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MSD's BF is bad news

zerostepdrama's picture

DH had texted MSD19:

I know about your BF. You need to leave. I already heard about him.

MSD: What do you know about him? You havent even met him or talked to him.

DH: I know. You need to leave.

MSD: He has never done anything to me or anyone I know.

DH: You heard me. Leave him.

MSD: If you are talking about Jefferson, that was a long time ago. You need to not listen to SS and what he says.

Jeffferson= reference to the apartment complex that DH and SS used to live in before DH and I moved in together.

I'm really curious as to what SS told DH about this BF. DH rarely gets invovled in stuff like this or listens to "gossip".

In the past when I have brought up bad choices being made by MSD, etc he would say "She's grown, she knows what she is doing."

Not surprised at MSD's bad choices.... Its like one train wreck after another with her. Sad thing is she has a baby that has to suffers through her poor choices.

And I'm pretty sure that her BF has a baby the same age as GB.


Justme54's picture

OMG! They both have babies from previous relationships? What does BF do for a living? I can only guess. My guessing he does NOT work or is living a life of crime.

zerostepdrama's picture

I dont know much about the BF. My niece is "friends" with MSD on FB and IG and mentioned that MSD had a new BF, so I did a little snooping from DH's FB account (because I am blocked from MSD's)because I am just nosey and was actually a little excited, thinking YAY she wont be relying on DH for everything.

I could just figure out he had a kid, that is all.

I know MSD has had some drama with her Ex (her baby's dad) and his family. I think she screwed them over.

MSD is known for making bad choices. Some of the few:

Teenage pregnancy
Drop out of HS with only 1.5 credits left
Not attending summer school
Getting kicked out of BM's house and BF's family house- with a baby
Buying expensive car, signing lease for expensive apartment.
Prior drug issues

Sad thing is she is book smart. Just not common sense smart I guess. She is a hustler and a manipulator as well.

mommy0104's picture

Hopefully, when things go as bad with the BF as you're expecting, it doesn't affect you. I know you've disengaged and don't have anything to do much with your MSD, but when things fall apart, the skids always make us steps pay for's like a bomb waiting to go

zerostepdrama's picture

Yay I was hoping and praying that her new man would be a good thing. Doesnt sound that way so far.

As much as I dont like MSD, she is super smart. She could do so much with her life.

mommy0104's picture

That's one of the things that makes me want to ring my OSD's neck. She's pretty smart at school and knows what she needs to do to be a functioning member of society..but makes such stupid decisions. You'd never guess she ranked close to the top of her graduating class in high school lol

zerostepdrama's picture

She was a top student. Supposedly accepted to nursing school. (She's a liar so who knows if this is even true) Yet stopped going to school even though she only had 1.5 credits to finish. Didnt go to summer school. And it's not like she was working too many hours or too busy with the baby who does go to his dad's A LOT.

mommy0104's picture

Isn't it just so frustrating when you see all those smarts go down the drain??? There are people (even myself sometimes) who would kill to have a fraction of the book smarts our kids or skids have (not that I'm a total idiot, but never was extremely excellent at school), yet they throw it away either due to laziness, friends, or "romance". So frustrating.

Elizabeth's picture

Hey, at least he is trying to intervene. I told DH that SD then age 19 was dating the following loser:

- Six years older than her (not a BIG age difference, but somewhat significant when you are only 19)
- On probation for a violent crime
- Father of six kids with four different women
- One of those kids born AFTER he and SD started dating
- Bragging online about not using a condom with SD

DH just told SD "You could do better." :jawdrop:

zerostepdrama's picture

I'm really surprise DH said anything. I'm a little proud of him. I think he seriously lacks in the parenting area and that is why the skids are the way they are. As much as I dislike MSD because of her behavior and choices, I know a lot of it comes from BM and DH being her parents.

mommy0104's picture

These are times I want to smack my DH and his ex..I may not be the perfect parent, but those two really could benefit from a few parenting classes..even though since my skids are now 20 and 17 I'm not sure what good it would do. BM wants to be the "cool best friend" and buys their affection and DH...he's just dumb for never putting his foot down and teaching them that money doesn't buy love and it's frustrating, he is a very very hard worker, even teaches my sons to be hard workers, yet has never done that with his daughters (my skids)..some parents..sheesh

zerostepdrama's picture

I always tell DH he is a half ass parent. He has 3 girls (and a boy) and he really needed to step up to parent the girls a lot more. But they are his pretty pretty princesses and to punish them would be to hurt them and he just cant handle that. LOL

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah she called on Saturday asking for money. DH told her no.

For SS (who himself isnt the brightest crayon in the box) to take issue with someone MSD is dating, it must be something big.

zerostepdrama's picture

As far as I know.... he did talk to her a couple of days after, so he may of dropped her off some money.