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The boys actually called!!!

MamaFox's picture

And I got to talk to them too!!

Apparently he has been looking up the laws in our state about visitation, and wondering why he hasn't be allowed to see his Dad or Me. He came right out and said while I was recording...."I want to move in with you and MamaFox, Dad. I know what the court says about me being 14, and I want to talk to a judge."

I explained to him that the Judge would only take his wishes into consideration, and that would not be the end all be all to the custody arrangement. The court will decide what is best for him over all.

After that I came right out and informed the Oldest that if he wanted us to do so, We will enforce the physical visitation and If or when HE decides, We will ask the court for partial or full custody.

A bunch of happy Foxes over here tonight. Smile


newbiemommy's picture

That poor kid!
BM thinks she is winning but all She is doing is creating a lifetime of resentment.

MamaFox's picture

OSS actually said before all that "I know MamaFox had a bad sunburn, is she okay? I really miss her."

You could have knocked me over with a feather, I almost cried! *snifffffsniff*

MamaFox's picture

What happens now is, we file the papers to enforce visitation. We give it a month or two to prove again she's defying the court order and then we file for modification of custody.

This is looking more cut and dry by the day.