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Got to reel it in

Bradymom's picture

We are completely the Disneyland parents. I think we are. We don't always spend money but the second the kids walk through the door the world revolves around them. It's activities, wether it's games & crafts, parks & calls to get people together for a basketball game... or spending money going places...

We are non-stop. I know it's not that way at either home. Not my kids bio dad's & not my steps bio moms. Both of the exes are go out to eat (we 95% of time have home cooked meals or we pack a cooler) & if they do anything out of the house it's movies (we only do the cheap theater & a regular movie 2-3x a year). And when they're home it's--- shut them up with electronics constantly (& I'm anti electronics. Allowing some but they have to mix it up with breaks with other activities)

I feel like we need to reel it in. The kids are always "what are we doing?" They totally expect we have something going on all the time. I don't know how we fell into this. My DH has ALWAYS been this way. But I haven't. I am all about walking, biking, parks, etc but never paying for entertainment.

I feel sick to my stomach thinking about how much $ we spent just this weekend alone.

I had a stroke on 1/16, it's been worse since. Because I am not able to think & plan activities as well as I use to be & I stay home so much that I don't want to be there when we do have the kids. Ugh.

Going to have to make some goals to reel this in. Have y'all fell into this terrible habit?


NCMilGal's picture

We used to do that in the early years. It didn't help that a significant portion of visitation was over Christmas at MIL's house - where DH magically turns into a pouty teenager.

I think one thing that helped was the long visits, no weekends. As NCPs, we only got SD two or three times a year. When you've got the kid for six weeks, it's impossible to take that much time off, so SD was placed in day camp, and we had a normal routine going.

Some of the things I pushed on the weekends were skills: cooking was a big one. I started with baking cookies and making pancakes, and moved up to dinners from scratch. At 16, she got put in charge of the food budget *and* cooking for the family.

But yeah, we did a lot more when we were NCP. Now that DH is CP and SD actually has friends, we never see her, and our time is our own again, mostly