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oldest ss trying to guilt trip dh

stepsonhatesme's picture

Oldest ss has been in jail for the last 10 days, or So. He just got out today and called dh asking if he could pick him up to go get his stuff and if he could "just store my stuff (aka clothes)at your house and be able to charge my phone". This was this morning around 11:30. Dh told him he was busy he'd call later. Dh and i talked and i told him no way in hell is he staying here even 1 night. Ss calls back around 230 wanting to know what's up, if he can stay.

Oss calls back tonight at 9 and wants to knowif he could stay. Says he was going to start with a certain friend but that friend backed out. But yet he said all his stuff was with him at the ball field in his friends car. Well don't you think if you're starting some where you take your stuff in?
And again asked dh if he could stay. Dh told him " no, you have to figure this out on your own"

I was so proud of dh. Just wish he would have told oss this this morning instead of waiting all day. ... but dh said since he didn't hear from oss he figured that he'd found a place.


stepsonhatesme's picture

Oh I am over the moon! But if I know my ss he'll show up at some point today and try again. Grrrrr

stepsonhatesme's picture


robin333's picture

Yes, blow jobs, aka, reward for settings boundaries! But if he's staying tonight, maybe not. (Your latest blog )

stepsonhatesme's picture

Probation violation. His ex gf moved out and left heroin in his room. Probation officer looked thru his room and found it. His urine test came back clean butt he still had to serve 90 days.
He's been arrested for theft and pills too.

notasm3's picture

DH let SS30 spend 10 days in jail (he beat up an elderly man). He could have paid a fine but SS had no money and DH would not pay it for him.

DH fortunately knew better than to ever ask if SS could spend a night in MY home. That was covered before DH and I married. And SS has been homeless many times. But he always finds a couch to sleep on or a woman to sponge off of - just not us.