Extra-marital stepchild?
Hi. I don't know if this is the right forum because technically I am not a stepmom. I need to know if there ARE stepmom's here who can have experienced something similar and how they coped, or if stepmom's or stepdad's in general can please give me some advice or share their own experiences.
In the past year I discovered that my husband of 9 years had a brief affair. The affair was with one of my close friends, now ex-friend, when I was pregnant. When I found out during the summer it almost destroyed our marriage. The full truth has now emerged: her 7 year old daughter is my husband's child. We have an 8 year old son together.
Part of the reason things emerged over time is that he has been making child support payments to her in secret. She threatened to tell me about her daughter if he didn't. She forced his hand. The mother of his extra-marital child is also pushing for my husband to have a relationship with her daughter - wanting my husband to come to a custody arrangement where the child spends time with him every other weekend. She wants her daughter to "know" her own father.
I have handled just about all I can with my husband's affair and the fact that he has a bastard child. I can not for one instant stand the thought of this child in my home. Please don't lecture me about the innocence of this child: I don't care! Between my husband and his whore, my life feels like it has crashed. I don't absolve my husband either! He WILLFULLY participated in an affair and isn't an innocent party. He betrayed me.
I don't want that woman or her child in my life. I don't want my son exposed to the results of fuckery!
I don't think I can cope with having this child in my home - a constant reminder of what happened.
My husband has left this choice to me. I would rather he pay child support and not ever see that child. If our own child is 18 and wants a relationship with his half sister, fine. Till then I WILL NOT allow it. I don't care if my husband never sees his other child again. She and her mother are not my problem!
Have any of you had this experience? Have how have you coped with it. Or have you become a stepparent to a extra-marital child, and what was the impact on your family and marriage? Thank you in advance for your advice or sharing of your experiences.
- NotYourStepmom's blog
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Try this
Try this forum:
The women there have faced this very situation. Good luck.
Thank you!
Thank you!
@NotYourStepmom if I were you
@NotYourStepmom if I were you I would buy time. Tell him that you are just not ready to have his illegitimate daughter in your home. You need at least a year to get used to the idea.
This will give you time to make a sober decision. There is no easy option, but you need to carefully consider everything before deciding.
He left the choice to you?
He left the choice to you? What a sweetheart of a guy. How do you even look at his face?
Wish you the best. He's an asshole.
Thank you and very true! He
Thank you and very true! He is a jerk!
Hard to look at him and not wish I stabbed a dagger through his eye!
I'm really sorry. No one
I'm really sorry. No one should be dragged thru that.
That poor child should not be
That poor child should not be punished because her parents' actions and her stepmother's anger.
You got rid of the friend, but keep the husband. Why????
The choice as to how I
The choice as to how I proceed after my husband's affair is in part mine. I am married to him, not his whore. I may be able to work things out with him (who knows?) but I owe her nothing. I have no children with her or home with her or life with her. The same is not true of the thing I am married to.
Punish the child? No, neither do I intend to reward said child with access to my life and my child. I don't have to be party to indulging what in effect is a random child to me.
You are hurting/punishing
You are hurting/punishing thatbchikd that child because you hate her mother.
Instead of your husband manning up and saying he will have a relationship with his the child, he's allowing you to destroy that.
You don't own your son. Your husband has every right to ensure that his children grow up knowing one another.
If your marriage doesn't last, it's just a mattee of time before woman#3 will be here posting about both you and your friend.
I see your viewpoint and it's
I see your viewpoint and it's child focused. You are entitled to have that view and I do understand what you are saying. I understand that the child is not to blame for the circumstances of her birth. Her mother and my whoring husband is. However that girl is not my child and means less than nothing to me. Sad but true.
Do I hate her mother? No, I don't have time or emotional energy to waste on a tramp. Neither does her wishes for her child play a role in my considerations. As far as I am aware, my husband is legally obligated to pay financially for that child. There is no reason (other than compassion) to compel him to have a relationship with that child. If he wants to, it will not be in our home or around my child. His wants are secondary. The mother and child don't feature at all.
I'm reading this comment
I'm reading this comment after my original reply. You are very controlling.
You may very well be right.
You may very well be right. Truth is, I do get to control my own life- such as who is in an who is out. And if in, on what terms. This has direct application to adults and the consequences of their actions. If my husband doesn't like it, he is free to leave.
Yes he is free to leave.
Yes he is free to leave. However, you won't have any say in what he does during visitation when it comes to both children.
If he has both children together during his parenting time, IMO you'd be very wrong to spread your hurt and anger towards the other child off unto your own child. Neither child deserves to be dragged into the adult feelings and emotions. The kids didn't do this. You'd be as wrong as a parent who uses PSA against the other parent if you tried to poison one child against the other during Dad's time.
Wow. I can't believe people
Wow. I can't believe people on here are lecturing you about having sympathy for that child. Like it or not, kids do suffer for their parents' mistakes...if a dad is an alcoholic or a drug addict or goes to jail...the kids suffer. That wouldn't be your fault. Nor is this your fault. That woman and your husband made a mistake. They and their child should suffer the consequences...not you and your child. Asking you to take on that burden is adding insult to injury...and the height of entitlement IMO. Seriously. Who does that woman think she is?
I'd like to know more about your finances? Does your husband make all the money? Do you make as much or more than him? I'd see an attorney and figure out a way to protect myself and my kid against this woman. You shouldn't be paying for her kid...whatever your husband decides to do.
Crazy BMs use this same logic
Crazy BMs use this same logic everyday to justify destroying their children's relationships with their fathers. No matter what a father did, keeping him from his child and/or expecting your bio to carry the burden of your hurt is wrong.
If a cheating husband
If a cheating husband divorces his wife and marries the other woman, the BM may do everything she can to keep the kids away feom them. Mif that won't work, she'll try to poison their relationship. It's all done in the name of protecting her kids.
In both cases the women are angry and out for blood. Th ey think everything they donis justified because he was unfaithful.
I wouldn't want the kid in my
I wouldn't want the kid in my home either. But I wouldn't prevent my husband and child from having a relationship with her.
Of course the cheating pig would have been history as soon as the truth was revealed.
This is not at all similar.
This is not at all similar. This woman is trying to reconcile with a scumbag...and then he has the nerve to want the product of his Douchery in HER home? Absolutely not.
"Crazy BMs" who divorce are not asked to have the new wife's child in their homes...former mistress or not. That would rightly be considered unjustified and cruel. I am the new wife (not mistress)...it's hard to have the BMs kids in my home, even though I love them. It's just an inconvenience...and I feel left out...everything that people post about here. I deal with it. In reverse...it would be intolerable. My kids (if I have them) in the first wife's home? Why should she put up with that? A regular reminder that her marriage failed?
Sending your kids to the home
Sending your kids to the home if the woman who helped break up your marriage is just as bad. And is also a regular reminder that your marriage failed. The woman who destroyed your family now has some influence over your children.
In both situations the mom is hurt, jealous, angry.....
Thank you for this post.
Thank you for this post. Sometimes I need to hear I am not unreasonably crazy.
We both make good money. We have separate finances and a pre-nup so money isn't an issue. We both have separate attorneys and he stands to lose more through divorce. (Not saying that is why he stays with me, I honestly believe we are both trying to reconcile.)
OK, good. I make more than
OK, good.
I make more than my husband right now because he is starting a business...and I work to help him with his business for free on top of my regular job. I'm shocked in these forums to see how many women are essentially paying CS...and other child-related expenses...paying for the privilege of caring for someone elses's kids. I know I am, and I find it hard to tolerate.
I actually have a great relationship with my stepkids, and I do extra things with them without being asked or forced...but I still struggle with resentment when it feels like their wants come before my needs. I also worry that we'll build this business and the spoiling of the kids will just grow with our budget...so that I'm never able to relax or enjoy the rewards of my hard work. When I bring up financial resentment...my husband says that he believes in "what's mine is yours" and that he wouldn't care at all if he made more money than I did. Of course...I think that's really easy to say when he's bringing $ into the equation plus 3 over-indulged kids and I'm bringing $$$ and no kids. He'll never understand what it's like to pay for someone else's kid...if we have a kid together that will be his kid as well.
Sorry to go on and on. I've just been shocked by what feels like incredible entitlement from DHs and Skids...and it seems to be common in blended families...the strange assumption that the stepmom will be thrilled to donate her ________________ to the cause (FILL IN THE BLANK: money, free time, career, family ties, etc.)
And say all that to say...hold your ground. Having the child of an affair in your home is torture and will be the nail in the coffin for your marriage, if you allow it.
Did your DH request a DNA
Did your DH request a DNA test at child's birth? Seems strange that an actual legal CS order was not obtained. To ensure correct amount and enforcement for the length of 18yrs, I'd think just trying to 'blackmail ' (give or I'll tell) the other mother left her child vulnerable.
Anyway ....why now? What has made the other mother to approach the subject of visitation now? IMO it's something your DH needs to decide if he will or won't have some type of relationship with this other child. It's not something you should decide for him. He could see the child an occasional weekend afternoon outside of the home.
The next possibility is these two children meeting perhaps at school. Would you want your child to learn of Daddy's love child from someone else and possibly in a cruel way?
There was a DNA test. It is
There was a DNA test. It is his child. There arrangement regarding child support was an "off the books deal". As long as he paid, the child's mother did not care if it was legally binding or not. (They have kept proof of payments for child support and the child's mother does NOT dispute that child support payments have been made.) This arrangement actually worked on my favor when I found out about their affair as I moved out and filed for separation - including child support payments to my own son. We have since reconciled, but my husband is obligated to make child support payments to me. I had first strike against his salary and will keep it that way, in case of a divorce
She has reappeared after moving back to our city in the summer. Her marriage crumbled in last year and she moved back home. She probably needs a new "daddy" for her daughter and has decided that now the child's biological father can be part of her life. How generous and selfless.
Love child? Lol. Is that what passes in polite circles for bastard children? My son already knows about his "love sister". It's one of the hardest and worst things I have has to do. There will be no relationship at all between them as long as my own child is a minor. Not if I can help it.
Be careful with the CS thing.
Be careful with the CS thing. Your husband can go into to court and have the CS order stopped since he and the child live in the same home. If you end up divorcing, he may be able to make you repay CS you received while living together.
Thank you for this bit of
Thank you for this bit of info. Will run it by my lawyer and see where we stand.
Paying him back is the last of my concerns. The money isn't an issue for me. The child support order was to protect my son.
Thank you do this post.
Thank you do this post.
Believe me, I have called him every name under the sun and if there are more, I would hurl that at him to. He is no innocent party. She did not seduce him. They both, of own free will decided to have unprotected sex whilst I was pregnant. My wonderful husband and close friend... I am disgusted. She didn't rape him, it wasn't an accident, she didn't land on his dick by tripping over her high heels. No, this was deliberate betrayal.
If he was too stupid to see that she wanted to destroy his marriage (with his help) and take my place that is his problem. I will not give her a second opportunity to do so. Her pregnancy was deliberate. She was hoping he would leave me and marry her. It went wrong for both of them. How sad.
From both of them - separately - I know there was very little contact after they got to the child support arrangements. Whether it's true or not, does not matter but it's what I choose to believe. She went on and married someone else. Couldn't keep her legs together and ended up divorced - she has a second child aged 3.
At this point I truly do not know if my own marriage will survive. We are trying. we are in couple's counseling and also individual therapy. If it's to work, I want it formalized: he pays child support formally through the courts. This process is underway and why I know the tramp had the decency not to dispute that the payments have been made and no back support is owed.
Visitation is a secondary part to the financial order of child support. My husband could opt in or opt to have no contact with his daughter. This is why I found this board.
I know my whoring husband well enough to believe that he would either see his or not at all. I doubt it would be behind my back. (Unfortunately we know how reliable that has been in the past.) There is no contact between the slut and my Whores-band. Everything at the moment is via his attorney.
I can not see any form of healthy family relationship happening with his daughter and our household. How can it? A dishonest mother trying to force her way into our home? A child who will feel unwanted by me? Is that what step households are like? For all concerned I doubt over night visitation or every other weekend is good.
I would rather he cut his losses and try to work on our family. I don't know if we will be able to salvage this marriage. As to my child in contact with his? That's a bridge I will cross if we get there, but I would fight it every step of the way.
I am not sure my marriage is
I am not sure my marriage is dead yet. I would not base it on your friend's situation although I can understand the similarities. It's not even terminal. What I would say is that we have a cancer that we can allow to grow or we can cut it out.
Where I differ with your circumstances is that I have the financial resources to get out and raise my son on my own. (This may still happen.) I Forder the damage and resentment having the extra-marital child in and out of our home can do. Unlike your friend I won't allow it. Neither am I prepared to live a life of bitterness, anger and resentment. If you met me a few months ago, you would have been frightened of those levels. If I can't further work through what I feel and come to a place of complete reconciliation with my husband, divorce is an option. I don't want my son to be exposed to years of family dysfunction. This past year was enough. I don't think my husband is that spineless to live with me unhappily and wish he was with a third woman. That borders on repulsive. This is not him either. So there are circumstantial differences even though superficially it seems the same.
I want to thank you for sharing this. It shows me what I am up against. The one thing that I do take from the situation you described is that I will not have some bastard child part of my household.
I don't know if I can forgive
I don't know if I can forgive infidelity- yet. I am trying. It's not easy when all I really want to do some days is kill him or divorce him for what he did. Thankfully those days are less and less. It's not easy to deal with this. Whatever the outcome I am not the same person.
I know I can not force him not to have a relationship with his daughter. The only thing I can set is the future terms of a relationship with me. He has to make that choice. However under no circumstances will I allow the child or her mother to be part of my life - or our life together. I can not move on if faced with a living breathing reminder of his infidelity.
You pay for your mistakes - he can choose how.
I don't know if anyone can make it work: having a step child relationship with an extra martial child.
Sorry for sounding rude but
Sorry for sounding rude but you're very hurt and angry so I'm going to be honest about how you come across the screen to readers:
You don't need to be anywhere near that kid. You are hateful and angry and it's boiling over onto her because you can't cope with his betrayal. I doubt you'll ever feel like his daughter is anything but a homewrecker so you don't need to be left alone with her for her safety. From the sounds of it you will never forgive your husband and move on either so you should probably look into a divorce lawyer. Try to be fair and not completely bank rob him. He does unfortunately have to take care of his daughter too. I get youre angry but it doesn't change the fact the little girl is here now in your husband and son's life and she needs attention and care just like your son does. They are siblings like it or not so keep your anger where it should be: your husband. Try not to fall into the Golden Uterus BM stereotype. You are justified in your anger but you aren't justified in keeping your husband away from his daughter (or son if y'all split up) because your feelings are hurt.
I'm not saying she shouldn't
I'm not saying she shouldn't get what she or her son deserve. I'm saying bank rob him. Leaving him with nothing because then what happens when her son goes to visit him on weekends and he has nothing? Let me guess: that's okay? The father needs to be able to provide for his son while his son is also in his care. Or would you prefer he live in a shack down by the river while he's visiting his dad? Taking what you need is one thing, taking everything out of spite is unnecessary.
Why on earth would I want to
Why on earth would I want to be around the child? This is exactly what I am saying. It's your opinion and judgement that I am hateful and will hurt the child. If that is projection you need therapy more than me.
I do not blame the child. Not in any way. I blame her parents. It is my choice not to have the child visit in my home. Would I want to expose a child to an adult that resents a child? No. I trust me, I do resent that child's existence- that is honest. It can not be healthy in any form for that child to have a passive-aggressive presence in her life. She came about through lies, deceit and betrayal. That is a fact. Those instances are things I am trying to work through.
You are correct, I have not fully forgiven my husband. It's not a switch I can flip on or off.
I never said he should not take care of his daughter. I have encouraged him to legally meet his financial obligations to her. Correction to you, his daughter is currently financially in his life as she has always been. The child has no relationship with my husband and none with my son.
I am not sure what a golden uterus BM stereotype is?
I can agree with you that I am not sure WHAT is justified at the moment. However, I don't feel I need to my family to two people who have nearly destroyed what family I do have. We are working on our marriage (which we may not be able to save) but for now it does exclude relationships with third parties.
Unlike most Stepmoms on here
Unlike most Stepmoms on here I actually love my stepson and spend a lot of time with him that I enjoy. I said that you shouldn't be around him because you yourself admitted the child means less than nothing to you. You are still hurt and angry do I doubt if the kid gets hurt on your watch will you show her any empathy. I doubt you'll be able to control your mouth when that little girl says something mean to you because like all step kids and mainly step daughters, WILL say or do something hurtful at some point. It's best you stay away from the girl.
As for the GUBM comment, you should read up on it some of your actions resemble those of the BMs we complain about here all the time. Refer to DisneyFan's comment earlier. I think you misunderstood my comment. I don't know you but I was telling you how you came across in what you posted. You put those words on the site and I responded since that's what you're here for. Unless you just wanted everyone to agree with you? The main point of my reply was that you are hurt and angry, you say you forgave your husband and we're working it out but he obviously kept his daughter a secret from you because he knew how you'd react. You declare that you don't want that girl apart of your life, well the fact is she's as attached to your husband as your own son like it or not. You need to cut him lose. It's not double he's a loser and a cheater and a liar so why are you holding on to him?
Between your anger and hurt and his lying cheating ways your marriage isn't going to work with or without that little girl and her mom handing around.
Me saying I love my stepson
Me saying I love my stepson wasn't me comparing myself to her, it was a response that I need therapy because I was projecting. I was simply letting her know that's not the case. My point whether you agree or not is that she is setting up conditions that will never satisfy her. Im not saying she's wrong. She's not. She's actually that BM that got wrongfully cheated on and still gave it a shot. I'm saying this
1 Her husband lies to her and she wants it to stop
2 She doesn't want him to acknowledge anything about his other child (but she doesn't want secrets)
3 She doesn't want the girl around her son or in her house (but isn't okay that he's being keeping her out of the loop all this time)
To me these aren't cohesive. To me, she wants two things: Him to be honest and work on their marriage; him to seperate his life with her and their son away from his life with his daughter which wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't a liar and untrustworthy. Where's the line between keeping secrets and keeping everything about his daughter away from her? I think of it like this: if I were the OP and I decided to make this work with my lying cheating husband (which I wouldn't after finding out about the daughter) then there's no way in Hell would I let my husband have any kind of secret of private life with his mistress and their love child. I would be there every step of the way (since we have decided to make this work) not because I want to be there or because I like the little girl BUT because the only way to keep that baby momma honest and in line is if you're there apart of it. This woman sounds like she wants the OP's husband again so why would you ever allow another woman alone time with your husband? Nope, not I. Accepting you husband's "bastard" child is a hell of a lot easier than letting your husband go off on the weekends staying "whereever" so he can see his daughter. If the OP wants the kid and BM gone then there's only one way to do that and that's to divorce him. If she doesn't want to do that then she has two options left: let the girl into their life or let her husband keep everything pertaining to the girl a secret.
What a ridiculous,
What a ridiculous, male-centric response.
You should in no way feel like you should have that child in your home, under your care, OP...that is absurd in the extreme.
The Golden Uterus complex?! Really, Maxwell? She had a legally-binding contract with her husband that he broke. They have joined households and finances and obligations. She likely took time out of her life and her career to give birth to his son. She owes his illegitimate daughter absolutely nothing...and she is already getting screwed because her husband is now paying CS out of their joint account. Disgusting and absurd. Let's not even begin to talk about the fact that what was supposed to be a joyous occasion...starting a family together...has now been poisoned. And why is everyone worried about her depriving the illegitimate daughter?! Why is no one concerned about the husband's actions depriving his legal heir...her son.
If it were me, and I were inclined to be forgiving, I'd say bare minimum CS until 18...not a moment more. No contact, no extras, nothing in the will. You're the one who has worked and sacrificed to build a life and a home with this man...not your ex-friend. Why should her daughter reap the rewards of your hard work?
Again...I am very sorry you're in this situation. It's hard enough to tolerate legitimate steps in my home...and that feeling that I'm working my ass off for their benefit. Could not tolerate an illegitimate step for one moment.
The OP's son isn't more
The OP's son isn't more deserving of the dad's, support, time....than his daughter.
Sometimes I think I am just
Sometimes I think I am just wasting my time. That packing it in is best. It's the easiest solution.
I hear you. I don't know how to deal with most of this stuff.
How do I know he won't do it again? I don't. I did have his ass hooked up to a polygraph to see WHO else there was. It was only her. At least that I know.
Otherwise I know nothing. I really and truly know nothing.
Everything you indicate is
Everything you indicate is true. He has deliberately lied and kept secrets from me for nearly 8 years. It's feels as if I have STUPID tattooed on my forehead.
He hasn't had any contact with her or the child for 6 years - the payments of child support have been via his attorney.
With my own individual therapy it has been a concentration on recovering from shell shock. With marriage counseling it's a process of coming to terms to the affair, the dishonesty and where we stand as a couple. The other woman and her child are secondary issues at the moment as is how to deal with that aspect.
Does your DH still have a
Does your DH still have a cordial relationship with this woman? Does his daughter know he is her father? Sounds like something out of Star Wars.
The logical thing is this girl doesn't know about your DH being her father. IF she does how many times has he met her? How can you expect a man to walk into your daughter's life and say "Ta Da! This is your real Daddy. Now go off and play with him and his family every second weekend."
I hear your anger and venom. But this child is a child from out of wedlock. Labelling a child is not very nice. Because your son is the son of a cuckold woman in that case. Legally this girl is your sons half sister. Her mother was blackmailing your husband for 7 years. And do NOT think she will not go to court if he does not want to see his daughter and play according to her rules. She will and can say she has never received support from him and it WILL be backdated. So you will leave him, she will scrape up whatever else she can from him and both children will be fatherless.
Seek counselling. Your DH should see an attorney and get it notarized that he has supported his daughter for the past 7 years so her mother cannot come after him for back-support.
This is one of those moments where you can both grow or walk away. But BOTH of you need to face this crisis. I can understand why he is putting this on you. He loves you and wants to stay with you at any cost. If you say no, he gets you. If you say yes, he gets you. either way he gets you. And you need to find a path to forgiveness. It has taken me 15 years to work out my part in my ex walking away. 90% was him but I own 10% of the issue. And I suspect I am being kind on myself .... still.
One way to consider this child is what if your son needed an organ transplant like a kidney in the future and this was his closest match? Would you say no and lose your son? Also hhe should know who she is because due to their ages and this girl is now living so close they could end up dating.
I understand the anger. However this is all new to you. He has been hiding this for the past 7 years. It is like when your spouse decides to move out of your life. He/She has been considering this for weeks or months so he/she has gone through the stages that are now being slammed on you.
^Great Point^ In my state,
^Great Point^ In my state, all monies which trade hands without stipulation of a court order are considered "gifts."
My Ex-DH gave me checks for several years which were outside of a court order. When we finally went back to court, I could have claimed NO CHILD SUPPORT was ever made by my Ex-DH even though he had cancelled checks. He then would have had a CS claim back-dated, wages garnished. My attorney explained that ex's can send $ as gifts, as hush-money, as guilt-money, as anything at all but if it is not within the written page of a Court Order --- it's considered a gift.
Protect your child.
Forgiveness is one of the
Forgiveness is one of the hardest aspects right now. I am trying to work towards it but I am not even close to it. With time and counseling I may get there. I have to honestly state that my husband is trying - even though there are times when I don't like or love him very much. I am not prepared to throw away my marriage without trying to resolve things - if that is even possible.
His daughter doesn't know him. She had a different "daddy" for years. Right now, the child's mother is basically pushing for a "ta da: here is your new daddy" situation. Well, in my opinion at least that is what it feels like. Her mother chose to have her ex husband as the child's father and still (rightly) have my husband pay for that child.
Name calling is fine by me. That my child is the son of a cuckold woman can be set down at my husband's feet. It's something I was a passive participant to. That his daughter is an illegitimate bastard is his active doing. Call a spade a spade ... Doesn't change the facts. I think this is still residual fury of recently finding out about this whole mess. He has known for years. I have for a few months.
He doesn't have a cordial relationship with the child's mother. It has become extremely antagonistic since the summer when she started making demands on him - when he decided to tell me what was going on. I know if she has remained with her ex husband and not contacted him, my own husband would happily have let my ignorance continue. Makes him a swell guy... How ever his part in trying to fix our marriage is letting me decide how we proceed. You are right on that point.
Also, whatever happened between you and your ex, I am sorry. I am sorry that you too have carried a personal burden of marital hurt for so long. So often it is undeserved, no matter what the blame-split.
Then tell your DH that it
Then tell your DH that it would be cruel to destroy this child's reality although at some stage she will need to know the truth even if for medical reasons.
Tell him meeting this girl is off the table for now. This child has a man she calls Daddy and it isn't him. And he needs to find an attorney on his own dime with no loss of standard of living for you and your son to get this legally clarified. He MUST get the money he has paid her credited towards CS. Also there HAS to be a set sum going forward. She may not come into your home and be part of your family because up until 4 months ago you didn't even know she existed. And seriously, the BM is really looking to make your DH pay because her marriage has ended and she wants someone to pick up the slack of parenting while she is likely looking for faux daddy #2.
He has had 7 guilt-ridden years hiding this from you and getting used to the girl. You have had far less time. And who knows, in 2 years you may find it OK to have her over for holiday dinners etc. But right now it is not happening.
But work on the forgiveness. It will not happen overnight or in 6 months. But the loving moments will overtake the anger moments (I hope). And this girl has a man who is her Daddy and your DH is actually just a sperm donor. Imagine if your mother said to you that the man you know as your father isn't. I would be mortified. However I would still love the man I have known as my father and not some total stranger just because my mother said it is so.
This may seem about the child and in some way it is because she is at the centre of this mess. If it wasn't for the product of their tawdry little affair you would never have known about his straying. However for now, protect yourself and your family. Tell DH to legalise everything down to the last cent. Then serve that woman so she cannot extort more money from DH ever again. At least you will know where you are financially which is something you don't need to worry about again.
What a situation, almost a
What a situation, almost a decade of lies about an affair, a child and secret CS payments. Some friend you had there. Now DH is "letting" you decide whether he has visitation with his love child. You had no decision in his affair with your friend, no decision in her pregnancy and no decision in him taking your joint assets and secretly paying for his child. But now YOU get to decide...he's an ass. He needs to be the one to make the decision and live with the consequences.
I'm sorry, I have no real advice just hugs and empathy.
Tommar, oftentimes I don't
Tommar, oftentimes I don't respond to posts because I can't crystallize my thoughts into something coherent. You just summed up everything I was trying to find the words for.
LOL but as a recovering
LOL but as a recovering alcoholic I REALLY don't want to come off incoherent!
I wonder if the 8 yr old was
I wonder if the 8 yr old was ever told the truth or if she's been raised by a stepfather who she's been trained to call and believe is her father. It's pretty obvious that OP's DH didn't want a relationship with the child all this time. It will be really hard to keep the secret under wraps in the same town, especially since this "other woman ex close friend" seems a bit aggressive with her blackmail tactics.
Let's give the OP a break, she's been dealing with this rotten situation for a relatively short time. She needs the space to vent and the time to heal. Her DH deserves all the pain he gets, the lying cowardly pig.
I don't know what her
I don't know what her daughter knows, but I do know the child had a different daddy up until a few months ago when her mother got divorced. Her ex husband sent me an email along with some of their divorce information - her infidelity led to their marriage break up. Guess a leopard doesn't change her spots. Or is that a cheater?
We live in a city big enough not to run into one another, not unless I run into her with a bus. (Apologies, I get nasty sometimes)
I have no problem with the information relating to my husband's affair or his illegitimate child getting out. It's not my secret to keep- and I won't. The truth always has a way of coming out. In this instance my main goal is to protect my son and help him deal with any nastiness that may result.
Thank you for cutting me some slack. I don't know how people normally behave in these circumstances, so thank you.
You are amazingly rational
You are amazingly rational for the situation, your DH is still alive
. I don't think there is a "normal" way to behave when being slammed with the news you received.
This post is so heart
This post is so heart wrenching, I am so sorry you have had to go through this.
I have to ask, though, why? Why have you chosen to reconcile? Why have you chosen to go to counselling and make it work? Is it because you love him? Because you want to believe he loves you? Because you feel you owe it to your son? Or because you dont want to give your ex-friend the satisfaction of destroying your marriage?
Because I think the answer to that question will tell you alot.
Marriage vows are for life, they are serious commitments. To me there are only two things that void that contract; Abuse/violence and cheating (I suppose death is a third but you get what I mean)
Like others have said, you arent just dealing with a single instance of cheating here, you are dealing with an emotional affair that developed between your husband and your friend. That became physical, that resulted in pregnancy that was hidden from you.
Your husband destroyed your marriage the moment he started a relationship with your friend (however short it was, its a relationship) More than that, he is so deceitful and so cowardly that he didnt even have the balls to own up to his actions. He would have happily continued to lie to you.
How do you know? This kid is 7 and you found out LAST summer?! He has hidden this child from you for over 6 years?! THAT is unforgivable.
Personally, cheating at all is unforgivable to me but I can respect those that try to reconcile their marriage vows after infidelity. The hardest thing to get over is the lack of trust, how can you trust someone who took vows to be with you and only you and then breaks them? But with your husband, how can you ever trust him after he has continually lied to you for 6 years? Thats not a small thing, thats not a "Oh I forgot about it honey" he was paying child support behind your back.
You may find after a separation that visitation is scheduled for both children to get to know one another, but given that his daughter is 7, you might find the ability to request (or her BM to request) the visitation to be singular to enable him to actually build a relationship with his daughter.
In terms of your son though, the only way you can control your son having no relationship with his half sibling, is by staying married and having your husband go and have his visitation with his daughter elsewhere. Which ultimately is prolonging the whole cheating scenario, because rather than being home with you and your son he is out having fun with another female, just this time its his "other" child that came from such sneaking around.
And ultimately, over time, if hes having too much of a life away from his home then there wont be a home for him to come back to. Do you really want to give him the satisfaction of cheating on you, fathering another child, convincing you to get back with him to reconcile and them him leave you when hes good and ready? Hell no woman you have your pride, thats why you are angry.
Some people may have enough in them to forgive and allow this child into their homes, other people cannot and they dont need to apologise for that. But those that cannot, need to be ending the marriage because ultimately no third party should influence a parent not to have access to their child. And in this scenario, you may be his wife but you are the third party when its about this father and his daughter.
But i am truly sorry, I cannot begin to imagine how much this hurts, but I do honestly believe this pain and heartache will be over far sooner if you call it for what it is. He failed, he failed his vows, he failed you, he failed his family and its on him and him alone to fix it and provide for any and all children he creates.
You need to do at is best for
You need to do at is best for you and your son. You have only the responsibility to worry about and care for yourself and your kid. His kid with that other woman is not your issue or problem. His relationship with the other kid is not your issue, what is your issue is protecting your relationship and your child.
In no way can I see how having that child around at this time a good idea. Your son may only grow to resent her for causing problems and probably a definite divorce with his parents. There will most likely be no love lost between those two. That is on the biomom who decided to get pregnant with an already married man. It isn't a situation in which you knowingly knew he had s kid, nope, he made that decision on his own. It is now your decision as to what you want in your life.
I would make sure that you get the max amount of child support through the courts and while he is in the want to work it out mood, you put in there that he pays for childcare, medical, extra curriculars, and that he sets up separate acount for college in which he pays every month into. I would make sure to put that he pays for a life insurance policy that until your kid is done with college. It is not your responsibltu to make sure that he has enough money to pay for the other child's support or future.
If he wants this to work the. He should set up an "our family wizard" account in which you have access to. All communication is to be only pertaining to support payments.
I would let him make his own decision on whether he wants to see that child, but I would also let him know that it will not happen in your house, and that child will not be a part of your life or your minor child's life. I would also make it clear that he is no longer to be around the whore as you can't trust him as he fooled you once.
My father had an affair and married his affair partner. My mom had to send me to them, and my dad was the ultimate Disney dad, which caused them issues. He ended up having an affair on her ( big suprise). I never had an issue with my half siblings, but we aren't close. I wish my mother would have looked beyond her hurt and protected my interests.
I certainly don't think my
I certainly don't think my mom should have stayed with my dad. He is a serial cheater. He is now with a great woman about 25 years his junior who is now the breadwinner. I actually think she could have done much better. He may be a very good looking guy, but he has issues. I wouldn't want to be with a guy in his 60s who I had to support.
I wish that she would have protected us financially, instead she was more worried about tearing their marriage apart. He didn't need her help to do that.
No and he left her for the
No and he left her for the affair partner, so that wasn't even an option. She was only focused on destroying his relationship with the other woman and trying to punish him. She should hsve focused on making sure that he paid for things like childcare, food, clothing, and medical care, etc.
That makes sense, now.
That makes sense, now.
I'm a little confused. You
I'm a little confused. You wish your mom would have stayed with your cheating dad? You think that would have been better for you?
BM's do not get to dictate
BM's do not get to dictate who dad has their kid around during visitation. Unless the side chick is deemed to be abusive, the judge would tell mom to shut it if she tries to prevent the kid from being around the other woman.
Idk. My attorney let me know
Idk. My attorney let me know that I could exclude certain person from being around my kids.
Agree with this, no judge
Agree with this, no judge with limit visitation based on bad blood. Unless that someone is an offender/felon!
BM tried to ban me from
BM tried to ban me from looking after my SD in her and my husband's parenting plan (he stupidly signed it - I was very angry at him for that). I asked a cop about it and he said that as long as my husband was ok with me, there would have to be some actual proof that I was bad for the child, ie a history of being abusive or taking drugs or being a sex offender etc, for the police to do anything about BM's wishes.
On my cell so can't write too
On my cell so can't write too much nor did I read all the replies.
Your DH has been lying to you for 7 plus years about a secret love child!! That should be the deal breaker. I understand you forgave the affair and stayed married, but come on, this is just too much.
Kick his ass to the curb.
Of course the OP is angry and
Of course the OP is angry and pissed as hell. Who wouldn't be? And it's not the sort of thing that one gets over a day later and then goes on with one's life. Don't fault her for being insanely angry. She gets kudos from me for not severing body parts or setting him on fire after dousing him with gasoline.
I posted the first reply and sent her to the OC (other child) forum of surviving infidelity. Then I decided to read some of that forum myself. This unfortunately is not that rare of an occurrence. Many people do manage to reconcile after some of the most horrendous betrayals. I don't think I could - but then I will never be in that position with an OC (my DH got snipped 30 years ago).
I will not judge people who actually manage to put the pieces back together after a betrayal when there is true remorse and a permanent change in attitude. I do think people who accept ongoing betrayals have a few rocks loose in their heads though.
But from what I read there most people who do manage to have a successful reconciliation go completely NC (no contact) with OW and OC. Just send in the money and have no interaction.
I don't think a wife can dictate what her DH is going to do with OC - but she certainly has absolute control about what she will accept in her life. If a man wants to take the OW(other woman) to her pregnancy appointments and to be there for the birth he's probably not a keeper. Because all of that is for the pregnant woman not for the baby.
The other week I was getting
The other week I was getting my haircut and my hairdresser said "hello gorgeous" to a 20-ish young man who came in. They exchanged a few words and he left and she was gushing on about him being her youngest and best son. Turns out he isn't her son at all but the kid her husband had during an affair 20 or so years ago! Story was that husband moved to our country (for a break or whatever it was) and wouldn't come home (to Peru I think they were from). After 2 years wife brings herself and her 2 small boys here (to NZ) and finds him living with another woman who is now pregnant. A couple of years of turmoil and eventually husband moves out of girlfriend's home and back in with wife and custody of new baby is set up. Wife (hairdresser) decides to treat boy as her own and now will tell anyone who listens that he is "her best boy". She is still with hubby and all is wonderful - big happy family!
I was trying to understand how she could forgive husband and love this boy "as her own" but couldn't. In the end I just decided she was some kind of saint or something. She is a really, really happy joyful kind of lady so she probably is a saint. She was trying to explain that there really were a couple of terrible years at the beginning but she had a change of heart and ever since just can't be happier.
So it is possible, if you really want to keep an intact family and welcome this girl "as your own", it has been done before - anything is possible. It really is down to you as to what you want I guess. Option 1 = you and your boy (and possible future amazing new man - but then that has pitfalls of him having kids most likely with issues of their own, exes etc) or Option 2 = you, your hubby, your boy, your hubby's daughter (pitfalls are constant reminder of affair, her mother being involved in your lives to some extent, possible issues with daughter emotional state as she grows up).
My college suitemate
My college suitemate (remember that I graduated from college almost FIFTY years ago) married her college sweetheart and was having a grand life when he got an affair partner pregnant. She welcomed this child with open arms.
This "child" is now almost 40. I guess all's well that ends well - but for many, many decades I've thought that she was nuts. Some people might think she was a saint (she is a lovely person) but I've always thought this was just weird as hell.
I'm glad it turned out well
I'm glad it turned out well for them, but for the OP to welcome the boy as "her own" is just like asking step parents to accept their step-kids "as their own". The kids already have bio parents and might not want a new mother, and the "step-mom" doesn't need to take a mothering role to have a mutually respectful relationship with the child.
Though I think that in this case the OP would be right to take some time to sort our her emotions before even starting to try to consider if she wants a relationship with the girl. And if she decides that she doesn't it is very understandable.
If I were to ever forgive
If I were to ever forgive him, he would have to have no contact with the child and pay cs and that's it. Sorry if that's not the nicest answer, but you have to think about yourself first.
Her child has nothing to do
Her child has nothing to do with his other child. I seriously doubt her child is going upset about not knowing a half sibling. A great part of that sibling bond is the shared experience of growing up together.
I have many half siblings and a full sibling, the ones that I am closest to are the ones I grew up with on a daily basis. It is ridiculous to think that her son is going to be upset about not meeting the child that was a product of his fathers affair and the possible reason for his parents divorce.
About 40 percent of men after a legal divorce stop visitation with their children within three years following divorce. It is a fact in the USA. This guy has never seen this child, I really can't imagine there is a real attachment issue on the fathers part.
Men are very different from woman. The fact is that most sexual offenders are men. The fact is that men commit adultry statistically more then women. The fact is that men walk away from their kids more then woman do.
The only people that I have
The only people that I have ever seen search for their siblings are children of adoption. i don't ever think I have actually known a child of divorce to seek out halfs or children of affairs. It is ridiculous that you think this child would disregard his mother for a half sibling that he doesn't even know.
I just remembered that my ex has older half sibling from his dads affair. I didn't find that out until nearly a decade into our marriage becaus it was like the dirty little secret. And that was by accident. He has no animosity towards her, but no relationship with her either. His mother didn't ackowledge her, and the half sibling was never brought up. He certainly didn't hate his mom and actually respected her wishes to never invite her to any family functions after he was an adult. It was the affair child that would try to intergrate herself. He is superclose to his stepbrother that he grew up with. They consider themselves brothers. Blood is not everything.
I care for my half siblings, I don't have a super close relationship to them though. They are all very respectable professional adults now. The siblings I am closest to are the ones I grew up with.
The OP's boy knows he has a sister that is younger then him from his dad's affair. so it isn't like he is too to wake up one day and be angry. When he becomes an adult and knows just how hard the situation was, I would hope he would respect his mother as a person to not bring up the child.
People do get older and they get over it. I brought a half sibling (from the woman he left my mom for) to my moms house once for a cookout. She thought he was a really great guy. It was about 30 years after the divorce of my parents. At that point she was on husband number 3 and my dad on wife number 3.
The OPs son knows that he
The OPs son knows that he has a half sibling. The mom has every right to protect her son from the reality that her marriage to his father is crumbling now because his father had an affair and got another woman pregnant. What do you suppose the mom do, tell her son now the truth that her father had an affair and the child is a result of that.
I think the OP who has done nothing wrong and should do everything to protect her son. His fathers other children and what that kid deserves is not her concern.
Are you kidding? Get off
Are you kidding? Get off your high horse before you get a nosebleed!
You're willfully ignoring huge chunks of information that the op has given and that others have repeated because you'd rather lecture and the information available cuts into that.
The op's son KNOWS about the other child. So stop with all the "he will find out" nonsense. The op TOLD him about the girl.
And damn skippy she should put her foot down about pay the cs and have no contact! The girls mother spent years letting the child believe another man was her father. This little girl hasn't grown up fatherless because her bio father wasn't in her life.
Hell, I'd be asking where is the man she calls daddy? Who the hell raises a child as their own for almost a decade then takes off and cuts all contact?
In fact, snowflake, I have been nodding and agreeing with your comments here...I think you've had the absolute best advice and from a place where you actually know what it's like on the inside of this type of situation. I'm glad you've been a voice of reason to counter the nonsense comments like this one.
The man who raised her was
The man who raised her was nothing more than a step parent. When the marriage ended, his connection/relationship with the child ended.
Personally I could never tell
Personally I could never tell someone he cannot have contact with his child. It's not the child's fault. Your angry with him, he's the liar. I think I'd leave him but that's easy to say until you're in the position. If timers me and I was trying to forgive and save my marriage, I think I'd have to accept the child too. He will just resent the hell out of you eventually if you forbid it. Plus, I'd rather he visit,the child with me and not apart from me. That would just make things worse,his having a whole life without you. I don't know. I could never live with myself if I denied a child the chance to know her father. I feel like if you're going to forgive the awful,thing he didi, you have to accept the whole package. If you can't and who could blame you, if get out. Just my opinion. It's an awful position he put you in. What does he want by the way?
Very sorry you're going
Very sorry you're going through this, op. There are a million different ways to skin this apple, only those of you living it know which of those ways will work best for you.
I'll just be the lone voice in the wilderness saying I'm not convinced the child getting your dh into her life is necessarily good for her. First there's that other man she thought was daddy. At 8 this will be no easy substitution. Second, your dh is a stranger to her and only if he reconciles with affair partner will she ever see much of him. It is most likely he will be a once in awhile drop in visitor to her life -- he will not be a parent to her nor be able to parent her. She has a million reasons to distrust and defy him and few if any reasons yet to love him or cleave to him. From what we have all learned about steplife, the child comes with their own set of feelings and behaviors and in this case the man will be in the position of acting as step father to his own child! What a high hill that will be to climb.
It's unfortunate for the little girl that she was born into this situation but millions of kids are born into worse. The luck of the draw. I see very few scenarios in which she will benefit from this man trying to become a parent to her at this stage. I think maybe when she's an adult and no longer needs parenting would be the best time for them to meet each other and try to sort out a relationship. I just can't see a confused and hurt little girl (hurt because the daddy she THOUGHT she had is probably out of her life now) cozying up to this new daddy like nothing ever happened. She's going to use his presence in her life as a way to act out and manipulate like many of the ST stepchildren do. Not good for her. Better to let her figure things out with the cast of characters currently in her life. I think it would be in her best interest.
And, no, coming over to YOUR house to see this alleged new daddy sounds like the worst possible thing in the world. For everybody. Especially the little girl.
My marriage ended due to
My marriage ended due to infidelity on my husband's part. I found the website www.chumplady.com and I find great comfort there. I suggest you spend some time reading there. It's really an awesome site.
Now my father cheated on my mother when my mother was pregnant with my twin sisters and the Other Woman had an illegitimate child. I'm now 40 and this woman has started sending me facebook messages. I've never met my half brother but I tell you this... my three siblings and I are close. This part weekend they went trick or treating with me and my kids. We went to a theme park together last month. We are all going to my brother's wedding next month. So this Other Woman says now after 40 years she feels bad that her son has no siblings or familial relationships and all I can think is, "HEy lady.. that's on YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU did that to your son by having an affair with a married man and having a child with him on the sly! "
Sure, it is not the child's
Sure, it is not the child's fault. I get that, ladies. However, it is a constant reminder of what happened. Hugs to you! Im going to be brutally honest here and say that I could not stay. I could not stand to have that constant reminder. I am so sorry!
I just want to add that it is
I just want to add that it is not you, op, who are "keeping the father from the child." The child's own parents did that. For 8 years. That is 100 million percent on THEM.
I think your dh is maybe hoping you will give him the excuse to continue not seeing the child. He can pretend he wants to play da-da but meanie wife won't let him, ooooh, so tewwible! I think you should tell your dh he should do whatever he thinks is best and so will you. You do NOT control him, obviously, or none of this would ever have happened. You saying the child does not come to YOUR house to visit is not the same as saying he can't see her.
BTW, op, you asked for experienced stepparents views. In my stepparenting experience, a little girl who doesn't even know your dh is NOT going to happy being forced to come to his house for the weekend. Depending on the child's personality and upbringing, she will act out her unhappiness via hostility. It will be impossible for you, the sm, to fix this for the child because you are not the one who created her anxieties and dilemmas. It will disrupt the entire family as the child lashes out at whoever -- your son, you, her dad, the family pets. She will report back to her BM everything she sees and hears at your house. She will play for sympathy to her dad, most likely, but possibly to others in an effort to survive a stressful situation. There will also likely be regressive behavior related to sleep, hygiene, etc. as the child is thrust into an unfamiliar and tense situation.
Her own mother has likely told her bad stories about the "real" dad who "abandoned" her and probably same story second verse about the man she's divorcing now, the man the child THOUGHT was her dad but probably has no rights nor obligations to her now. This puts the little girl in the position of being hurt, angry, and condescending/judgmental all at once.
These are the types of things we stepparents have had to deal with in circumstances far less stressful than what your stepchild is going through. So these are the kinds of things you can expect unless the child was raised very well or is innately exceptional.
You hit the nail on the head.
You hit the nail on the head. He hasn't been in contact with the child for 7 years, and can use the excuse that he did that because she was being raised by stepdad and he wanted to protect his current family. It really sounds like he is looking for an excuse to stay out of the child's life and is basically asking his wife to "force" him out of his child's life.
When a father wants to actually be involved and cares for his children, then he will. If he doesn't then he won't. Like I said earlier 40 percent of divorced men don't even visit. The number of fatherless children is even higher when you factor in children born to single moms.
And you are right chief grownup, in that the affair child will be thrust into a household in which she was unwanted. The father didn't want to rock the boat with his family, and so had no contact. The ex affair partner and her kid will be bitter that the father had a close bond with the bioson and his wife. The wife will be on the edge of divorce.
he and affair partner made the decision of no contact years ago. Affair partners thoughts and wants are not relevant.
There is much research out
There is much research out there. One of the best I have read is https://www.pennlawreview.com/print/old/Maldonado.pdf
I found reference to it in divorce info. It is a review of why the courts need to change the laws to involve fathers as parents in order to make them more involved not just financially.
"Encouraging Divorced Fathers to Remain Active Parents
Maldonado cites disturbing statistics about the involvement of fathers with their children after divorce:
About 80 percent of children live with their mothers after divorce.
About 60 percent of children have little or no contact with their fathers after divorce.
23 percent of children of divorce have had no contact with their fathers during the past five years.
Most time fathers spend with their children is focused not on moral or personal development but on entertainment.
A child is not going to die
A child is not going to die without a father in his or her life. If that were the case the cemeteries would be full of dead children.
As I am older I grew up with many children whose fathers were killed in WWII. Sure it would have been better to have a dad - but it does not prevent one from growing up to be a productive normal member of society.
If the OP wants NOTHING to do with the little "extra" child that is certainly her right. And yes she can choose to not associate with her current DH if he wants a relationship with the child. That's her right too. It's called a consequence. And a consequence for her might be her DH choosing the OC over her. But that's no reason for her to compromise her principles and accept the unacceptable.
It's an all around shitty situation. No use in pretending that any path is the "high road" at this point.
The mother of the little girl
The mother of the little girl is such a selfish wench. Rather than having OP's DH sign away his rights and possibly allow the stepfather to adopt her the mother continued her blackmail campaign, then went on to ruin her marriage. The OP likely does not want a relationship with the girl, he's showed no interest for half of her childhood. he wanted his 3 minutes of fun not a child support payment.
I doubt if the husband would
I doubt if the husband would ever "choose" this child over his wife and son. In fact he has done everything in his power to keep his wife from finding out about this affair, and thus denying that this daughter even exists. All to keep his marriage, which he clearly seems to cares about, inspite of his horrible indescretion.
He is NOT this little girls daddy. No daddy chooses to keep his child a secret. He is her sperm donor. He has been paying child support to keep the other woman quiet. That is not the same thing as being her "daddy." Not even close. I think it's odd that so many are saying that this girl deserves to know her father etc. There is no guarantee that knowing her father is the best thing for her. IMO he doesn't want her, she will disrupt his life, and don't think she won't notice.
I can't see how it is the OP's fault that this man is not being a father to the girl. She's just a easy scapegoat. That has been his choice for the past 7 years. He has chosen to have no relationship with this child conceived during his affair. Is the ex friend only wanting him to have a relationship with the daughter now, because she is divorcing her own husband. It seems that way. Its a very dangerous game she is playing with her daughter. There are many different outcomes that can come about for the little girl if thrown into visitation with her father, and these outcomes may not benefit her in the end. Same for the son involved. Sometimes getting everybody together isn't a fairytale ending where a new happy family emerges. This here is a extremely difficult case any way you slice it, and I sincerely wish you the best of luck OP.