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Tell me world, why doesn't everyone see things my way? :P

Apples's picture

I am together with a wonderful man, who would do anything for anyone. I'm already a BM and looking to take on another 3.. that makes *5* yes, FIVE, F I V E..

How do I do this? The man is so wonderful he will do anything for anyone, including it seems, his ex partner.. which is wonderful.. but how do you come into someone's life and change everythign around? Is it right to expect to?

She can't afford to pay anything off, totally get that, but in the meantime there's so little money there's nothing to have fun with, while she's drinking and dating men.


Apples's picture

Well it's not that it's anything like shopping really, I never had the money to go shopping before lol. However I do find that quite often I'll suggest something and he'll quite shyly say he has no money.. ok, drop it, find something free all good.. after all, it's not my business right?

Except, when I want to take the kids out, and I don't feel it fair to take mine without his, but cant afford to pay for him and 5.