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BM rubbing off on SD10

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

DH and I have gone back and forth about getting a cell phone for SD10 and SD7 to talk to DH while at BM's house. The girls spent the summer with us. But before that, BM had her cell phone shut off. And despite the CO stating that DH has the right to talk to the girls every day, he wasn't able to talk to them for over 3 weeks. Neither of us wants to get them a cell phone because we know BM will use it. It's ridiculous that she can't afford her phone. She gets 1/3 of DH's wages, plus government assistance and her husband works. According to her, my DH should suck it up and deal with it. We were looking at phones that would enable us to put a block on that only allowed it to call certain numbers. I was talking to SD10 about it. I am glad DH was sitting next to me so he could hear her response. She asked if the phone would play games. And I told her no. That it would be a basic phone to talk to her dad. And her response was, "That is dumb. A phone without games is stupid. I don't want that."

I held my temper but I was really upset. My DH was pissed. He told her. "Well SD10, don't worry about it because you just talked yourself out of getting a phone. You sound like an entitled brat."

She didn't say anything else. DH lectured her later about being selfish and rude. He told me that he hated that BM was having so much influence on her. I am just glad he can see it. His two girls are beginning to act like everything should be handed to them. And, we both agree that isn't going to fly in our household. But, I have to wonder if eventually they will start thinking like BM does. She sees DH as nothing more than an ATM. It seems like we are heading down that path.


She_Sparkles's picture

I'm sure this doesn't happen to ALL children but it certainly did in the case of my exSD. To this day she acts like a carbon copy of her mother right down to the multi boyfriend user behavior.

Your DH was right to set her straight.He needs to set her straight every time a "BMism" comes out of her mouth.