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FDH had mediation today with crazy BM

motherof_2plus1's picture

Mediation went horribly for FDH. BM presented a plan that would mean FDH had even LESS time with SD. Obviously he said no to that and offered other ideas but she said no to everything that was said. No budging at all for her.

Also accused him of hiding money and demanding he pay more.... Child support just got increased at this mediation as well to just about double the amount he was paying. She even told the judge that i have it out for her.

So because nothing was really resolved other than CS this now has to go to 5 day trial in just about a year from now and will cost us 30k. I do not want to go into debt for all this bs. Why cant BM budge at all Sad


nengooseus's picture

Because she doesn't have to budge.

Is this divorce proceedings, or just custody and child support?

I love dogs's picture

This happened to my DH. We didn't have the funds to go to trial so he just settled with what the hearing officer allowed. BM kept offering less and less time and wouldn't agree to anything. Once the dust settled she became nicer- who wouldn't? She totally got her way.

I'm sorry that you are risking so much only to have the same or minor results. SD will know you tried when she's older.

motherof_2plus1's picture

Thats my fear - custody will remain the same and the schedule they have now is so ridiculous.
Monday over night Wednesday overnight and Friday until 2:00 pm sat. No time to do anything or go away anywhere. I guess on BM's part too

strugglingSM's picture

Where was the mediator in all of this? Didn't they push BM to budge?

Since I've known him, DH has only gone to one mediation with BM. She demanded the mediation - for unknown reasons - but despite that, she cried the whole time saying "why are you doing this to me?" She also pretended she was going to be sick. The mediators kept saying "are you ok?" And basically insisted the DH drive the kids both ways and accommodate her pick-up time, even though his new job wouldn't allow him to. BM didn't want to touch child support - because she is now making more money than she was when they got divorced, so even though DH is also making more, she probably figures she might get burned on that. Also, she was supposed to pay the tax debt for her business (she owes $60K to the IRS) under their decree, but because she didn't and because she worked for herself, DH had $12K garnished out of his pay, before he received an Innocent Spouse Relief ruling from the IRS. Whenever BM threatens to force DH to pay more child support, he tells her, that's fine, maybe they can also resolve the tax debt issue at the same time.

I've considered getting qualified to become a mediator part time because I hear such horror stories. Maybe it's just really difficult to do, but man, I would love to force some compromise on people.

motherof_2plus1's picture

It was mediation with a judge... they did try to bush BM but she would come up with a reason why she cant or why it wouldn't work for SD because she has x y and z to attend.

The only reason the lawyer suggested this mediation was to try to get the judge to hear and pass off on allowing SD to come to our dest wedding a couple of weeks cuz BM is ignoring FDH's requests for this. Everyone involved new nothing would come of today and that it would have to go before a judge. It doesnt make it any easier and we got no answer if SD could come or not... which basically means she wont be.

strugglingSM's picture

I'm surprised that the judge didn't get annoyed with BM's litany of excuses.

That stinks about your wedding. Perhaps, you should have BM explain to the child why she can't go.

advice.only2's picture

IMO mediation is a complete joke unless you have a couple who is willing to truly work together...realistically though they probably wouldn't be going through mediation.

Every time meth ex took DH back to court he would try and compromise with the hag in mediation (that's if she even showed up), meth ex would never agree to anything (she wanted sole legal and physical custody back). Even the mediator would tell her that he was reporting in his notes that she was uncooperative and unwilling to try and work with DH. Didn't matter, they would end up before the judge and the judge would give her more time, or more privileges.

thinkthrice's picture

WINNER!! Mediation in Chef's case was a big fat joke as well; it was so lopsided in the Girhippo's favour it wasn't funny. Of course Chef stupidly agreed to it and didn't get an attorney whilst she lawyered up.

The Gir got everything and Chef got the shirt on his back plus has been paying CS through the nose for almost a decade and a half now. It's good to be the BM!

Solidshadow7's picture

Go to trial. Fire the attorney and go pro se if you can't afford it.

It can't get any worse than what you have right now. My DH went to mediation twice. BM was completely denying visitation and was willing to agree to one night every two weeks at the max. It was senseless. Trial was 15 minutes long (after 3 hours waiting.) Judge refused to hear evidence or testimony, sent the witnesses home, and said they were both getting 50% since half a kid is all either one of them produced. The attorney just sat there for 3 hours while billing $300 per hour, it was completely unnecessary for him to be there. I know that this is not a typical experience, but in our case no attorney would have yielded the same result for free.

I don't know what state you're in, but in my state , unless she has a restraining order against him or your DH has a prison record or is on drugs, he should get every other week. Losing horribly at trial means you get every other weekend plus one night a week. Otherwise, you get 50%. If your DH does have a prison record or is on drugs or she does have a restraining order, worst case he will get supervised visitation for 2 hours a week for a year. If he completes parenting classes, he then gets every other weekend plus 1 night a week after he completes them. So it really doesn't matter what happens at trial, even if you cant afford the lawyer. Its better than he's got now.