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Puke throws a tantrum

over step's picture

So dh has a heated discussion with puke earlier tonight cuz she wants to bring the puppy this weekend. Dh says no he doesn't want the puppy here. Puke says she won't come if puppy can't but not before she blames me for dh saying no. Don't get me wrong I don't want the puppy here but he didn't discuss this with me before telling her no.

Dh started to cave in so puke would come when I calmly told him that the decision was his but if puppy came I would be spending the weekend at my mom's. I don't want to have anything with or be around while the puppy is here. Dh has gone against my wishes so many times to pacify puke. I have put my foot down.

Dh is outside on the phone again with puke. Afraid of the decision he will make but will follow through if necessary.


TheFreakingMaidofLife's picture

You can't negotiate with children when you say no. Then they think they have power and can pull that crap all the time.

over step's picture

Dh doesn't talk to puke around me cuz I don't want to hear it. Especially when they are arguing. After their last phone call last night dh was even more mad cuz Bm was telling puke lies about him and puke was playing the victim at his expense. There was no resolution cuz dh was still saying no puppy and puke was saying no her. Dh told her she could come but not the puppy. Bm got it so she can take care of it for a couple days. Puke still blames me but honestly I don't care. Guess we'll see what today brings.

over step's picture

Yeah. I gave in all those times before and dh found it easier each time to give puke what she wanted and ignore what I wanted. I just can't keep giving in.

over step's picture

I'm not fighting with him on this. He's fighting with puke. He does not want the dog here.

I just told him that he has put her wishes over mine the last six years and if he does again I will not stay here and be subjected to it. I am done having to put up with it. I will take myself out of the situation.

over step's picture

This is how dh is. I have told him before that he shouldn't let it be a debate. What he says is final. Puke plays the you don't care about your kid and don't want to see her card all the time. She has used her threats of not coming to get what she wants and dh has always given in so he doesn't lose her. Bm does whatever she can to make sure puke doesn't want to see her dad. Hence the puppy. Bm knew exactly what would happen. Then she tells puke lies about her dad to make puke think he doesn't care about her so bm won't lose puke. I say why give puke what she wants to prove he cares if she won't believe he does. Fighting a losing battle.