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The countdown has begun...

tankh21's picture

So the countdown has begun when the skids leave and go back to BM's house then it goes back to EOW. I think about if we got these kids full time DH and I would have to have a serious discussion about the household rules but, BM will never let go of her precious babies so that probably won't happen. I think the youngest might want to live with his dad when he's 15 or 16 so I dread that but, we will see what happens. This weekend I am going to relax in my nice quiet house. Am I a bad person for being happy that my skids are going back to BM's?


Acratopotes's picture

why only wait till the kids moves in full time before having a serious talk about rules?

They will be use to holiday rules and will laugh in your face... best is to get boundaries and rules now in the house, regardless if they are there for a day or a month... they should know, at this house we have to behave like this, at BM's house we can be hooligans

tankh21's picture

My DH isn't on board with some of the rules I want to enforce. He calls me a Nazi so I will have to do a lot more convincing if I want to enforce the rules I want in my house. The struggle is real because DH doesn't think his kid behaves badly.

Acratopotes's picture

Well..... Hon... talk to DH and ask him why does he think his kids behaves....

DH should take control when they are there en ensure they behave and DH should make it very clear to them, when he's not there you are in charge and he will not tolerate any disrespect so they better learn

tankh21's picture

I am just glad I get some peace and quiet and can walk around naked in my own house this weekend LOL

Monchichi's picture

The reality is that at any moment the children could end up with the NCP full time. So many scenario's can lead to this. There is no way to plan for it, you do however need to be well aware of it and that tis could be your life.

tankh21's picture

Yes I know I am aware that it could happen at any moment and if the skids do end up with us full time then DH and I will enforce the rules most definitely because I am not going to be disrespected and uncomfortable in my own home. It will end up with DH meets me in the middle or I walk away.

tankh21's picture

Yes I agree it is DH and BM's fault that these kids are the way they are. DH says that I just because I was raised a certain way doesn't mean that he has to follow what I say. The main issue is YSS behavior. He seems to think that the living room and TV belong to him and DH makes excuse after excuse that we need to let him be himself and that he only gets to see his kids EOW and 30 days in the summer and on holidays. I am thinking that is a sorry ass excuse for not making your kids behave. So it is the matter of I want my kids to be happy and give into them so they I they will continue to want to come over dad's house and plus he is afraid that BM will try to tell the judge that he is abusing his own kids if he even tries to discipline them. It is a cluster f***!