I HATE That BM knows anything about me
Sorry to be a blog hog, but so much has come up from the 20 minute session DH had with BM and the Child Support Caseworker yesterday. I absolutely despise that this woman knows anything. At all. About me. Some of her comments to DH:
1) "why can't we get along like Step Off does with her ex" translation - even though I slash your tires, put sugar in your gas tank, am beligerent, selfish and don't give a rats ass about my son, why do you keep taking me to court and do this to me?
My ex is a part of my family. We chat often about our three kids. He comes to my larger family events on occasion, me and DH went to his wedding, DH worked for him for a while, he's even offered to babysit the baby when the kids are at his house.
2) "your girl makes good money, she should pay for it" translation - I don't want to work and support my child. Your wife should do it for me since she went to college and manages her money and puts the kids' first.
3) "his wife has my son on her insurance so I shouldn't have to pay for health insurance" - no translation necessary
4) "you should just put that baby in daycare and work to pay for your son" - translation - I didn't want to take care of MY baby so you should go to work so I don't have to.
i just hate this woman.
No comments/ replies needed. Just venting
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your girl makes good money,
your girl makes good money, she should pay for it
Who even talks like that? I'm a 40 year old woman and she's younger than I am.
Ugh! Hugs to you. Vent
Ugh! Hugs to you. Vent away, you are amongst friends who understand.
I feel the same way about my privacy. I hate when BM asks me stuff (or mentions to DH and then he mentions to me) that involves me. I know she hears stuff from the kids and I would never tell them to keep secrets, I just wish she would worry about her own life. She has made similar comments about how well my ex and I get along... it's pretty simple, I don't go around in his business trying to ruin his life.
That reminds me of another
That reminds me of another thing she said to him,
"your wife likes to file something everytime I text you so I'm just going to follow the court order" meaning we file police reports
#2 described BM and I to a
#2 described BM and I to a T.
BM wouldn't know how to do a budget or keep all her utilities paid in one month if she was the only person left in our county. BM knew DSo was working 20/week to take care of their kids and she didn't contribute more than a headache. She knew damn well I was paying the bills and buying her kids food and school stuff but she didn't care.
Skids asked once 'Can Mom have some of our school pictures?'
Me: 'I will split them if she wants to pay for half.'
At that point I was past trying to get along so she would take her kids back.
ohhh that is a better way to
ohhh that is a better way to look at it...
1. I don't come from a classy family, I actually come from a pretty messed up one but still managed to get a degree and find a respectable job, what is your excuse BM, you came from a good family?
2. I am financially independent and she doesn't know what I make but knows it's enough to have a nice home, reliable car, do fun things etc. I would love to see her VISA bill, she comes from the entitlement have-to-have-the-new-iphone-can't afford $11 for a field trip until CS day
3. Same
4. I am married to the man she left thinking he would pine for her, he is happy with me
5. her kids adore me, confide in me, make me "mother's day" and birthday presents
Those are the feelings I try
Those are the feelings I try to have.... and usually do most of the time. I know she's envious and jealous.... or is she? (She seems to be a bit of a psychopath so not sure what she actually thinks.) oh wait, she did send me that thank you card once saying thanks for putting her son in private school because it's something she always wanted for SS and can I look into getting him medical and dental.
I feel sorry for her and her miserable existence.
(but right now I'm just so irked from having to see her - and boy did she look rough, strung out on a bit of drugs, face completely broken out (like I could see the blue poc marks across the courtroom and DH commented about the massive amounts of makeup she was wearing... and she usually wears a lot ANYWAY).
I know the feeling. I like
I know the feeling.
I like when she breaks the RO because we file a police report and she shuts up for about a month. However right now she is going crazy, so we are hearing from her more often. AND i had to see her ugly face yesterday... and got to hear from DH all the stupid things she said to the case worker.
My favorite:
BM: custody is 50/50
Casworker: um, it looks like it is 23/77 with you having your son 23% of the time. You have him every other weekend, right?
BM: yes
Note: i don't condone DH's next comment but it shows his level of fustration
DH: See, she's fucking retarded. See what I have to deal with?
Me too
Me too