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Back from holiday

over step's picture

Boy that week went by fast. My time off was pretty relaxing. Not much drama.

So Puke didn't come this last weekend as I suspected. Possibly this coming weekend. Dh will spend it in a hotel room with Puke and pup IF she comes. Not holding my breathe.

This will change the scheduled weekend visits should she come. Dh figured if it does change Puke will be here for his birthday. He made the comment that it'll be nice to be able to spend it with Puke and me. I asked how that would work if Puke has to bring dog. He got slightly upset by that and said maybe she would leave the pup at his mom's. Fat chance, I say.

I am taking mental notes for when the time comes that we have to discuss if we will allow the pup to come and have a few questions for dh. Who watches the pup when Puke goes out with friends or spends the night elsewhere? If someone else can watch pup during this time, why can't they for 48 hours? Why should we compromise our boundaries so he can see Puke when she or bm will not? (I am steadfast on my boundary and will not waiver.)

I am proud of dh for having my back. He is realising that Puke is not perfect and is not the victim when she has drama she creates. He is not fighting her to come see him. I still think Puke will stop coming unless it benefits her (like birthday & Christmas) by year end. Then she won't call as much and then stop calling unless she needs something. Oh happy day!


over step's picture

Oh I'm sticking to my guns. If Puke wants to see her dad, she will have to figure it out. I doubt Puke will come for his birthday seeing as it's the weekend of Halloween. I'm sure she'll have plans with her friends.

Ninji's picture

Does Puke go to school or work? Who is taking care of this dog then?

I have three dogs and a cat. I work 10hrs a day and they are fine alone. I have even taken overnight trips and left them home alone. It's a dog, not a baby.

over step's picture

She is enrolled in online school so is home all day. Sally is right. It's a game they are playing.