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Just a little funny story for all you WOMEN on here.

RustyHalo's picture

Last night we were over at my FH's parent's house. I needed to de-bug their computer for them.
Anyways, they had just bought this new blood pressure machine and they wanted to take everybody's blood pressure. Okay, my blood pressure has always been a very healthy 90 over 60 or 100 over 70. Like I said VERY healthy. FH's blood pressure used to be sky high and now he's on meds and so it will usually run around 130 over 75 or something along those lines.

So, I go first - Mine was 136 over 76.

FH's - 112 over 70.

Ladies, do you see what has happened here?
I said aloud to FH in front of his parents:
"I have brought peace and calm into your world and you're making ME crazy!"

Everybody had a good laugh, but that's the gosh darned truth of the matter.

Just had to share. This is proof that when MEN say we're crazy - they're the cause!


katherz's picture

That's too funny!!! It's nice they all had a laugh!!

Finish each day and be done with it.You have done what you could.Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can.Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

luckykell's picture

Haha, I know all too well how that is! Similar to you I had always had perfect BP! Then in the last year I started having problems, they put me on a heart monitor for 30 sucked. They ended up putting me on a beta-blocker for my BP, and told me to try and reduce the amount of stress in my life. Yeah, not gonna happen while BM is around!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."