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1st grader suspended for butter knife

I love dogs's picture

Heard that on the radio this morning. A little girl had a butter knife during lunch, not attempting to harm anyone, presumably using it for lunch. Apparently the district policy forbids it but how many parents know district policies?

Yes, there could have been malicious intent but this doesn't seem to be. Yes, instances of a child trying to harm others does happen, but really?

I know there are bad people out there but I'm sick of everyone being offended by every tiny thing. What is this world coming to?


witch.hazel's picture

"Oops, we can't have that at school, honey. Let me take that until your parents come and pick it up"...or throw it away and send a note home. Wtf? This stuff is so stupid. We can't make judgement calls on individual situations anymore?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

A BUTTER knife? I've used plastic knives that are 10x sharper than a butter knife. The world is freaking crazy. SMH

DaizyDuke's picture

I'm sorry but this boils to down to common sense to me. Come on, who sends a butter knife to school with their kid? Same as who sends a toy gun to school with their kid. You just don't do it. It's common sense. Sure maybe this gal wouldn't hurt a fly with her butter knife, but if she turns her back and little Devil Johnny grabs the butter knife, then someone might get hurt.

This is not the school being "offended" this is the school following the rules/code of conduct. And parents should actually read these rules, so things like this don't happen.

Puzzled9401's picture

Or Devil Johnny comes in the next day with a fork and stabs someone in the arm with it. (What? I thought he could bring one? Little Susie had a KNIFE yesterday and no one did anything about it....) I am not saying the wold hasn’t gone crazy but kids today are very different than they used to be.

witch.hazel's picture

I'm trying to remember whether the school cafeteria had butter knives for us to use back in the day :). I really miss the 80's when things were just so much simpler. I would go back there in a second.

advice.only2's picture

We had sporks, those wonderful amazing spoons that would have three tines at the tip, and were so flimsy that one tine would always break off and get lost in your food, only for you to find it when you bit down into it Smile

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sporks are dangerous. I've actually been cut by a sharp piece of spork. BAN SPORKS!!!

secret's picture

Well yes, because 1st graders are apparently too young to be taught how to use proper utensils.

Many lunch kits come with hard plastic utensils, including a knife... are they going to start banning those too?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I can see it now... future school lunches will all be finger foods and no utensils are allowed. After all, a spoon can be used to gouge out eyeballs. And I've seen people use the handle of a spoon in place of a knife.

Pharlap's picture

But then devil johnny will use a chicken tender to pretend it's a gun and get suspended! (This actually happened)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

So Bad Billy is now an adult. I wonder if the chicken finger incident has molded his life...

New_to_this's picture

If she only took it out with her lunch, I think they should give her some leeway. Or, they should have been really clear about what can and cannot be brought to school.

SS13 jabbed another student with a pen out of anger when he was in 6th grade. It broke the skin, but I don't think there was bleeding. I was surprised that they did not suspend or expel SS. If I was an administrator at the school, I would have taken some sort of action that would be on record. That bothered my a lot - the jabbing and that I was taking the incident more seriously than the teachers and SS's parents.

Anything can be used as a weapon. It's all about intent. That little girl was just using a butter knife to cut her lunch. She should not have been suspended over it.

DaizyDuke's picture

Anything that violates the Code of Conduct means a suspension doesn't matter what grade you are in or what your intent was. This is excerpt from Code of Conduct for school district that I work for.

Possesses, while on school property or at a
school function, a weapon.
 Displays, while on school property or at a
school function, what appears to be a weapon.
 Threatens, while on school property or at a
school function, to use a weapon.
 Knowingly and intentionally damages or
destroys the personal property of any school
employee or any person lawfully on school
property or at a school function.
 Knowingly and intentionally damages or
destroys school district property.
“Weapon” means a firearm as defined in 18
USC §921 for purposes of the Gun-Free Schools
Act. It also means any other gun, BB gun, pistol,
revolver, shotgun, rifle, machine gun, disguised
gun, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto, switchblade
knife, gravity knife, brass knuckles, sling shot,
metal knuckle knife, box cutter, cane sword,
electronic dart gun, Kung Fu star, electronic stun
gun, pepper spray or other noxious spray,
explosive or incendiary bomb, or other devise,
instrument, material or substance

I know it was just a butter knife, but it was a knife all the same. You can't pick and choose when you will follow the rules. Some rednecks might argue it was just a pocket knife when little Johnny innocently brings one to school in his pants pocket because it's perfectly normal for him to have one at home and he forgot to take it out before school.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Daizy makes an excellent point. Sounds like things will need to be cut up before the lunch is packed. If any condiments are included and require spreading, buy a box of popsicle sticks that can be used in place of a knife.

New_to_this's picture

I get it. It just frustrates me that a 1st grader who brings a butter knife and only uses it in the cafeteria to cut food gets suspended, meanwhile, a 6th grader who actively hurts a kid out of anger with a writing utensil doesn't get anything on his record for the offense.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Schools had to become incredibly strict with their policy is due to so many children being murdered by other children. I’m OK with having strict clear lines in school policies nowadays. As parents, it’s our responsibility to know what the rules are and to follow them accordingly.

When the majority of us were school-age kids, I doubt anyone of us was worried about a mass shooting happening. Our kids live in a much more dangerous world then we grew up in.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

When I was in school a hundred years ago, nobody thought twice about nail clippers, nail FILES, aspirin or other meds, pocket knives... I am SO thankful I'm not trying to raise a child in today's generation.