Could you live with BM?
I saw this article today. I found it so bizarre. Could any of you live with BM in a situation like this?
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I could see wanting to get out of NYC but other arrangements besides all living together would have to be made.
No I can’t imagine it
Granted the BM here is bat sh!t crazy, and I personally am not a huge fan of having indefinite roommates, much less that many kids! around for days on end with no end in sight.
But hey, I'm glad Camp Happy Family works for them.
These are extraordinary times.
No. So much no.
No. So much no.
I wonder how long they've
I wonder how long they've been doing this and how much longer it will last? Sounds a bit like early days euphoria...
I think it could be nice for
I think it could be nice for those who can get along. However, it would never work in my situation.
Not a chance.
Not a chance.
Depending upon people and
Depending upon people and circumstances.. I guess some people might be able to do this. Not me.. but some people vacation together etc.. it's not a majority.. but if it works for them great.
Bahahahahaaaaaa!!! I mean, NO
Bahahahahaaaaaa!!! I mean, NO.
I've had nightmares like that
So no. Definitely not.
Not that I wouldn't be open to it if I wasn't dealing with evil (HCBM) and idiocy (my XH). If I dealt with rational people, I suppose it would be lovely.
BM here is sane and we are
BM here is sane and we are amicable, but no how, no way would I be living with her. If DH wanted to do something like this (he wouldn't!), I'd take DD and move in with my parents.
I could see doing this with
I could see doing this with my ex and his wife, if it came down to it. BM's, either of them, Hell to the NO!
I guess in emergency my exDH
I guess in emergency my exDH and DD's SM with their kids could stay with us. They are sane. And we get along. So maybe very short time is ok.
BM no. She was homeless at some point (lived with adult SD but was kicked out due to assaulting SD) and we found out she was asking around where we live (We live couple of hours away now). Omg. DH was so scared he put baseball bat at the door and had local police department on speed dial. So the answer is no
Hmmm let Meth Mouth move into
Hmmm let Meth Mouth move into my house so she can rob us blind?!? Yeah no!
I would see stuff that looks very familiar on eBay. Since Pawn shops are shut down.
Sounds like the family in the
Sounds like the family in the article are still in the honeymoon period when everyone is on best behaviour - I bet it doesn't last more than a few weeks! And no, I would not live with NPD BM - I'd rather live with Donald Trump.
quarantine with Donald Trump
quarantine with Donald Trump lol lol lol
But then again she's dead,
That said, as much as I loathed BM during her life time, if some apocalyptic event required her to shelter with DH & I I'd allow it. But only on my terms. My husband already suggested his adult skids may need to relocate to our cabin. Sure DH let me know when the tents and portapotties are set up cause they are not going in if we aren't there.
I couldn't do it with our BM.
I couldn't do it with our BM. If there was a completely different BM (at least tolerable) in our scenario I wouldn't automatically be opposed.
But with this one? Hard pass.
Not in a million years. Also, clearly these families have a lot of money, so they can afford a big house to stay in. One question and one observation - 1) how is one son still at boarding school? I figured all boarding schools would be closed by now. 2) I bet that Vermont town was not happy to see a bunch of New Yorkers move in. Other New England states were trying to ban New Yorkers from entering.
Even other town in upstate NY
Even other towns in upstate NY are begging NYC people not to come to their vacation homes to get away from the outbreak in NYC. They don't have the health care or grocery supplies to support extra people staying in their area.
We have got the same thing
We have got the same thing going on in England. People are particularly being asked not to go to their holiday homes in Cornwall (lots of Londoners have them) due to Cornwall being relatively low numbers of infection and London being a hotspot.
I have ggparents from
I have ggparents from Cornwall

In that article everyone seems sane, respectful.
most divorces are nasty so this set up just doesn’t work and would be a total sex intimacy killer for sure... i’m conviNced my husband would cut his own d*ck off if he were made to live in a house with exwife, her current husband who she cheated with before hubby separated from her and hubbys 3 kids.
Short answer -
H e double hockey sticks NO.
Hell no.
Hell no.
I saw this article also....
I saw this article also. Be sure to click on the comments. I read through many and did not see one that had anything positive to say about that arrangement.
These people are looking for a headline and here is their first one. I can't wait for the followup as the President keeps extending the shut down. It won't be so cute day 45.
First look at all the rules that were broken here. If not Official rules moral rules. No unnecessary travel. No gathering in groups. These people are not all related and would be better served by staying home forgoing visitation for now and Face time or skyping until this thing is over.
This is totally bizarre!! You are ex's for a reason and if you could do this cute little extended family deal, you should have stayed married!!! Check back in on these nuts in a week.
Geez I thought this question
Geez I thought this question was an early April fools joke!
No I couldnt live with bm.
No I couldnt live with bm. Ewwwww..MY dh couldnt either lol
About flying during this pandemic. I could NEVER put a kid on a plane now., not for 50minutes and not for 7 hours. I honestly hope those parents who are faced with this awful situation, have good heads on their shoulders and step back a little, think about how they can offer a reasonable solution.
No. I honestly don't
No. I honestly don't understand how so many people think these things are wonderful because it icks me out. And honestly I dont think its setting a good example for the kids - I see people teaching kids to not set boundaries (I highly doubt everyone feels totally comfortable), not people cooperating and getting along. There's a line in between there that seems to be crossed a lot for "coparenting."
I would live with her long
I would live with her long enough to frame her for attempting to murder me so she can go to jail and be with her people.....
HAHAHA IF ONLY LIFE WAS A LIFETIME MOVIE----but no, nothing amount of money in this world or heavenly divination is worth living with that creature for even two weeks of quarantine.