Decisions regarding extra-marital (step)child
Thank you to those who commented on my recent blog when I stumbled on this site.
I really appreciate the help, advice and insight I was given; and I spent some time reading about the experiences of various posters with their step children. Suffice is to say it's a world I could not even have imagined!
To close the loop here:
After discussions with my husband, my therapist, my lawyer - and the advice here, we have decided how to proceed.
* My husband and I will continue with out reconciliation.
* Formal processes are underway to get a court order for child support for his daughter. This was already underway and the girl's mother does not dispute that there were historical payments.
*As visitation is a separate issue, my husband has decided on no visitation. He has had no contact with the child and will continue to have no contact with her.
* She was/is raised by her mother, and previous stepfather who played the role of "Dad". My husband sees no role for himself in the child's life.
* Our own son already knows about the girl, it was explained to him in age appropriate language. He understands that there will be no contact with her. He may decide differently at 18.
* The mother and her child form no part of our family.
* The mother deliberately tried to ruin my marriage (along with my husband). Her pregnancy was deliberate. Being cut out now is a consequence she and her daughter need to deal with- it's not part of my or our life.
* Reading up on step mom's here and step children who voluntarily stepped into this awful step situation, leaves me with the conclusion that a forced situation that we could have had will only end badly for all parties.
* I don't need a resentful or troubled child in my household causing stress in my life or marriage.
This may seem heartless, but this is our decision - my husband and myself. The mother or her child forms no part of our lives and it will remain that way.
Thank you for the advice I got here and for allowing me to read your stories.
- NotYourStepmom's blog
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I wish you the best, and I
I wish you the best, and I truly hope that you can mend fences with your husband. You have been through so much, and in my opinion you have made the best choice for you and your family.
You may wish to work on yours and his wills to make sure that his exmistress and and the child have no entitlement to yours or his funds. I would caution to leave her a nominal amount, maybe $100 bucks so it can't be argued that it was a mistake not to have included her.
I do not think your decision
I do not think your decision seems heartless at all. I think it actually sounds pretty damn sane and well thought out. Best of luck to you on your reconciliation.
* My husband and I will
* My husband and I will continue with out reconciliation.
I assume you meant "our" and I wish you all the best if, in fact, you are choosing to reconcile.
I think this is a wise
I think this is a wise decision on your husband's part and I think it's best that he made it himself instead of "leaving it up to you." He should own that he wants to reconcile with you and also that he has already missed the boat when it comes to the other child. As so many stepparents know, it can be extremely difficult for a parent to recognize when their own desire to "love" is actually harming the child. Real love is doing what is best for the child, even if it's painful or others don't understand.
Your dh making this decision himself is certainly a key element in your reconciliation having any hope at success.
Well done. You are making the best of a very painful and messy situation. Good luck with this.
Best wishes. You're in a
Best wishes. You're in a horrible position with no great options. Take good care and I do hope things calm for you.
Good decision and not sad or
Good decision and not sad or heartless at all. If the ex-mistress or your husband had wanted him to have a father-role beyond being financially supportive, they should have come clean and let you know about all of this 8 years ago. The fact is, the ex-mistress lost her husband and is now looking for a replacement for her and her daughter, simple as that. You are smart to nip that in the bud...and your husband is, too. Might be the first smart decision he's made.
You're aren't a stepmom, and you don't have the obligations of a stepmom. You are a betrayed wife and friend doing the best she can in an awful situation.
You are correct, or they have
You are correct, or they have the option of not carrying the child. I am not arguing if that is good or bad,shut I the USA they have that choice.
But a guy is touted as horrible if he wants a family that he chooses. I am sorry, but having a one night stand or having a child through an affair is obviously not a choice to bring a child into the world. It is just wanting some sex at that moment.
As a woman, I litterally planned each and every child that I have. I can't imagine being so horny that I just throw caution to the wind.
A woman is responsible if she
A woman is responsible if she doesn't want to get pregnant. If she chooses not to use birth control on purpose whe runs the risk of having a child that the father doesn't want. This is the case in this situation.
it is a sad reality. I as a woman would never have a child with someone didn't expressly want to have a child with me. My kids have a great fathers (exhusband and current husband, conceived within marriage) because of the choices I made.
True, but condoms have been
True, but condoms have been known to break. And it's possible to turn a condom inside out if pregnancy is the goal of only the woman.
Mostly I just think, don't have sex with someone if:
a. you are in a relationship with SOMEONE ELSE,
b. you don't want to deal with a possible pregnancy,
c. you don't like your sex partner enough to deal with a possible pregnancy
d. all of the above.
Wow. If she told him she was
Wow. If she told him she was on birth control, then it certainly wasn't his choice. He chose to have sex, that it.
"this particular guy didn't
"this particular guy didn't care about the risk of losing his wife and child until he got caught at it. Once a cheater, always a cheater."
Now THIS I am 100% behind.
Another Step brings up a good
Another Step brings up a good point. Your husband should never have admitted parentage and refused to be tested. Since there's now DNA proof and he's established a pattern of financial support, you're pretty much stuck with that. Otherwise, it would likely be on her ex to pay child support after the divorce.
From your other sounds like he panicked and paid to keep the ex-mistress quiet more than to support the kid...
I'm glad the last blog didn't
I'm glad the last blog didn't scare you off, I think you did the right thing for your son who should be the number one person you are thinking about right now. People make mistakes, and he's doing a hell of a lot more by financially supporting the child than lots of parents out there that just walk away. Sorry you are going through this![Sad](
This is a really tough
This is a really tough situation with no good outcome. Someone will lose out, whether it's your family or whether it's the little girl left without her dad. But the mom did not have the real dad and her life from day one, she's only now asking for it after the child is eight years old.
What an incredibly selfish thing for that woman to do to her little girl. To me, the villain in the story is the mom who kept her kid from the dad for eight years. And this woman was the OP's friend to boot when she had the affair. Nothing good will come from that woman.
The decision you and your husband made probably is the best one given the situation.
You're absolutely right. She
You're absolutely right. She didn't keep the girl a secret from the dad...she used the girl to extort money from the dad in exchange for her silence while allowing the girl to think another man was her dad. Then...she cheated on that other man, who divorced her...and is now back claiming she wants the dad to have a relationship with his daughter. I call BS. I'm glad the guy finally manned up a little...told his wife...and is going through the proper channels to support his kid financially. Anything more would be marital suicide and (even more) unfair to the OP.
From what I had read, the
From what I had read, the woman wasn't looking for the dad to have a relationship from the get-go. She she only moves close to the real dad after her husband left her. So I stand by my statement that the mom did not want the dad in the girls life till now.
And yes, the little girl does lose out on having a dad, from the get-go because of the skank mom she has. This is not a sperm donor her situation where someone consciously went to a bank to get impregnated. To me that's comparing apples to oranges.
It's all so sad.
As I said on your previous
As I said on your previous blog, I personally couldnt forgive an affair (let alone an affair that resulted in a child) BUT I can respect those that make the decision to try to repair their marriage.
I hope that things work out for you both.
I do find it a sad situation for the girl, purely in that shes born to a mother who is using her for her own gains (yes NOW she wants the father involved but for the last 7 years shes happily kept her to herself)
I do not believe you have any moral responsibility to welcome this child, there is a massive difference between starting a relationship with pre-existing (pre-known of) children and your situation.
Thank you for the update!
Thank you for the update! You don't owe any explanation to anyone! I do know that a lot of folks here were thinking about you and wondering what you and your DH have come up with!
I wish you all the best and hope peace for you now and in the future!!
This mistress is the same as
This mistress is the same as a lot of BMs we have to deal with. She chose to cheat as well. She chose to risk pregnancy as well. She chose to have a revolving-door-of-dads for her child. She has AT LEAST the same level of responsibility for what has happened. She will find some other guy and fit his puzzle piece into her daughter's picture. The little girl will just have an Uncle Joe or someone who she calls "daddy" now. The BM's getting the money. She's just out the guy...who was already married...
Hopefully her son comes out
Hopefully her son comes out of this to be responsible about his partners and not to get a girl he doesn't want to have a child with pregnant.
Keep the child out of it, this has nothing to do with him. That kid will grow up having a mom and dad together, and then go on to live his own life and have his own family do am fairly certain he is not going to be longing for the half sister that was a result of his fathers indiscretion.
gotta disagree with this one
gotta disagree with this one - it DOES impact him. He has a half sibling. None of us know how he feels about that now or how he might feel about that in the future.
And, is he is aware of what is happening in his family right now, he will learn that inconvenient kids are disposable.
Let's hope he doesn't become a teen dad....not sure Mom would be all that sympathetic.
That's insane. Helping your
That's insane. Helping your kids after a youthful mistake...having empathy for your own flesh and blood. Totally different ballgame than taking on the illegitimate child of your husband's affair.
You know. Anything to make
You know. Anything to make the OP feel worse - cause obviously she hasn't been thru enough of a shit storm.
Sometimes the sheer ridiculousness just gets me.
EXACTLY!!! Theres a LOT of
EXACTLY!!! Theres a LOT of that on here!!
The boy may very well have
The boy may very well have feeling about the situation and decide to pursue a relationship with her when he's older but for now I think it's wise of the mother to keep all of that at bay. The girl already has a family (including the man who raised her), the boy has his own family. If they invite the girl into their lives they are inadvertently inviting the blackmailing, backstabbing, ex-mistress, ex friend into their lives as well; many of us know first hand how the other parent can use the children as spies.
It's an awful situation, but one created solely by OP's DH and ex friend.
You can't ignore another
You can't ignore another human life--you can't pretend another life force that you had a hand in creating doesn't exist.
Is this what you would tell a woman that gave up her child for adoption?
^^^^^ What she said!!! ^^^^^
^^^^^ What she said!!! ^^^^^
I think you are being very
I think you are being very wise about this decision. As you say it is unfortunate but it isn't your mess to clean up. I think you are taking the road most stepmoms on here wish they could have taken. Hope all goes well.
You did the right thing for
You did the right thing for your marriage. I was in the same situation, except it was my ex Dhs ex girlfriend. She had a daughter and told my now exDh about her when she found out I was pregnant, 2 yrs later. I did what you did. Tried to make our marriage work and refused to allow them in our lives. We told our boys once they were teenagers.
I ended up leaving my ex cos he was an absolute control freak with a nasty temper. When her daughter turned 18, she contacted my boys via facebook. They met..talked..spent time together. She also visited with my ex and his now new family. My boys didnt like her because she only wanted money and favours from them. Ex DH and his new wife ended up banning her from their house due to her dramas.
Leave it up to your Son to connect when hes old enough to handle it..and yep..absolutely keep them both Mother anr Daughter away from you. You actually have more reason to do this as she was once yiur friend. She would have already poisoned her kids mind about you and will end up being a major pain in your ass.
Let the Mother deal with it all. She knew what she was getting into..and thats not excusing your hubby..but stick to yiur boundaries. I completely understand you and commed you for being so strong.
People make mistakes. Doesn't
People make mistakes. Doesn't mean they are going to keep doing it.
OP has already acknowledged
OP has already acknowledged what a whoring, lying POS "thing" she is married to (her words). You're not telling her anything that she doesn't already know. She had him take a lie detector test so I'm sure she had him tested for std's too. OP's DH would be one dumb mofo to go out whoring again, especially without a condom. Hopefully he's learned his very expensive, dramatic lesson. If he does screw up again I have no doubt we'll hear all about it in "Unsolved mysteries" and the evening news.
^^^Agree. She obviously has a
^^^Agree. She obviously has a good head on her shoulders. She has looked truth in the face full on and made her decisions. I respect her for it.
Some couples can and do recover from this situation. It is personal to them.
Her husband is not a demon. He is allowed to repent. She is allowing him to. That is their personal business. She is far from the first woman to choose this path. People can move on and be happy. She came here for advice and support. She does not need details she already knows are ugly thrown in her face.
If my husband cheated on my 7
If my husband cheated on my 7 years ago there's NO WAY IN HELL I would want to know now.