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The things you see on Facebook

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

After reading the "hairbrush" story from another SM on here, I told DH, we should definitely check out the SD's Facebook pages. We don't have the log in info because the pages were set up by BM. DH an I both believe that 7 and now 10 is too young to have a Facebook page, but BM disagrees and does whatever she wants. Well, we pulled up the SD's Facebook pages. And surprisingly, the pages didn't contain anything inappropriate. However, we noticed that SD10 liked several of BM and BigWeirdo's posts. And, we were shocked at the content. Here is a little sampling:

Like 1: SD10 commented on a photo of BM. It is a photo of her lying on a bed. She is almost naked. And here's the kicker. DH sent SD7 some Hello Kitty earbuds for her birthday. BM had the cord of them wrapped around her neck, as if she were strangled with them and was pretending to be dead.

Like 2: SD10 liked a comment in which her SF stated and I quote, "I like to touch my balls and call out your name. ;-D"

Like 3: SD7 liked "Sometimes I wish my wife would shut her fucking mouth"

So yeah, gotta love the lessons the girls are learning from supermom as she calls herself. The bad thing is there were so many more. I think both me and DH were shocked at the content. We didn't think they would post stuff like that where three of their daughters could read it. Its really just sad.


KiFire's picture

I reported my SDS account, got a few friends to do it also and it was gone I'm about 3days... BM2 and SD don't know who reported her account. Just that it was caught and suspended

JustAgirl42's picture

Wow, if someone from CPS saw those 'likes', they wouldn't 'like' it so much!

What the F is wrong with these parents!!!! Damn, this pisses me off! WAKE UP!!!

AliceP's picture

SD13 posted a cat in the hat pic that said something to the effect of "not giving one fuck or two fucks" To DH and I it was just kid crap. But a boy wrote back asking how hard she fucks.,, DH said something then the kid said something about putting a bullet in DH's head. He told BM that SD13 was being sexually harassed again and she ended up punishing SD over it. Which is a sad thing to teach a young woman, that if she's being harassed, or violated, or threatened she must have provoked the guy.

herewegoagain's picture

Good luck with FB and deleting the pages. We had one deleted and she just continued to make new ones with BMs help…they only deleted one and the others they never deleted…s

bearcub25's picture

Our BM goes from religious posts to sexual in nature. But BMs kids mean the world to them!!!! the 2 days a month she sees them that is.