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Well that happened fast.

Sunflower1's picture

I figured for sure nothing took this month, none of the symptoms I had last time I was preggo. I'm still four days away from my period, but I figured why not pee on a stick? At first I thought it was a negative the line was so faint, but it looks like DH has super sperm! I can't tell anyone yet IRL, a miscarriage in the past will do that to you. I thought for sure it would take months.


askYOURdad's picture

Yay congrats. I'm about halfway there... can't wait to meet this little one!

askYOURdad's picture

Take it easy, don't allow a lot of stress, if your up for it find some relaxing yoga to ease tension and stress. I had some bleeding early on and was terrified. I know what you mean about the 12 week mark. You will get there, take it one day at a time! So exciting!

Sunflower1's picture

We weren't really trying, we just stopped preventing. I've been on the rhythm method the last several years, so no waiting for BC to cycle out. Now fingers crossed that everything progresses in a healthy way.