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DH's Confession

over step's picture

Last night DH says he's going to call Puke. He goes outside for less than 5 minutes and come back in with a look of a sad puppy.

He comes into the family room and sits on the couch with me then says it appears he's been put on the back burner. Ok, you have my attention. So I ask what he means. He says that when he calls Puke she is "busy" and can't talk or he can never get ahold of her. This is the day he knew would come.

I told him that I was sorry he felt that way but we can stay busy here to keep his mind off of it. He said that basically he was going to go on with his life and try to accept it. I was supportive and empathic.

What I find interesting is that it wasn't that long that she had time for him when she wanted him to order her something but now that she doesn't need anything she is too busy for him. It's sad. Now I knew this about her so it wasn't a surprise to me.

I DH is hurt by being push aside so I will do my best to remind him that I am here and will always be here. Puke with rear her head when in need again but I think DH at some point will see her for how she treats him.


over step's picture

Quite honestly it pisses me off to no end because I've been here consoling DH or getting the brunt of his anger every time Puke's hurt him. I have an easier time letting it go though.

Totalybogus's picture

I hate to say this, but your SD is a normal teenager. They are ALL little self-centered brats. BUT, your husband needs to understand that at this age, she is trying to spread her wings and become independent. No teenager has time for the parents. Everything is about them and their friends. She'll come back to him sometime in her 20s. I truly think aliens come down and suck their brains out and only give them back around 25.

over step's picture

Since she lives so far away from DH, he's always felt left out of her life unless there's drama or she "needs" something. From what he's told me he was able to still keep in touch via phone calls or texts until recently. I also think now that she's not coming for visits he's really feeling it.

robin333's picture

I can sympathize since my DH'S adult kids only interact around birthday and Christmas time. I know it hurts him but he rarely brings it up for discussion. I don't mention it since I know it bothers him.