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Sunflower1's picture

Fast vent-

Work sucks horribly right now. Dealing with an extremely passive aggressive co worker, who I think, wants my job. Yeah, it's as fun as it sounds.

DH, I love you and some days I want to strangle you. Today happens to be one. You have NEVER been a Disney dad, please don't start now because we are expecting. Just. Don't. (We are going to chat about this tomorrow, if I being it up tonight I'll be too emotional).

SD's BM. Don't text my husband at ten thirty asking if he wants to talk about his feelings toward his brother. It's not classy and it makes you an asshole. (DH ignored her and texted her the next day reminding her it was inappropriate).

I've had a couple days spotting. Not much, docs think it's because I'm so active so I've got to slow down, but it's scary. Still have all the pregnancy symptoms which is a good thing. Somedays I wish I would throw up instead of just being nuaseated but that's ok.

Small peanuts to other peoples problems, I know. I'm not used to mood swings, I like being level.

Good news:

Ultra sound at the eight week appointment, two weeks ago, showed a wiggly little guy, with a strong heart beat of 173 a minute Smile

I'm trying to enjoy the first trimester as much as I can, even though I want tweleve weeks to get here (I'm sure those of you who have had a miscarriage understand).

My niece and nephews are coming into state for the summer, it'll be nice to see them.


Sunflower1's picture

Thank you! Today makes it ten weeks, I'll heave a big sigh of relief when we get into the second trimester, but we only plan on one so I want to try to enjoy this ;). Good luck to your friend.