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Come on Sunday!

over step's picture

I don't know how much more of Puke I can stand. Never wished a weekend would go by fast until now. She just takes whatever she wants out of OUR bathroom. Dh has been doing really good but is lacking in make her clean up the bathroom (he just does it) or put things back so others can use it too. Then I have to wait til he cleans it up before I can take a shower cuz she isn't made to do it or I have to find what I need elsewhere cuz if he does say something it's in one ear and out the other.

I'm trying not to blow up on dh but I feel myself fuming over this. I just want to find a way to get thru the next 3 days. I may have to spend Saturday at my mom's.


Monchichi's picture

Oh honey, at least she uses the ablutions to clean herself. Think positive, happy, unicorn glitter farts thoughts.

over step's picture

There are 2 bathrooms (upstairs and downstairs). Dh uses downstairs and I use upstairs (puke uses this one when she is here). Deal is that dh makes sure it is picked when she is here. But I have to wait on him to do it cuz he picks up after her instead of making her do it so she learns nothing and continues leaving things in the shower. That is what's so frustrating.

Dh sees things in her room that he knows belongs in the bathroom but doesn't say anything. He's dropping the ball in my opinion.

Ninji's picture

Time she uses daddy's bathroom. Put a lock on your bathroom if you have too.

over step's picture

I will he having a discussion with dh about this. Reminding him how I've been supportive of him when there's been drama with puke and how I even let her use my laptop when she asked and not gotten mad when she's left a mess. Now it's his turn to step up or she can use his bathroom from now on and will be banned from mine.

hereiam's picture

The good thing about all of this? Now your DH should be able to see the manipulation regarding the puppy and visitation, and not even offer the motel deal. Obviously, his daughter can come over without the puppy.

over step's picture

I'm sure he sees it but won't fully believe his princess would do that. He is denial and blames her mother for most of it.