PAS directed only at the SM?
Hello all - I'm sorry this is really long.
I'm having a rough time with this at the moment. I've read Divorce Poison, all the online resources, but they're not much of a comfort to me in current daily life.
BM poisoned OSD against me when she was 7/8. We had a bumpy year, but eventually we got a sort of pleasantish relationship back up and running. There were some mini-wife issues too due to DH having transferred a bit too much onto her when he and exW were breaking up (well before I was on the scene), which he has worked on and virtually all of that has gone away. BM told OSD that I was the reason daddy didn't live at home anymore, that they had no money (unbelievable considering - but whole other topic!!), and that I was probably a paedophile (she also insinuated this in solicitors letters), and got OSD to the point where she was frightened to give me a hug as it was 'inappropriate'.
Now she's getting into teenager years, and she knows she can talk to me openly and without judgement about things that are going on at school and with friends, and things have calmed down. We're not nearly as close as we were on course to be, but I'll take stability and a sense of friendliness.
They are both banned from talking about their home life (mainly as we have discovered BM has lied significantly about her money, plans, business, means and relationship since day one - even on court documents during the divorce - meaning there's no way she'd have got such an incredibly generous settlement if my DH had known the truth. Even our lawyers say he walked out with only the clothes on his back as she got everything). So we know almost nothing about their lives during the week as they are petrified of her, so won't talk about anything they've done on "her private time" (her words).
What's really upsetting me is my rapidly deteriorating relationship with YSD. We were so close. Her BM really resents her as she has some mild developmental delay and isn't 'perfect' like her golden child elder sister. As a result she is desperate for love, and clung to me like a life raft from almost the moment we met. I was very softly-softly on meeting them as I didn't want to tread on toes, overstep, etc, but she threw herself at me.
BM didn't really care as long as they are away from her every weekend, but recently things started to change. She started telling YSD that she isn't allowed to speak to me on the phone when DH calls her (which I don't anyway, as we learnt years ago that they got shouted at for talking to me, and BM listens on speaker), that she comes to see Daddy and *not* me (which confused her, and now she's terrified to be left alone with me for even ten minutes if DH pops to the shops for me that she sobs that she needs to go with him in case BM finds out), that she is specifically instructed that she doesn't have to do anything I say at all - very much encouraged to be defiant, and most recently that she is supposed to "ignore" me completely. She's so upset by all of this, and it's heartbreaking to watch.
Whilst biting our tongues, we've carefully never ever said anything bad about BM. We've tried to start addressing it as it was getting out of control by saying that mummy can say whatever she likes at her house, but it stops at our front door and what daddy & I say in our house is what goes on here, that we have to be nice to each other, that we don't tell her to "ignore" mummy's boyfriend and nobody is going to 'tell' on her to mummy if she doesn't act nastily towards me. She seemed to cheer up quite a bit after we all talked about it, but I can tell it's impacting on our relationship, and I can already see her going down the same path as her sister.
I was never under any illusion that they are my children, or I am replacing BM ever. But I'm utterly devastated that the close semi-familial relationship is starting to be replaced with a slightly cold, impersonal but friendly one with both of them.
My DH has no understanding of how lonely I now feel. It's like a door has been slammed shut in my heart as I need to protect myself from the hurt of caring about them too much. The problem is our entire lives revolve around them. Like I said we have them every weekend, my DH works long hours in the week, and we never really have any couple time as he wont consider babysitters at the weekend ever (this is an absolute red line for him), and on the odd night it is just us, all he wants to do is stare at the tv (if I'm really lucky we go to the cinema, but to me that's just a bigger screen, so what's the difference).
I suppose there is no advice, but as I'm suffering very badly from anxiety, stress and depression due to major flat/work/disability/life stuff going on that I've exhausted all Nhs help for, I can feel myself sinking...
Has anyone else dealt with a situation where the PAS was aimed at you as the SM rather than at DH? BM here wouldn't dare aim it at DH as she knows she might not get all her lovely child free weekends. To me it's her getting her cake & eating it - in her words she gets every weekend "off" from being a mother while I do all the hard work, and she gets them to make the weekends miserable for me by getting the children to inflict her attitude onto me. I have no family or friends, and am disabled, so there aren't other options for me at weekends.
- Buffy's blog
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Did you read this at all? She
Did you read this at all? She said she does NOT talk to them on the phone and their mom prevents them from talking about her house at dad's house.....
Sure PAS is parental alienation, but the mom is alienating the stepmom no matter what phrasing you choose to use.
She doesn't seem to want to replace mom, but she does want to have a good relationship with her stepkids, which is so great. Even if they are there to see dad, she is still a part of their lives, and it is normal to want to get along. She has not indicated that she wants to be equal to mom at all.
I don't think the loneliness is because she expects the skids to prevent loneliness, but because on weekends she is living with a family where 2 of the members are being told to ignore her and her husband is gone until late during the week.
Just also to clarify, their
Just also to clarify, their mother insisted from day one that my husband have the children all weekend every weekend as she considers having them in the week her job, and she clocks off at the weekend. Now of course my husband loves to get that time with them, but it is not remotely feasible for him to take them elsewhere all weekend, nor for me to move out every weekend. Their mother knows this, and is therefore fully aware of the impact of her poisonous attitude through the children onto their time spent with their father.
Reading comprehension is a
Reading comprehension is a marvelous thing!![Dirol](
Fakemommy- You just captured
Fakemommy- You just captured everything I wanted to say to explain myself further - thank you for that.
Perhaps I'm better trying to say this is relational aggression aimed at me, that affects the skids' relationship / contact with their father as it creates an unpleasant atmosphere and is deeply upsetting the youngest in that she is completely flipping out when around me and it's so hard to try and manage that.
I don't in any way consider myself 'equal' to their mother to them, I've tried to love them as part of our family in the sense of, let's say cousins / nieces, but this means a total shut down.
I don't look to the children to 'fix' my loneliness. I'm lonely because I'm on my own all week, and at least (mostly) I've been able for the four of us to live together and get along at weekends (we can only afford a very small two bed flat to live within a reasonable driving distance of the children and to enable my husband to have a vaguely manageable commute into a stressful long-hours job). The loneliness is that I'm now going to be sequestered to our small bedroom for 48hours every weekend, and spend no time at all with my husband, and be emotionally cut off from me vs the 3 of them.
I'm physically disabled, live in part of the country with no friends or family, have recently lost my two day a week job as I'm not considered medically fit to work the extra hours they want, and having to arrange through very difficult insurers & builders to rebuild our flat that was destroyed by flooding over Christmas (we are currently living in a shell of a property). Getting out at weekends, meeting people and going places are just not an option for me on my own.
My SD9 lives with us most of
My SD9 lives with us most of the year. She spends summers with her BM. When she comes back from these extended visits, she will come back with an attitude. She will ignore me. It will go on for a few days until I lose my temper with her. I will tell her to knock it off. She will cry a little and then we will get back to normal. It is a routine that I have gotten used too.
In your situation, your SDs are around their mother much of the time so it is harder. You should just go on with your life. If she gives you an attitude, nip it in the bud or get your DH to do it. Don't feed into her drama. Just go on like it doesn't bother you. I wouldn't allow her to talk down to you or have an attitude. I would tell her that it is out of line and she is not going to talk to you that way. You really need to get your DH to back you on this. If you don't take care of it now, it may get worse as she gets older.
I agree don't take it
I agree don't take it personal. You set the ground work so let her have her teenage space while her mom is busy trying to make up ground. It's fine. She needs to figure out that she can have good relationships with you both. You just have to wait for her to have that epiphany.
No, stepmom is not a bio
No, stepmom is not a bio parent of skids but IS a parent in the other house, and adult, a potential ally for skids IF she is allowed to be and skids are not poisoned toward her by BM. So I believe that PAS can absolutely be something that describes step. Maybe we should use BPAS to describe alienation of the bio-parent by the sick mess of an ex.
OP, I understand exactly what you're saying. I know that you're not looking for adult friendship with a skid. I get that you once thought you could have a real relationship with your skids, based on the fact that they are children and you have put lots of energy and love into opening your heart and home to them even though they did not grow in your belly. Based on the fact that love is love and more love, not less, is a good thing. This is how so many step moms enter this relationship. But then the insecure BM takes over and every interaction is shadowed by her threats, her crying, her words, that they hear in their ears whenever they see you. It is like this in our house too and it's really, really, really hard. Then, when they're old enough to finally start seeing her sickness, they are enraged with her one minute and the next are begging to call her because she ignores them for hours when they return and rampages if they don't still call her every day, even though they're almost teenagers. And your skids are girls, which must be even more difficult.
Hang in there and know that there are people here who can support you and sympathize!
Thank you for your
Thank you for your understanding![Smile](
You'd think considering both skids are adopted BM would have more understanding about love not being dictated by biology and the more people who support them the better...
I know - I don't know how to
I know - I don't know how to address that. We've had arguments before about babysitters as, at first he promised when they got older he would, but since BM goes out all the time he doesn't want them to think he doesn't want to be around them when he '"only" sees them at the weekend. Part of me thinks it would be a lost cause as he's so exhausted from work and from entertaining them all day long at the weekend that after they've give to bed he just wants to watch an hour of tv then go to bed.
He has spoken to them about not being rude to me (as I know he won't tolerate that), but it's the youngest being so upset by being torn that's heartbreaking and we don't know what we do next as she's losing it completely if I am around as she's being told by her terrifying mother to ignore me (and that she'll somehow know if she doesn't) but her natural instinct is to be friendly / loving.
Eldest is nearly 13, and
Eldest is nearly 13, and youngest is physically 10 (but delayed so really mentally 7/8 - that's from professional diagnoses).
In this country you're not
In this country you're not allowed to leave children unaccompanied under the age of 15/16!(depending on maturity) - and oldest is somewhat infantilised by her mother - to the point she doesn't know how to change a loo roll- so not the most capable of supervising her sister. if BM wasn't such a drinker and didn't get babysitters 2-3 times a week I think it might be possible, but he feels too guilty that she doesn't want to be around the children (especially at the weekends or "her time" as she calls it) so now won't contemplate it.
Totally understand - DH
Totally understand - DH definitely got on top of teaching her that one when he spotted it! Problem to a certain extent is he teaches her life skills in a weekends, but she knows full well that mummy will do it all for her in the week so doesn't bother retaining the info. He's frustrated by that too. But I understand why you would think that I'm blaming just BM for that.
Your last point is spot on. I feel that way. I've told him I feel that way too. But I don't know how to remedy it...there are so many awful things that BM says / does, that weekends are often spent firefighting problems. His focus then is determined by that. We had a chat where I got him to agree that swinging violently between her neglect and his over the top red carpet / entertainment director approach isn't healthy, but he struggles to rein it in as the guilt is strong...
Totally agree. I just don't
Totally agree.
I just don't know how. My disability has gotten much worse in the last ten years, I can't work, I can't drive, I can't walk / get far unaided. No family lives remotely near us, and friends are few and scattered far away. I'm usually so exhausted from being in constant pain, hospital appointments, getting dressed and cooking dinner that I don't have energy left to even know what I would enjoy doing!