for your daughters in your house. In any case, I believe you should have spoken directly with your Ex about your children's needs, and he can choose to ask his wife to deal with 'girl' stuff, or he can man up and deal with the 'girl' stuff himself. As embarrassing as that might be for both dad and daughter, the daughter might very well prefer dealing with dad rather than SM.
With regard to having stuff for the kids at both houses, I certainly agree that the kids basic hygienic needs should be provided by DAD as well. But then it gets a little tricky. Dad told them to use their step-sister's shampoo, however, stepmom or step-sister may not let them especially if it was purchased by SM. Here, I believe again, that DAD is ultimately responsible for his kids and should do whatever necessary to make sure their basic needs are met. This may mean buying them separate stuff, or getting SM and step-sister to AGREE to share their stuff while your daughters are with him. Mothers should hold the dad accountable. In our home for example, the kids did not want to use the shampoo we purchased for our house (too cheap for them) and after BM discussed with DH, she decided to send shampoo with them. That happened once, and when that bottle was done the kids started using what we purchased.
With regard to CS, I think that unless the order specifically states that extra activities would be split, then these activities are included in CS. My impression is, and I could be wrong, that CS is calculated in such a way as to attempt to maintain the child's standard of living as when the parents were married. Therefore, unless otherwise specifically stated, CS would include $ for extra activities that the parents would have been able to afford. This works in theory but not in practice, since the fact of there being 2 separate households actually leaves BOTH parents with less $ left over after rent/mortgage and utility bills are paid. This is tough on parents and tough on the kids. In your agreement, however, it seems to be that the extras are to be split by both parents and since it was not addressed in court, I believe that agreement still stands.
Everyone's view point is
Everyone's view point is going to be different on this including mine. My FH pays child support in 2 states. The state him & BM use to live in & the current state we all live in. He has no paycheck. His entire paychecks go to BM. I, FSM pay all the bills & buy everything for the house. I think it's the BM's responsibility to send tampons & anything the Skids need with them. It is not my responsibility to purchase these things. I have no obligation to these children at all. My FH has no money to buy anything because BM gets it all. So we've had some drama like this. I think all situations are different. But I will tell you this. Nothing more will come out of my pockets to someone elses children as long as I pay everything already. Also let me add that my FH buys only his body wash, deodorant, things he needs & keeps them in our room. I buy all the toilet paper, laundry detergent, shampoo, etc. for the entire house. My FH only buys food on the weekends the skids are there, & its not much. I feel like I'm basically supporting him & the skids when they come & I am truly fed up!!! Just something to think about.
I do agree that it is not
I do agree that it is not the SM's job to provide pads for the girl.
Another thing: I understand you mentioning that the dad makes more money than you. But several times you mentioned that the SM makes 3x more money than you as well. What money she makes should never come into the picture in any way, because you and DH are responsible for these kids, stepmom is not.
As a stepmom, I do not know if I'd take too kindly to BM calling me and asking me to buy something for her daughter. Now, if SD asked me, that's a completely different thing. If BM called and asked, I would tell her that she must have hit my number by mistake when she was looking for DH in her contacts list.
I believe DH should have been the one to get the call about daughter needing pads. Or I might have even been receptive to "Hey, SD is a little embarrassed to ask your DH for pads, do you think you could ask him for her, she is a little shy..."
But she better not ask me to buy anything for her kid. Maybe SM perceived that as an overstep on your part? Just playing devil's advocate here...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Ok so now i'm back online
Ok so now i'm back online and have read most of the comments...i'll try to address them as best as i can.
The ex spouse had issues before but they were never this bad and i could usually convince him of the things that were best for our daughters. Once he got married he sort of put that on his new wife. I never went to her for anything until my daughter was mortified that her father told her to use her GRANDMA'S pads that were huge and totally embarassing. My daughter is 5' 4 inches and weights 105 pounds, her grandmother is 5'9 inches and weighs 250. so now you can see that the pad size is going to be way different right. So that's when she asked me to call the step mom and ask. so i did and there was a little issue with the step mom , who is a tree hugger, said that tampons aren't safe for anyone to use and i told her that we have our opinions and she uses tampons. the stepmom went as far as to ask what brand so she could get her the exact ones and then never did. the excuse from both the SM and the ES was just plain we shouldn't have to buy them. and couple other things. it's been a while so i can't remember but needless to say it wasn't appropriate. The SM telling her older daughter about confidential parent talk that i had with my ex and he relayed to his wife is totally inappropriate on all levels. Yes I understand that when parents oget married and have children from other marriages that they think they shouldn't have to provide for ALL the parties living together, however, when my ES and his wife clearly provide for her daughter, that's just wrong. It just boils down to my ex not having the balls to stand up to his wife and say "they aren't going to use bar soap on their hair, i'm sorry that you think that's appropriate but i don't. He just tells me that she never said that to my daughters. He backs up his wife and then the truth comes out and he crawls into the fetal position to take the wrath from her and me. it's a sad sad situation and it's really gotten worse since she's been in the picture. I have a call into my lawyer who will be back on monday. I'll update everyone on what he says.
One other question if anyone knows...My daughters would like to ADD my current husbands last name onto their name. They wanted to take away their biological last name and i said no, so they want to add to it. Do I need to notify their dad that they are adding a last name to their names even if i have full custody and even if they aren't taking off his name? Its probably more of a lawyer question but i wasn't sure if someone had gone through that before.
Momof4girls, I can
Momof4girls, I can definitely see your side of this situation and your frustration with what is going on. This is a tough one for everyone, and your daughters should not be put in the middle.
That being said, in our state it is the responsibility of the parent receiving CS to provide the items needed when the child visits the non-custodial parent. So, technically, it is your responsibility to provide the tampons, shampoo, etc.
But I believe the SM in your situation is just being petty. We still keep ALL items SD16 needs at our house, and DH will take her to the store if she needs tampons, shampoo, etc. So it's not a problem with us.
However, maybe I am a bit of the evil stepmom you deal with? SD16 is a prima donna and has to have a certain brand of everything. So the tampons she has to have (and of course daddy buys) cost considerably more than the ones I buy. She has to have a certain brand of shampoo and conditioner that costs three times the kind I buy for myself and our two BDs. And EVERY TIME DH takes SD16 to the store they come back with unnecessary crap she just HAD to have. Then she promptly takes it to BM's house. It drives me bonkers! Why are we spending our money to accommodate her at OUR house, only to have that stuff go to the BM who's already receiving CS (plus half of all medical expenses, plus half of school costs, plus half of extracurricular activities)?
So I can see both sides of this, and maybe that will help you?
Elizabeth, I think that was
Elizabeth, I think that was very well said!
As a BM and a SM, I feel for
As a BM and a SM, I feel for your girls and you. This is not the way to treat any child, let alone your own (bio or step). In my situation, we have the opposite happening - we buy basic (or a little less basic, like mouth rinse or facial cleanser) stuff for the skids and they just take it to their mom's house - regularly. Tooth brushes, shampoos, tampons, you name it. We keep buying and they keep taking it over there. It doesn't take them much to understand where the stuff is coming from so they work with the system and who can blame them (we have 50/50).
But why?
Because BM spends as little alimony+CS on them as humanly possible. And we are talking about serious amount of money for CS. And in case you wonder - we pay most of "extras" and in that woman's book, EVERYTHING is extra. You get the picture.
Someone mentioned food. I walked in my kitchen to "catch" my SD17 in a moment when she was sneakingly stuffing her backpack with poptarts on her way to her mom's. How sad is that?
Just wanted to chime in. It will not help your cause, OP, but since we're here to share stories...
I haven't read all of the
I haven't read all of the responses, so I'm just posting based on my own personal experience....
The way I view the tampon/shampoo issue is dependent upon how often the child visits. 50/50 or even when the visitation is a couple of times during the week and EOW but isnt quite equivalent to 50/50 - then the NCP should provide the necessities. If visitation is only EOW, then I would pack a bag just as if I were sending the child off to visit a friend or other relative.
As far as things getting modified in the CO and where that leaves the other issues, I would assume that the only thing that changes is what is brought to the table, the other issues that are currently in the CO remain valid.
It is my understanding that Extra curricular activities or anything else is included in CS UNLESS specifically stated otherwise in the CO.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Sorry but doesn't the dad
Sorry but doesn't the dad have like a dollar store/ tree close by if he wants to be such a deadbeat?
This kind of asshole reminds me EXACTLY of my own dad. A complete wealthy SOB that worked for MGM for 26 years, never gave my mom a dime of C/S. (long story.) When I called him, he never called back and would send a card two months late for my Birthday with a mere 50 dollar check inside of it? Did I really grieve when this man crashed his own plane? Hell no.
The deadbeat should buy these things. Period. (sorry, no pun was intended.)
Ouch... sounds like you have
Ouch... sounds like you have some major baggage going on. But I agree. The Dad should not only buy the basics for his daughter while she is there... he should be happy and willing to do so. What I don't understand is these parents (BM's and BD's in some cases) that go out of their way to make their OWN children uncomfortable in what should be the OTHER HOME. There was a period of time that BM would not "allow" SS to stay the night at our house. It lasted all of a month, and I still *hate her* deep down inside for it. But you better believe SS still had his own room, bed, pajama's a full closet of clothes and a room full of toys there for him. That is DH's son. And I will be DAMNED if any child of mine feels like an outcast in their own home. BD should be ashamed of himself. As for SM, maybe BD has pushed her to this point, don't really know the background and details of THAT side of the story, it is BD's responsibilty ultimately to take care of his kids, and to foster the relationship with the kids and their stepmom. PERIOD... (pun INTENDED).
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Some Dads have $ stores but
Some Dads have $ stores but they think it's the SM's responsibility to do *hit for their kids. I feel that its not. My kids are my responsiblity, not someone elses. I think alot of times it is the Dad's fault & not the SM's.
*I know the voices in my head arn't real...But they do have some great ideas!!
Come on now ladies....
Come on now ladies.... SERIOUSLY? If you knew a young girl was staying at your house and she was having her period and needed tampons, you wouldn't get them for her? OMG... REALLY??????? My SDs are here every other weekend but I'll be damned if they need to pack tampons and shampoo and conditioner. Surely to goodness I can provide that for them. You can buy Suave shampoo for 99 cents each shampoo/conditioner and if they're only here every other weekend it lasts forever. A box of tampons to get them through a few days is what? 5 bucks?
You really think this falls under not my kid, not my problem? Make DH do it? Somebody tell me what I'm missing here folks................
Really ladies? Are some of
Really ladies? Are some of us so insecure that if BM called us and asked us to provide tampons for her daughter that we would tell her to go call the father, or make the SD ask us themselves? Are we that selfish and self-centered and inconsiderate of a mother's reaching out and a YOUNG GIRL'S need for some assistance that we can't take 5 minutes out of our so-important lives to help our husbands provide for their daughters?
Really? We are that hard line on "not my kid, not my problem". Ladies - Bash me if you want... but you should be ashamed of yourselves if you feel that way.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I'm backing you 500% on this
I'm backing you 500% on this one...... it's ridiculous.
Double post
Double post
I agree... what IS wrong
I agree... what IS wrong with the world? I have bought so many dang boxes of tampons just to keep at my house for perfectson's friends that are in and out of my house. I haven't had a period in 8 years and I STILL buy them to keep here for kids that need them. This is just sick.
And before anyone tells me
And before anyone tells me to go f*ck myself... common decency from woman to woman binds us. We give STRANGERS in public bathrooms an extra tampon or pad if we have one in our purse.
Not doing it for the skids, because "it's the father's job" or "it's SD'sresponsibility to ASK me, not have her mom ask" is a bunch of pass- the-buck crap.
That SM AND DH SUCK ... (in my humble opinion)
UGH another woman that is driving me crazy! What the hell is wrong with the world!
** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
First, BM would never have
BM would never have to call me and ask for tampons. They would be there.
And second, I am so serious when I say she had better not call me and ask me to get shit for her kid. I mean that with all of my heart. This comes from the background with my BM in particular. I would DEFINITELY tell her she needs to go ask DH for things for their child. And secondly, SD would ask me herself, because she already knows that if BM calls me for any damn thing it would be like talking to a wall. I ain't hearing it.
So I guess what I am saying is, BM never has to call and ask for things for SD because they are provided. If if she needed something, SD would ask herself. So in my situation, this thing would be totally avoided.
But I had better not EVER pick up my phone and have it be BM asking me for ANYTHING. Harsh? For tampons, yes. But that's how is has to be with this woman, and I have my reasons why.
And my reasons have nothing to do with being insecure, or whatever. Maybe I am still heated right now from something that happened the other day, but the thought right now of BM calling me for something makes me so pissed inside right now my face is hot.
So perhaps my judgement is slightly clouded, IDK.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
But you agreed its not the
But you agreed its not the SM's job to provide pads/tampons whatever yet you say you would provide them?
Don't you think any woman should have SOME consideration for their SDs having their period? I would think its just common decency. I know my husband would buy tampons for his daughter but he appreciates it very much if I buy them instead, it saves him the awkwardness of the situation and saves my SDs from being embarassed by asking their dad... I mean what teenage girl wants to ask DAD to buy them tampons? Good grief....
Sounds contradictory, I
Sounds contradictory, I guess. But it makes sense in my head lol.
I would provide them for my SD. BM would not have to call me and ask me, because they would already be there. And YES, we should have some consideration. I do think the stepmom is kinda wrong for that.
I feel however, the BM overstepped by calling the SM and asking her to get them. I feel she should have called DH and told DH SD needed them, and from there it was HIS job to ask the SM to get them for SD.
Does that make more sense? Hopefully I explained what I was trying to say better.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
TW- You think that BM
TW- You think that BM calling SM about the tampons is putting SM in a posistion she should not be in, the one RESPONSIBLE for the kids (right?). Therefore if BM had called Bdad (the one actually responsible) alot of drama could have possibly been skipped over, because SM is NOT responsible for the kids.
You are also trying to say that this matter is kinda dumb, and that it is not something that would happen to you because you would not be as petty as the Sm in this case who chose to make this an issue. (Right?)
So think they were both in the wrong, to sum it all up!
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Ok I get what you're saying,
Ok I get what you're saying, and I REALLY hate our BM too... BUT she actually called me when SD14 started her period and asked me to please help her out with it when she came for visitation... I bought exactly what she asked me to buy without hesitation. This was a favor for my SD, NOT for BM. I mean really, who wants to call their ex husband about buying tampons or helping their daughter with her period? Sometimes there are just girl things and if a woman is even halfway reasonable, one can put other things aside for the kids.
Exactly - I have a lot of
Exactly - I have a lot of issues with BM over here... but I was talking about this post to my DH last night... and even if BM was stupid enough to call me and demand, bully use harsh language whatever the case may be... toward me.. because her daughter needed something..
I would do two things...
(1) I'd tell the BM off right then and there
(2) I'd get the skid what they need
In my thoughts, it sounded like the BM just said, "Hey can you have some tampons at the house?? SD's are getting their period now"... if that's the case, I still believe the SM was playing a power play... I mean really?? She doesn't use them herself? And it's not a pad vs. tampon matter... the skids had to use toilet paper.
I can separate the two - meaning BM's demands and the skids' needs. And Yeah, my DH would hear about BM's demands, and yes, I would talk to SD about what we are buying and let her know where they are and to talk to me when she is out, etc. I would not take BM's behavior out on the skid.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Not necessarily to bash you
Not necessarily to bash you in this reply, but yup, it's possible that some stepmoms are that insecure. It simply comes with the territory of being in a stepfamily and is absolutely normal in that sense. Stepfamilies take years to sort those feelings out.
Or it could have had nothing to do with insecurity at all. It seemed that it was against the stepmom's personal values to buy tampons on the whole and she would probably not have done it for anyone. It's quite possible that she had pads available, but someone demanded tampons, right? A mum or a dad can be firm with a teen and tell them to make do with what is available, but certainly not a stepmom, she would be considered to be not providing for the teen. (Well I just read that dad told her to use grandma's pads.)
And anyway, in my eyes SM was being just as petty as BM who decided that "I couldn't keep sending her with my tampons and running out myself". If my daughter has her period and uses tampons, I would make sure she always has, so that she's never in the embarrassing position of running out. If she's uses mine, I can always buy more.
Here is a scenario where the mother doesn't want to buy tampons for the kid, the father doesn't want to buy tampons for the kid, and the 'evil' stepmom doesn't want to buy tampons for the kid. Poor kid.
Hang on a sec...this is a
Hang on a sec...this is a group of SM's that routinely talk about what it is to be the SM in this situation, and now we're bashing HER because she's not doing what BM wants her to do?
There's so many pieces to what is being said by the OP that leave me very unsettled with EVERYONE's actions in this situations.
BF sounds like his passivity leaves everyone involved dissatisfied.
BM has stated that she can "usually convince BF" to do what she wants, what SHE believes is best for the kids. Could this be construed as controlling?
BM was upset that SM didn't do what she asked -- when this was a discussion she should have had with BF.
SKids are now talking about changing their last name -- FYI, if you do that behind your ex-husband's back, it could be construed as hostile parenting on YOUR part and the kids could be evaluated for Parental Alienation Syndrome (if it escalates to that point). OP, I'd tread carefully around this if I were you.
What do any of us really know? The most we've gotten is that BM is upset with her ex-husband. But the core of all of this is probably the ex-husband trying to figure out how the hell to deal with it all -- how to stand up to BM, how to stand up to his kids (who may have been running the show for a long time), how to stand up to his new wife while also making sure she's a priority in his life....the list goes on.
I guess my whole point is, this isn't black and white, and considering that ALL of us here are typically on the SM perspective, I find it interesting that we're quickly throwing the SM in this situation under the bus.
OP, I'm not saying that you are wrong to feel the way that you do. If my daughters weren't be provided for appropriately, and I was doing everything to make sure that they were provided for in my home, I'd absolutely be upset. But it sounds like there are too many components at play to place blame on any one person.
I'm sorry I have to comment
I'm sorry I have to comment on your post specifically...I've not "controlled" my ex at all...I've always wanted what was best for our daughters, so when I say that before he was married I could convince him that playing soccer would benefit them, that shouldn't be construd as controlling. I'm not convincing him to pay me a milliion bucks...seriously.
Back on track, weather you think it's the SM obligation or not to buy the tampons, that's not what this is about. I asked her she said yes and never did, leaving my daughter to use toilet paper. I've said in a previous post that SM even asked what brand to buy for her. So she acted like it was no problem but then decided to not buy any. The BF is very passive, he was when we were married. But when his pocket book has to be opened for ANYTHING and that includes buying shampoo for HIS house or paying for a sport he can't see to find the money.
Again the issues are much deeper, when my daughters actually were seeing their dad, it was made known by the step sister in front of BF and SM to my daughters that the weekends they aren't there they go out for breakfast and have "family saturday breakfast" together. My daughters didn't know what to eve say. My daughters have done select soccer for years and now he says sorry i don't have the money however the step sister gets to still play and they have pictures posted online of their 3 person family taking vacations to santa cruz and other wonderful places for her soccer trips. So you tell me if this isn't making my children look like "red headed step children"???
On the last name thing, my daughter are getting ready to start highschool...if they want to add a last name and the judge approves it, then i'm not sure how i can be construd as alinating them from their father when it's been documented by the counselor and the judge that he's the one that's alinated himself from our daughters.
nycStepmom, more pieces to
nycStepmom, more pieces to the puzzle are coming out.
momof4girls, have you considered the very likely possibility that the SM is taking the family out for "family saturday breakfast" and taking the family for "vacations to santa cruz" i.e. paying the bill for these things? Was your ex paying CS before you got full custody? Has the CS amount increased when you got full custody? How long did the process take for you to get full custody?
"I've not "controlled" my ex
"I've not "controlled" my ex at all...I've always wanted what was best for our daughters"
--What I originally wrote wasn't accusing you of controlling. What I wrote said that based on the language you used to describe the circumstances could be construed as controlling. Where you feel that you are acting in the best interest of your daughters, someone else might look at as you trying to control your ex-husbands household. I only pointed this out to give you some perspective as how your ex and his wife might view your actions. Just something to consider.
"I'm not convincing him to pay me a milliion bucks"
--And nobody is accusing you of that.
"Back on track, weather you think it's the SM obligation or not to buy the tampons, that's not what this is about. I asked her she said yes and never did, leaving my daughter to use toilet paper. I've said in a previous post that SM even asked what brand to buy for her. So she acted like it was no problem but then decided to not buy any."
--Well, to start, I still don't agree with you about asking her. So if you never asked her, which was inappropriate as this was a discussion to have with the girls' father since HE is the one who should be purchasing the girls necessities in his home, and you addressed this with your ex this never would have been an issue and you would have no reason to be putting blame on this whole situation on SM. My point was that by your addressing SM directly, you put her into a no-win situation. Either
she does as you ask and subsequently puts herself at a disadvantage (and a thankless one at that), particularly if she feels (and please recognize that I'm saying how she FEELS and not saying what is actually happening) or perceives as you being controlling; or (b) she doesn't because it's still not her responsibility and she's the bad guy. Can you see why just the mere fact of you approaching her about this puts her in a very uncomfortable position? Your girls deserve to have basic necessities and I completely agree with you on that. But in the future, this is something I believe should be discussed with your ex, not SM.
"The BF is very passive, he was when we were married."
--And here is a major source of a LOT of the stress on the entire situation. This could be a lot of the reason he doesn't have a positive relationship with his daughters.
"Again the issues are much deeper"
--I absolutely agree with you which is why I said this situation isn't black & white and there isn't one person to blame. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that EVERYONE's actions shouldn't be taken so literally. Your daughters are telling you their version of events and if they feel dissatisfied with the circumstances with their father, their version can be skewed. Remember, more often than not, you are only hearing one side. And if your ex is noncommunicative about what's going on with them, how will you really know what's happening? Your girls are hurting, that much is obvious. But how do you know that they aren't being hostile towards their father outside of your presence? Not accusing them of behaving this way BUT it certainly could be happening, especially if your ex is as passive as you say he is.
" he says sorry i don't have the money however the step sister gets to still play and they have pictures posted online of their 3 person family taking vacations to santa cruz"
--How do you know that he was the one pay for those vacations? By your own admission, SM makes 3x as much as you do, correct? So it's entirely probable that she was the one to pay for the vacation. Tread carefully with these kind of assumptions because the truth is you don't know.
"On the last name thing, my daughter are getting ready to start highschool...if they want to add a last name and the judge approves it, then i'm not sure how i can be construd as alinating them from their father when it's been documented by the counselor and the judge that he's the one that's alinated himself from our daughters."
--My suggestion was that you shouldn't go behind his back and allow this to happen. If there's no reason to be secretive about, why would you keep this from your ex? A minor child that changes their last name from the parent they have a difficult relationship with COULD BE associated with Parental Alienation Syndrome. This is a condition of the child, and it is quite severe. My point of referencing this was more for your benefit to protect yourself and your child from having to endure any further difficulties by taking such an action.
Please understand that my comments are not out of malice. I can absolutely appreciate your frustration and your desire to protect your girls because after all, they are your girls and you only want what's best for them. I don't think anyone of us could doubt that about you. I'm playing devil's advocate on a lot of your comments more to help by demonstrating that there are actions and there are perceived actions. Perception is quite the mask and if we can get past our own and consider how someone else might perceive our actions, we can begin to understand others motivations and perhaps come to better resolutions.
Again, all the best and I really hope that you and your ex are able to come to a workable solution that allows your daughters to enjoy a positive relationship with their father again.
I competely agree.
I competely agree.
****There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth.**** -THE WIFE
I think this is a great
I think this is a great place for this post! Look at how much feed back on all sides this woman has received! Yay us! We may help her understand how everyone is feeling so she can carry on with more empathy to those she doesn't instantly understand!
Actually you know what,
Actually you know what, you're so right. What would we do if we longed in tomorrow and all the blogs are BMs complaining about the Wicked Stepmother and evil Biofather? Every once in a while is ok.
Maybe there should be a Combined Family Talk out there, where Step mom and dads can hash it out with Bio mom and dads.
I think this site is great
I think this site is great for BM like me that want advice from SM about situations specifically like mine. I just wanted to see if other SM's thought I was totally out of place and the majority it seems can't wrap their heads around a SM not buying tampons for her home for a SD.
I for one can NOT wrap my
I for one can NOT wrap my head around it..... it's shameful.
I think your daughters
I think your daughters stepmom is a tool. That's just my personaly opinion. Now, who knows... maybe Biodad (who also sounds like a big huge tool) has driven her to this point by pawning his responsibilties as a parent off on his wife. We have read a million posts from SM's that are fed up with their DH's because of this. But even that is no excuse to not run to the store and get a young girl a box of tampons. I don't care WHO asked her for it. I don't care if the devil himself was the one that called and asked her to by this girl a box of tampons, there is no excuse for making her go without. That is cruel and unsanitary.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Now, who knows... maybe
Now, who knows... maybe Biodad (who also sounds like a big huge tool) has driven her to this point by pawning his responsibilties as a parent off on his wife.
That is a good observation, and a good point.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
This makes BM a huge tool
This makes BM a huge tool also for not sending them!
too true!
too true!
I came on this site
I came on this site originally to seek help regarding my own stepmom (3 years ago). And I have since then found home here. Granted I am a stepmom as well, so that helped. But I can see how an "outsider" would come here for a step parents perspective. And I think so long as they are truly here to seek ADVICE, and not just to voice a crazy BM opinion... as long as they are here to take the advice given harsh or otherwise, they can be welcomed. The occassional "why would she do this" wouldn't bother me... remember we used to have BIOMOM here... she had a lot of "hot posts" but she was here to help, and give a BM's perspective. She was one that was helpful, and gave a few of us a good shake when we needed it. Wonder what happened to her??
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I apologize if I've offended
I apologize if I've offended anyone for being the BM and posting on this site. I truly just wanted feedback from SM's on this issue. I wasn't trying to cause and uproar and didn't think out of all the posts that are listed daily that mine would cause SM's to be upset for asking for advice from you. I think we are all hopeful that one day the 4 parents rasing children would eventually be cordial enough to do whats best for the poor children that didn't ask for this complication in their lives. Thanks to everyone for all your comments, even the ones that disagree with me always give some insight for future problems that may arrise.
Momof4girls.... I'm a VERY
Momof4girls.... I'm a VERY proud biomom to 'perfectson17' and I have a SS22 and SDs 14.5 and 11. Feel free to pm me anytime I can help you out. I love my SS and SDs very much and want the very best for them regardless of how much I can't stand their BM. I love them more than I hate her.
You didn't do anything wrong by asking these questions.
Momof4girls, you haven't
Momof4girls, you haven't offended me one bit - come on SM's, how are we ever going to bridge the gap between SM's and BM's if we aren't even willing to help a BM out to see an SM's side of things?
Shutting the door on the VERY FEW BM's that come here looking for an SM POV is only going to validate their negative opinion of SM's.
Granted, this is a Step board, but on the same token....what Momof4girls posted was a "step" issue, regardless of what her title is.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Please don't apologize. You
Please don't apologize. You have every right to ask these questions. Why wouldnt you ask other stepmom's what the "norm" is in a situation like this? There are going to be times that you have questions that maybe we aren't the best platform to ask. But so what. It's ok to get a rise out of people every once in a while, IF you are doing it for the right reasons. And I think you would. Feel free to stick around... there are some of us that are both bio and step parents... it is easier for us to see both side of the coin so to speak. There are places that are "only BIO's" that you can go, but all you will find is a bunch of bio mom's rooting you on, even if you are completely wrong. That is what is so great about this site. Some of us aren't afraid to step up and say WHOA, wait a minute... THAT'S not right for you to say that. Or whatever.
Your presence does not in any way offend me. In fact, as I mentioned before, we used to have a BIO mom on here regularly. She hasn't been around in a while. We can use a new resident BIO... IMHO. So, welcome. And to those that don't like it... they don't have to read your posts.
Wait. Is this me being cranky again?
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I am a BioMom only. I've
I am a BioMom only.
I've been a member here for a while.
I've lurked on this site for a couple of years, actually.
I am a stepchild, with a SM whom I have not been close to for most of my adult life, but have gotten back in touch with recently since my BioDad left her for another woman, after 36+ years of marriage. I have a SD who I call "Dad" because he was and is my Dad, in every sense of the word.
I have a child with a SM and SD, both of whom he loves and cares for deeply. I encourage and foster his relationship with his SM, and I remind him to respect and listen to her. She and I do not get along, even though I have tried, but as the years go by, hopefully we will be able to move into a more friendly or civil co-existence. Even though she hates me, I will not hate in return. She is an important part of my child's life and I want him to love the people in his life freely.
I love my child more than I dislike my XH or his wife.
And, as my handle says, life is short. Too short to let petty stuff steal away my time here on earth. Too short to let crap become what my life is about everyday. Too short to let others steal my joy with their own personal insecurities, hang-ups and prejudices.
Life's too short to not live it, so I let stupid stuff roll off my back, like water off a duck's.
I hope you'll still let me post here. I've learned a lot from reading these posts over the years. I hope I can contribute where you'll let me. I'm very kid-oriented, but I'm also pretty old school. I'm an educator, with training in early child development and I will always do my best to put myself in the other person's shoes.
Thanks for letting me in.
Peace & love.
I am always curious to hear
I am always curious to hear from adult stepkids especially! I think that is what we really need! Pull up a chair dear
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
I can offer just a small
I can offer just a small piece of insight.
As a stepmom, I would want it to go like this:
BM calls and tells DH what SD needs, and DH and I figure out how to handle it from there.
Now, that's just me. There are some stepmoms who are comfortable having phone calls and such with BM. I am not one of those. Maybe the SM in your case is like me? Maybe you can try just going thru DH for everything. It may be uncomfortable, but it might make it easier.
No matter what your approach, they still shouldn't have let it go five days. But once again, I think the blame here for that is misdirected. That is DH's fault. In the end, it is still his responsibility to take care of it. Does that make the SM a tool cuz she didn't? Yes, it does. But it is still solely DH's blame.
And there is my advice, from a stepmom.
I suspect that is what you were after originally?
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
My question is directed to
My question is directed to "the wife"...What if I had already called the DH and asked him to buy te tampons and he said that he's not really wanting to discuss that with me or anyone because it's girls stuff? because that's what he did which is why I initiated the call to the SM in the first place. How are you or how would you handle it if your husband was called about this subject already and totally dismissed it because it's a "girl thing"? and then the BM called you asking you to it because the BD refused? would you still say "not my job"? Just because the DH is being blind about his teenage daughter having a period doesn't mean that the SM would be and again, I thought by calling the SM that would open more doors for communication. I hate arguing with the DH and the SM. It's not healthy for anyone.
I know you directed this for
I know you directed this for TheWife... but I have to say... if I had called BD and this was his reaction, and then I called SM, and she pulled the sh*t she did. I think my next move would be to drive over there and JUNK PUNCH HIM. I am so serious. I hate this guy. He is a completel DOUCH. And I want his address. I have been wanting to junk punch someone for a few days now, and I think he is the perfect candidate. He is on my list. SM, well...I will junk punch her too, even if she has no junk. She just needs it.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Easy killer... ~*~When you
Easy killer...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Haha, I know right. But that
Haha, I know right. But that sh*t makes me mad. What ever happened to doing what is best for your kids. HE HAS 4 GIRLS, he better get used to "PERIOD TALK". My dad was not afraid to buy tampons. WTF?!?!?! Ok, so junk punch maybe a little harsh. But you agree, he is a douche bag, to the fullest extent!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
*snicker* junk punch.....
*snicker* junk punch..... love it! I've got an address for ya! hahaha!
Okay Disbelief - this just
Okay Disbelief - this just put a happy wicked evil smile on my face and made me laugh out loud to myself! I love this!! Can you junk punch someone that doesn't necessarly have junk? Is that a kitty cat punch?
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Well, if it was BM in my
Well, if it was BM in my case I would call it "FUNK punch" cause her business is FUNNNKKKKYYYYYY!!!!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I would have been excited
I would have been excited that the BM actually thought enough of me to call to help out with her daughter. How many BM's out there would actually rather their kids suffer for whatever reason before they ask help out of the SM? How many BM's are too prideful or think of themselves as above asking the SM for help with a situation.
Momof4girls......I would have been happy to pick some tampons up for your daughter to keep at our house for her to use. I mean geez, how expensive are tampons anyways, when you only have to have them for less than a week per month? And on top of that, she may not even have her period while she is in our home to begin with since she's there a limited amount of time.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
that's the thing, everyone
that's the thing, everyone is different.
You want her to call, I don't. See? People are different.
That's why I said DH should have handled this, because the bottom line is, it's his kid, and he should be the one getting "junk punched"
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I understand ppl are
I understand ppl are different and also handle things differently.
But if she didn't want to handle it, she should have been woman enough to tell BM that she's uncomfortable getting in the middle of it.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
If you called me and told me
If you called me and told me my DH was acting like that, I would probably say ok I will handle it to you, then go drag his ass off the couch or wherever and make him do it himself, just for being a douche.
I say "probably" because I am not exactly sure what I would do, just because my husband isn't that big of a douche. Even if he was uncomfortable with it, he would at least ask me to do it himself, instead of forcing BM to ask me.
Once again, your ex is the problem. SM is a side problem, but your ex needs his head smacked in.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
In this scenario, if you
In this scenario, if you called me and asked to buy SD tampons and I informed you that I don't buy tampons because I believe they are not environmentally friendly and unsafe to use and offered to give SD pads but you insisted that she must have tampons down to which brand etc. I would calmly listen to what you have said to do and then inform my husband about what you said to do and give SD the pads I have available that I buy for my own teenage daughter who lives in the house. What my husband does with the information I give him and my SD does with the pads I give her are totally up to them.
If I am to believe your SD's story that she used TP for 5 days, because SM didn't give her pads at least, then that's simply cruel and as a mother I would be outraged.
But with another teenage girl living in the house, I find it VERY HARD TO BELIEVE that SM would leave your daughter completely without something a bit more sanitary than TP or a bit more user-friendly than grandma pads.
This is the SM and her
This is the SM and her daughter that hide shampoo and make her these girls use bar soap in their hair. I believe they would hide tampons as well.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
From what I deduce, they
From what I deduce, they don't use tampons.
Come on, that's beside the
Come on, that's beside the point.
You are correct, this is the
You are correct, this is the SM that told my daughters to use a boar of soap because the shampoo she buys her own daughter from ulta is too expensive.
My question to you is why
My question to you is why didn't you just send the $5 box with your daughter once your ex refused to deal with it????? Why did you feel the need to pursue it at all????
Okay we had this problem at
Okay we had this problem at my house but it was flipped. They'd come visit us with nothing. And I say visit cause at that time thats all they were doing. Then grandma told me to have them some clothes at our house so they could feel more at home than like visitors. I agreed. I didnt get mad at her, I had just never thought of it. Never having kids it never crossed my mind. Fast forward to theml iving with us. Grandma would call and tell me stuff and I just got fed up. Why is she calling me from 70 miles away when this kid is here in this house and could just tell me herself. Calling me to tell me she has a rash? Really? Calling me to tell me she doesnt feel well? Really? So we all talked about it sensibly and that stuff has ceased. BUT I must say that I do try to be sensitive to the needs of this young lady. In our case its pads and she's scared/embarassed to ask for them so I just make sure to get some every time I got to the store so she always has them and never has to ask me for them. SO in that way I think that SM was wrong. She should have had SOME compassion.
Bottome line SM said she
Bottome line SM said she would buy the tampons when asked and she didn't follow through. In a sense she lied to you. If she felt it wasn't her obligation or daughter needs to ask herself she should have had the balls to tell you or at least hand the phone over to you daughters father.
Either way, its safe to assume that the SM you are dealing with won't help you, her step-daughters and or husband with this stuff. Wrong or the your girls tampons, shampoo, whatever basics they need while over at dads. This isn't a battle worth fighting over. I'm a BM myself and have occasionally bought basics for my kids for the other household. It's simply not worth the energy. Just knowing my kids are being taken care is enough.
Hey momof4girls, I agree
Hey momof4girls, I agree that your daughters not getting the tampons are messed up, but I also thought your comment was kind of strange: the "I couldn't keep sending her with my tampons and running out myself" line. So you don't want to take on that small bit of responsibility that you're angry she didn't take on for your daughters?
Also, what the SM makes financially should really not concern you. I understand that you have "2 additional small children, daycare, and a spouse who lost his job after 13 years", but she in no way is responsible for your situation with your DH in relation to the CS and the sports thing. I'm just saying this b/c I would be angry if my SO's baby mama felt entitled to more things just because I make more money. My financials should be none of her concern, my SO's financials are her business.
With that being said, the tampon thing is ridiculous. Even though you don't want to provide them for your BD's, it doesn't mean that the SM or exH (especially) should play the same game and allow the girls to go without them....
Who besides me thinks that
Who besides me thinks that there is something about this story does not make any sense!!!
What SM or any parent with any brains would knowingly allow a child to go 5 days using only toilet paper in her house instead of pads or tampons! Toilet paper will be okay for only a very short period of time and would not prevent soiled clothing, sheets, bedspreads, and possibly furniture!!!! No one that I can think of would permit this to happen in their own home.
I find the child's story as related by BM to not be totally believable because I can not believe that someone would allow their home to be potentially trashed like this! The child more than likley was offered some type of product they did not like and the accusations flew..............
This story does not make
This story does not make sense to me either. There are so many missing pieces.
Not only would noone these days permit the use of TP, why would a story like this come out after a whole yr?? Something so cruel you'd think a child would run home and spill to mom. And anyway I have an 11yr old SD and I know firsthand how pre-teen girls can make up their own 'truths', plus kids of divorce learn very quickly how to 'play' the parents to their benefit.
And momof4girls REFUSES to actually say whether SM offered pads or not, she just ignores that question...
Ok, chiming in I have 2 BD
Ok, chiming in
I have 2 BD and 3 SD. Part of femine hygiene advice (and actually, I insist) is that they pack on their persons (purse, knapsack) sanitary supplies at all times. Teen girls are notoriously unpredictable in their periods. I'm surprised, personally, that you have not taught them this.
And, for what its worth, I believe this is a case of Parental Alienation Syndrome. O/P, you may not even be aware that you are participating in and encouraging PAS behaviour in your children.
I wonder why you would let, what so far has been described, petty bullshit be a reason for your daughters not seeing their father? Why are you asking them if they want to see him instead of insisting? Why aren't you teaching your children that no one is perfect but we have to learn to get along with authority figures no matter how much you don't like them.
You started this whole crazy scenario because YOU didn't want to run out of tampons. Easily prevented.
Fire away
We all smile in the same language
Amen, that was my point from
Amen, that was my point from the beginning - thank you! _________________________________________________________
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
I have to comment on the PAS
I have to comment on the PAS "charge" in this case.
Over here, we had, at 16, allowed SD to decide if she wanted to see her mom or not. Before offering this option to SD, we asked her psychiatrist that prescribes SD anti-depressants, and her therapist, who was, at the time, seeing her weekly.
Both of them agreed that it was in the best interests of SD to allow her to NOT see her mom for a while. It was not an easy decision to make, or one taken lightly. Both of them agreed that it may, in the long run, HELP the relationship between the two of them, if there was some distance put between them.
Since the father in this instance seems to have shown some disregard (according to the poster / BM) toward his children and their feelings, then I don't think the BM here is wrong for allowing her daughters to choose to see him or not. From her posts, it sounds like the father was emotionally abusive.
Since we seem to take what every other SM writes on here at face value, and not always question "the other side", I felt that she was taking steps to protect her daughters.
Recently, my husband and I went to see SD's therapist. And I asked her if DH and I could be accused of PAS since we have been shielding SD from her mom since the last incident where I found SD on the floor in a puddle of tears and hurt and betrayal. And she laughed at me, and said that BM was taking care of that... She was PAS'ing against herself.
I guess that's why I could understand how that father could be ruining his own relationship with his daughters... How he could be PAS'ing against himself.
Eventually, we are working to get SD to build a relationship with her mom. But she needs to acknowledge her anger and loss and work through them, so she doesn't keep repeating the same behaviors with her. What's very interesting now is that her anger is starting to come out... toward her friends, toward me, etc.
I don't know if this BM is totally telling the truth.. and I have to admit that some of the replies here have "opened my eyes" to the fact that yes, she could have just sent her kids to his house with the necessary items.
Like WSM, my issue is that the kids were caught in the crossfire, and still seem to be.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I completely agree Stick....
I completely agree Stick.... the kids seem to be totally caught in the middle of this.
Also, when perfectson was about 13ish he quit wanting to go to his dad's EOWE and I didn't make him go. He actually very rarely goes there now but their relationship is better than it's ever been. They talk and text often and then when they are together, they really enjoy each other. Before, it wasn't like that at all. I think had I forced him to go, it would have gone so far downhill it may have never come back. In my opinion, forcing a visitation is not always the right thing to do.
While there r a lot of nice
While there r a lot of nice sm's out there who provide for the kids, bottom line really is that your children are not her responsibility. They are her husband's responsibility and yours. Biodad should provide them w their own shampoo,tampons,deoderant,etc...OR they should bring the stuff w them like they would for any trip away from home. Cs should cover half of all their expenses and you are responsible for the other half of their expenses. If there isn't enough cs to pay for half of their sport costs then you either pay it or they don't do it. There are many children who can't afford sports activities. SM's income has nothing to do with your children. The cost of raising your children is your ex's problem and your problem. That is my view of this whole thing. I personally would take my DHs personal credit card and buy sd her own products for my home but it isn't my responsibility to do so if I don't want to. DH is enough of a man, a smart man, to provide the essentials for his kid without my help. **************************"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
But what a sad state our
But what a sad state our world is in when every SM says 'not my kid, not my problem'....... there is just not much human decency left in the world. You and I and others would NEVER let our SDs do without if they were even half way decent.... it shouldn't be quite so easy to just not care about a spouse's child.... kwim???
I agree the sm was cruel in
I agree the sm was cruel in her actions and it is sad. But ultimately, whether it is cruel or not, bm and biodad should have provided for their kid so she didn't have to be at sm's mercy...or lack thereof. Biodad needs to pay better attention to the interractions between his wife and his kids. ****"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
I agree the dad needs to
I agree the dad needs to wake up and pay attention, but DH would drop me like a hot potatoe if I was nasty to his kids. He doesn't treat mine bad and I would never treat his bad. Actually, I've said before, if I got to where I couldn't stand his kids, I would leave. No man, anywhere, is worth ME being miserable!
Sure it's a sad state... but
Sure it's a sad state... but here are 2 BIO parents who don't want to provide for their kid, and who gets called "Evil"??? The Stepmom. Not fair at all. And more than enough reason for a frustrated SM to say "not my kid, not my problem". Heck, by doing that she's HELPING (or trying to help) to get the parents to buck up and do their job, which is actually in the best interest of the kid. Kids of divorce want to know that both mum and dad still love them and will continue to take care of them even though they aren't together.
Just so everyone is clear, I
Just so everyone is clear, I am an adult survivor of PAS by my stepmother and my DH and muself have been PASed by BM.
I look at things logically and O/P's posts, especially about the girls changing their names, is a red flag, so is describing EDH as passive yet abusive, can't say much about SM but it appears to me that the daughter was offered an option and had no reason to use toilet paper. If O/P would support DH and SM to the kids faces, and deal with the problems directly with EDH things might go better and the kids wouldn't have incentive to work parents against each other.
We all smile in the same language
Hell, we have fsd's own
Hell, we have fsd's own toothbrushes...toothpaste...their own "special" toothpaste and crayon flossers...their own towels...and their own wardrobes...EVERYTHING...they don't need to bring anything...we provide everything for them to make it feel like they are at their 2nd home...asking a dad or even SM for tampons at the age of 12 or 13 can be pretty embarrassing for a kid I think...I don't understand why they couldn't provide those things? I would never have a problem with something like that...
"It's not like i'm made of
"It's not like i'm made of money and i provide for them at my house as well. He makes 3 times what i make and his wife makes 3 times what i make."
and I read this too...just remember - it is NOT the BM's responsibility to do all we do...we don't have to do the things we do - but obviously we do care. It is your ex's responsiblity to take this out of his pocket - I don't see a problem with sending things though...
"He makes 3 times what i
"He makes 3 times what i make and his wife makes 3 times what i make."
The first part of this sentence is your business,OP...the second part about what his wife makes...not your business.
Stop thinking about what she makes. It isn't going to help you at all.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
Totally agree. What she
Totally agree. What she makes should be no concern of BM's.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Our house runs according to
Our house runs according to everyone's needs. I am step Mom to two boys and a girl. We have full custody of all three, when they were visiting with us all their needs were met, it was not always to their 'liking' though but NEEDS were met, rather than just WANTS. I can understand that a girl might complain because it was not a particular brand, actually when there's such melodrama about a brand then I believe all parties deserve what they get! I am sorry that your girls felt they could not ask their Dad for what they needed, it's really not the place of the step Mom to 'parent' your kids unless it's a natural course of events accepted by everyone. I imagine that you know the cycles of your girls, on that premise then it makes sense to ensure that they have what they need at that point in time. Men often do not consider these things with kids! Maybe the girls have do a bit of 'step momma drama' going on and are looking for excuses to pick a fight? I am not trying to be mean with your girls, merely pointing out that these things do happen and if it were not the tampons then they might have looked for something else to point out?? I am a Mother of three, step Mom to three and, I love every one of them but I'd put nothing past a child!! If they do not like this lady then they may choose to pick fights? Who better to get onside than MOM?? about an eye about an eye opener...thank you for sharing this.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
I can understand where BM is
I can understand where BM is coming from, and I am siding with her on this one... of course, without knowing all of the circumstances. The girls are embarrassed to ask their dad about tampons, which to me is totally understandable because I was that girl when I started puberty and for me that would have been mortifying. And we can all see WHY, look at how dad reacted when BM asked him about buying the girls tampons... basically told her he wouldn't deal with the "girly stuff", sorta like "ewww that's yucky" (what a jerk).
So, the girls and BM think that maybe going to SM with this, because she's a woman, would be a better idea. Sort of like, hey, you're a woman and you know how it is, the girls don't want their dad to deal with it so could you maybe grab a box of tampons for him? As a SM and a BM, I see nothing wrong with this. I think that a lot of people here do have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to this stuff, and I get it because I'm right there with you... but in this situation, I can see why BM handled this the way she did.
What WAS wrong, was SM agreeing to do it and not following through. Who does that? And make the girls go all weekend with toilet paper unless they ask? I think they were probably a little shocked to find that there were no tampons there for them, after being told that there would be. And it sounds like the situation for them has been uncomfortable.
I am a BM and a SM. I would never, ever make my SD go without the proper toiletries while staying with me... because that's just cruel. Even if I do think her mom is an ignorant twat.
I'm sure BM will think twice before asking anything of SM ever again, because obviously she hit a nerve with her and SM thought it would be worth it to make the girls wash their hair with bar soap and go without tampons all weekend. I'm sure that if she saw it coming, she would have sucked it up and sent the stuff with them... problem was, she didn't see it coming because SM agreed to provide it!
I guess it all comes down to whether you think dad should provide the stuff at his house for weekend visits. I say yes. He shouldn't have to provide them with everything that they need, like a wardrobe. But necessities like tampons? YES! That's right up there with food and shelter.
I can't address all the
I can't address all the recent updates to this blog, but what i do want to say is that it's really hard to voice every single thing that's happened over the course of 14 months. So although some of you think there's inconsistancies, there's really not, just lack of time and space to tell you every little detail. the bottom line is that my daughters didn't wait a year to tell me, they told me right when they got home from their fathers house after that 5th day. Don't get hooked on the little details of what i came on here to ask advice for. I ultimately don't care "how much" their house hold makes, but was simply trying to prove a point that we know from expense declarations that get provided in court that they do make 4 times what i make so to not provide for your children in your own home is ridiculous...period! There shouldn't be anything more read into that statement. The ones that read into all this and call names are the ones that have major issues with drama, not me. I was simply coming to you stepparents to ask for advice and some have even praised me for that. Because my ultimate goal has always been to have a "working" realationship with both my ex and his wife because life would just be way easier.
You can tell from my blogs that I'm not vidictive and i'm not a mean person, just another parent looking for some answers or help.
I do want to give you an update and this is for those that may be going through a similar situtaion, not for those that think i'm lying. I just don't have the energy to waste on those comments, sorry. I have a court date and have also spoken with my old lawyer. On the sports issues, since we already have a judgement in place that requires the BD to pay 1/2 of all sports costs (which in our case is the once a year soccer for each child) and since that wasn't changed when I received full custody, IF he makes more than I do or the same amount he WILL have to continue paying half. IF he makes less than I do, my lawyer said that I will loose that judgement. I'm not an angry person and that judgement won't be worth getting angry over, but I need to at least try for my daughters.
On the last name issue....This will be the sole judgemnet of the judge, and where I live, we get the same judge every single time so he knows our background and story, and since our judge has called the BD a deadbeat in court on more than one occasion, the lawyer seems to think that the judge will side with my daughters (with their written letter of why they'd like to add my husbands last name) even if the BD disagrees. But until the day of my court hearing, it's truly all in the air. But I will be more than happy to post the results, good or bad, for knowledge in the future. My court date is scheduled for the end of April.
Thank you to those on here that gave great insight, whether it was in favor of me or just some helpful advice even though it wasn't in my favor. I truly did appreciate all opinions on this matter. it's an eye opener. And for those that called names and were just plan mean, please try not to take your horrible situations with BM's, BD's or whomever you are having to deal with, out on others. There are truly some honest and decent parents, biological or step, that want the best for all kids involved and I'm one that happens to just be on the other end of what you are to the child. That's all.