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ss17 offered us help!

purpledaisies's picture

He called to let us know that if we need help with the birds to call him. Wow I'm kinda in shock. But it was a great gesture on his part. Just needed to brag. Smile


Shook's picture

Look at that Purple! Maybe the bird biz will make everyone closer--- together. If that was my skid, I may have to take a midday bird count Wink lol just kidding, that's my skid.

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah. He is a good kid he just is not the nicest to his mom. He's only given Mr attitude on a few occasions. But his driving is a whole other story!

Shook's picture

You're a very lucky lady!

You need to have the Carpenters playing in your store/hatchery. Why do birds suddenly appear...:)

purpledaisies's picture

Yes I am lucky. I've known that for a while. It is/was the bm that I have/had trouble with. But you know its really that my dh is an awesome dad. The kids know that too. In fact they have defended him to their mom and see through her. I think that over the years with them calling her out and my dh not letting her get in our marriage she has finally got it.