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Week 5: And I Stayed the Course!

HadEnoughx5's picture

Went to my weigh in and nutrition class today and I'm very, very pleased so far.

I have my blood pressure and pulse checked every week. This is the second week in a row that my blood pressure is back to it's normal range, 118/70. Last week it was 112/66. So I'm happy to see it getting back to normal. This week I lost 7.5 pounds for a total of 27.5 pounds in 5 weeks. The Dr. said that for the amount of weight I've lost most people take 9 weeks to achieve. So I'm feeling pleased with my progress.

DH will be bringing me flowers on his way home from his business trip Wink DH is even noticing. He says my body feels firmer }:)


HadEnoughx5's picture

I haven't been doing much exercising. I've taken some walks but I have been real busy focusing on cleaning my house and organizing it.

HadEnoughx5's picture

Oh he's working for it alright! In the beginning of our relationship, every time we saw each other we couldn't get enough of each other. Then when we were married he was always busy with other activities and I would wait at home for him and then he got lazy in romancing me. Now he's always hugging me and grabbing my ass and fondling me but then I've got places to go and things to do }:)

I suspect his balls must be a deep blue by now, lol }:)

hereiam's picture

Really great job! You must be feeling so much better.

I would love to lose weight AND get my house organized.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I do feel better. As I lose I'm getting more energy too and I'm not feeling older than I really am.

Sports Fan's picture

I am so proud of you for what you have accomplished. You have given me hope.

Exercise is the hard part for so many of us. I think that's why so many people fall for the fad diets and quick fix pills.

Your DH better stay the course or other men will be chasing your new hot body!