Lifestyles of the one who refuses to stay in the house with ASS when DH isn't there...
but first, a Medusa update. Perfect Paralegal sent the package to the process server late in the day on Monday. She was out sick yesterday (I just learned that from Awesome Attorney) and probably won't be in today either. Awesome is in court today, but he will follow up with process server later on today to see if she was served yesterday.
Onto the subject of the post - you might remember from a week or so ago that DH is out of town until Thursday and I told him that I wasn't staying in the house with ASS if he wasn't going to be home. Last night, I checked in to a lovely hotel, met a friend for dinner, stopped at Whole Foods and picked up some snacks and a salad for my lunch today, curled up in the most comfortable bed EVER and texted with Tuff for a little bit while I waited for my Pinot Grigio to chill.
This morning, I had a nice breakfast before I headed to work. After work, I will head back to the hotel, grab some dinner from the restaurant next door and then relax in bed while watching some tv.
What's going on at my house, you ask? I have no idea and that's the way I like it!!!
- WalkOnBy's blog
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DH's mom is there. She
DH's mom is there. She drinks every single drop of ASS's Kool-Aid. I already told DH that anything that is missing/broken/whatever will be on HIM to replace.
I don't anticipate any issues, really. BabyVoice is actually excited to be in charge of taking care of Sheba, which was my only concern.
It's just two days. I will be home tomorrow after work.
BabyVoice luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuves Sheba, so I am not worried at all about her. I did think about bringing her, but she would sing the song of her people all day long while I was gone. At her age (17), it's better for her to stay in her house
Cats are bitches. Sheba is
Cats are bitches. Sheba is no exception. She doesn't like change. Or her kitty carrier. Or ASS
mmmm yummy dinner in a
mmmm yummy dinner in a luxurious bed. your plan for tonight sounds lovely!
I love this! No skid BS,
I love this! No skid BS, drama, mess; just awesomeness. Good for you
I am suitably jelly as PPP
I am suitably jelly as PPP calls it (jealous just in case).
totes jelly, 'chichi. gah.
totes jelly, 'chichi.
gah. that kind of talk would drive me batshit crazy. errmm, i mean cray-cray...
LF, I am told (most
LF, I am told (most seriously) it is totes amaze you know *serious face*
I'm suitably impressed! You
I'm suitably impressed! You managed better than I did.
#Imnotathirteenyearoldgirl #w
totesmgoats meaning
meaning "totally"
also known as "totes my goats" or "totes ma goats"
"I totesmgoats can't wait for the party tomorrow!"
It is also a bag or a soap :jawdrop:
every time I hear James Earl
every time I hear James Earl Jones say "totesmagoats" on the Arby's commercial, I lose my shit!!
My bad. It's a sprint
My bad. It's a sprint commercial
isn't that hilarious? "you
isn't that hilarious?
"you and LadyFace are now friends"
I love both of those actors and I can't believe they agreed to do the commercial, but I am so glad they did!!!
lol! meee too. i dont EVER
lol! meee too.
i dont EVER remember anyone speaking random gibberish in highschool. it was normal english, albeit with lots of profanity. nothing was "rad", or "tubular", or "phat" - it was "fucking awesome".
and, more importantly, why
and, more importantly, why goats? What did they ever do to anyone???
When you get your goats, I
When you get your goats, I hope you adopt them from shelters and don't buy them from breeders or the goat store.
(I hope you get the joke....)
Goat roasting time!!!!!
Goat roasting time!!!!! }:) }:)
So we've been saying it wrong
So we've been saying it wrong then? It's not "totes ma goats" but "ROAST ma goats"?
And I gotta say... I think I've eaten roasted goat and it's really not that good. They're a bit... gamey. Of course, it was purchased at stall by the side of the road in Jamaica somewhere. So I didn't meet the goat first or anything.
My mom had dog once...said it
My mom had dog once...said it was sweet.
My in-laws ate guinea pigs.
My in-laws ate guinea pigs. I just think - we probably shouldn't have made rodents into house pets. But now that we have, I don't think we should eat them.
yeah - adopt, don't shop (for
yeah - adopt, don't shop (for your goats)
Tuff, welcome to the world of
Tuff, welcome to the world of little girls in main stream schools who make up absolutely stupid sayings
What are the spa options at
What are the spa options at the hotel? Going to get yourself a massage or enjoy the hotel jacuzzi or pool while you are there?
No spa options - though there
No spa options - though there is a lovely pool and jacuzzi. I am a little weird about public pools. lol
By the time I get home from work, all I want to do is put on comfy clothes, pour myself a glass of wine, eat a nice meal and watch a little tv.
Oh, and read STalk
Yep, add me to the jealous
Yep, add me to the jealous group. Enjoy your mini-semi-vacation!
I really think you need some
I really think you need some help. Is there anyplace you can go to get some?
Obviously I'm not jealous of
Obviously I'm not jealous of the crazy SS or Medusa, but can't I be jealous of stay in a nice hotel for a few days with eating out at nice restaurants? Sounds like a great change of pace to me. I hope that WalkOnBy is enjoying the time away from the mad house.
Lol, I said that to someone
Lol, I said that to someone else. Her reply must of been deleted.
I am jealous as well!!!!!! I'm tired of cooking dinner every night.

Ok, that makes much more
Ok, that makes much more sense. I was very confused.
I was confused, too, then I
I was confused, too, then I read the rest of the thread and figured out that a comment had been deleted. I was like "I didn't delete anyone's comments, what happened?"
That's just one of the reasons that the whole "all your comments disappear when you delete yourself or when you get deleted by Admin" drives me crazy!!!
Oh, and it was nice while it lasted. Back to reality today, though. Headed home after work.
The person I said it too is
The person I said it too is gone. Her account is gone. I really hope she gets the help she needs.
WhyAmIAlwaysWrong by any
WhyAmIAlwaysWrong by any chance? I see her post from yesterday is gone.
Yeah. I see she is gone
Yeah. I see she is gone completely.
I don't think she liked
I don't think she liked yesterday's reception to her blogs
Wow - she's gone??
Wow - she's gone??
Well, at least she didn't
Well, at least she didn't leave us with one final "you all suck and I'm outta here" post
*giggles* if she had, li'l
*giggles* if she had, li'l miss gutterbrain would have advised her that yes, indeed, monchichi does suck.

Yes Tuff, you said suck???
Yes Tuff, you said suck??? And stop hogging my gutter, you're confusing my mind.
LOL!!!! }:)
I think she left because she
I think she left because she can't handle how hot Tommar is....after all, she did say she is an 8 out of ten.
Are you girl crushing on
Are you girl crushing on tommar? Because if so I can understand
She's a feisty one!
It's all her fault...she put
It's all her fault...she put it out there how hot she is!!!!
