A walk down memory lane!!
Medusa has recently filed with the FOC to have her support reduced. DH just sent in all the income information, and we hired Awesome Attorney because we are fairly certain that she has not included all of her income information (her life's goal is to make sure her tax returns, both corporate and personal, reflect as little income as humanly possible).
Awesome Attorney and Perfect Paralegal have drafted the Interrogatories and Requests to Produce Documents and Things and are making arrangements to have Medusa served at her new resale shop - the one Medusa doesn't know that we know about I had to send Perfect Paralegal a picture of Medusa. I didn't think I had one, but then I remembered the last time we had to have her personally served, I sent a picture to Perfect Paralegal and went searching through my emails.
I came across the folder I created especially for her. I started reading some of her prior pleadings and other crazy stuff - found this little gem that she wrote in a letter to the Parenting Coordinator
"Why am I the only one that get’s penalized. If I don’t have the kids available for him I get in trouble even though he was 10 minutes late? Can you really throw your children in the garbage and then be allowed to pull them out, brush them off and not be held accountable? I could NEVER do that to my children. DH doesn’t seem to have any problem with it!"
THAT'S rich - the woman who threw away her kids and probably DOES think she will be able to just "brush them off" and move on is complaining about DH, who was late once in awhile to pick up the skids because we live on the other side of the state and he had to drive over two hours to see them??
UGH - Medusa.
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that would be January 11,
that would be January 11, 2012.
Yep - coming up on 4 years....
wob since you had trouble
wob since you had trouble finding her picture, i took the liberty of tracking it down for you
}:) }:) }:) u're welcome
Thanks, Tuff!! you know,
Thanks, Tuff!!
you know, Perfect Paralegal sent me an email this morning asking me if I had a photo of Medusa she could give to the process server.
This oughta do just fine!!!
by the way, i think it's
by the way, i think it's perfect having her served at her shop. the look on her face should be priceless!!! too bad the process server cant snap a quick pic.
well. she is now using a PO
well. she is now using a PO Box in a town about 20 minutes away from MedusaTown and one of her favorite excuses in the past has been "well, I never got that in the mail" so we have served her personally since then.
She claims that she is living in her remaining commercial building, but I don't believe that for a second. Said commercial building is in foreclosure (pretty sure that she won't bother to redeem it) and I am SURE that is the reason that she used with FOC to get a review.
"poor me. I am living in a commercial building but I am losing it and I lost my job and woe is me and I can't be bothered to see my kids, but I sure can spend all my time and efforts trying to find ways to not support them."
*snorty* what a worthless
what a worthless sack of skin. her and dumbass must be twins... she didnt even rear her ugly head for kaos' birthday. and it's been five years since she's done anything for lurch's. *sigh* yup, spend all effort finding ways to not support their own kids...
She lives on the other side
She lives on the other side of the state, but we have used this server before and he does take a photo
eeeeeek!!!! he does???
eeeeeek!!!! he does???
}:) oh wait - will he have to snap the pic using a mirror? *giggles*
LOL!!!! yeah - he has this
yeah - he has this teeny tiny camera that he snaps as he's handing the papers over to the target. Medusa is a sneaky bitch who always uses the "I never got that in the mail" excuse so Perfect Paralegal found this guy to personally serve and snap