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So this is really morbid-but if your skid died how would you feel-what would you do?

hismineandours's picture

I was just curious-another post got me to thinking how these sweet little skids are really people too and we should care for them as we do all humanity.

I am not really sure what I would do or how I would feel. I havent seen or spoke to my ss15 in a year. I wish to never see or speak to him again. I dont believe I'd be "happy" that he died-it would be sad that someone so young passed on before he had a chance to do somehting positive with his life-but I dont think I'd be crying in my cereal either. Then I wonder if I'd feel guilty for not being more sad. Honestly, I think most of my emotions would be centered around dh and how he was dealing with his own issues.


DaizyDuke's picture

I have thought about this before. I would honestly feel terrible, because I don't like either one of them and DH and pretty much everyone knows this. I mean you can dislike someone without wishing that harm become them... that is how I feel.

I don't like skids, and I certainly wouldn't wish for something bad to happen to them, but I know me and I know that I would be torn up with guilt about it for simply not liking them.

Shaman29's picture

I would feel very bad for DH and his kid's siblings (they have their own dads). I would feel sadness for the loss.

However, it probably would not affect me other than how it affects DH. I do not have a relationship with her.

hismineandours's picture

Thats what I wonder about too. I would feel zero sadness at never seeing ss again or having to deal with him on any level. And I wonder if that would end up making me feel horribly guilty.

At this point in our life, I am not even sure I would attend the funeral-which sounds horrendous I know but there are a lot of family issues, back history here. Hell, if the kid died I dont even think my inlaws (where he lives) would tell us, they might just bury him in the back yard!

RedWingsFan's picture

I'd be heartbroken for my husband, but frankly, since all stepdevil14 has done is try to ruin my life, I can't say I'd miss her. I would hope that if she did go, it would be quick and painless and my husband wouldn't change from the trauma. I've heard that the death of a child can also mean the death of a marriage so I'd be worried he'd be so devastated that he'd become a different person.

With that all being said, I hope she lives a long, healthy life just not where I have to see her!

twopines's picture

For myself, I would not feel much of anything. I'd feel horrible for my husband, and would try to support him. Outside of that, my day-to-day life wouldn't change.

Starla's picture

I would feel so sad and crushed for my DH at that point. SD can hate me but it would be awful to know that she was only 15 and never really knew what happiness was. I would not miss her bad actions but I would miss her as a person and as my SD. Not sure how I would feel about the surviving siblings emotions and I would try to be as supportive as possible.

Anon2009's picture

This. I've thought about this over the years. Even when things were bad, I'd not have missed the bad behavior, but I would have missed them as people, because my DH has always loved them more than anything in this world and lit up like a Christmas tree around them. He could have just yelled at and grounded them a few hours ago and still light up around them. If anything happened to both of them, he might take his own life. Even with all the bad behavior that went on, I'd feel bad that they never got to live their lives. And this may sound weird, but I'd even feel pity for BM because she never made things better between her and SDs.

Starla's picture

Me too about feeling bad for BM. Its still her kid and no parent should have to see their kid go first. Anon2009, I really appreciate seeing others out there who think like you. You have a heart for others and that makes you an open minded wonderful person!

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I think it would be horrible. My DH would be defastated and I cannot even imagine trying to comfort him. He took his parents death bad enough.

I would not tolerate BM leaning on him for support either and I would hope my DH would be strong enough to not allow it.

Really, I just hope SS moves a few hundred miles away and BM moves a few thousand miles away.

clydella's picture

I would be devastated for my DH, and sad that a young life was over before it had a chance to get started. I would be afraid of the effect it would have on DH, would he have regrets, blame them on me, would it tear us apart. My fears are selfish, I know, but it's still what I fear. I would hope that DH & I could get thru it together.

myspoonistoobig's picture

I would feel terrible, for DH, and because I care about SS. It would hurt the girls and my family.

And deep down I would also feel SOOO guilty for every passing thought of "things would just be easier if he weren't in the picture."

It'd be straight up awful.

whatwasithinkin's picture

weird story and the exact point that i knew i felt nothing for sd17

last year 2 days into her 4 week visitation sd17 had a very serious accident 500 miles from home. when we got the call my immediate response was aggitation that BM was calling for insurance info. really? i had provided it twice and even supplied a folder for the contents. i also pay for it. so it annoyed me that her own mother could not lay her hands on it in an emergancy.

she was admitted and then revoked admittance and transferred in the middle of the night to a trauma center more equipped for the seriousness of the injuries. the phone rang at midnight and again at 3am. i didnt even hear it. i slept like a baby.

and you know that sinking feeling you get when your kid gets hurt? this wasnt even a blip on my radar.

how would i feel if she died? sadly i dont think id feel at all

princessmofo's picture

I would mourn him. He is a descent lil boy for the most part. And my youngest bio adores him. Its not the poor kids fault his parents are emotional fucktards. However I am sure it would spur a bm and dh reunion. To which I would happily let happen. I would unload all my baggage at once. They could have each other and I could have a life.

pixiedust10's picture

I'm with you princessmofo. I would mourn mostly for their family and my bios because the love the SS's. I know FDH would change and it would not be good.

stepmonster_2011's picture

Last fall when SS17 was trying to commit suicide (1 attempt - very poorly executed honestly; and multiple threats to his therapist and social worker) I had to face this thought.

Honestly I would not mourn the passing of this human's life. My DH would outwardly be unmoved, but I think internally it would eat him alive. My DH has a lot of unresolved emotions regarding his son, this would only compound those issues.

I actually thought about things like "Would we even have a funeral?" He doesn't have any friends and most of DH's family has been a victim of his thieving, disrespect and general douche baggery. I'm not even sure anyone would really MISS him. (which in itself is really quite sad) I thought about what we would do with his body (donate anything useable, cremate the rest). I thought about how we would tell people - like peripheral friends. All kinds of weird questions went thru my head when the school called to tell us about his attempted overdose.

I wondered if SS's mother would care. She has washed her hands of him for almost a decade, but if she knew he had killed himself? She might suddenly give 2 shits, and use it to further her own mental illness agenda.

In the end, we aren't even convinced he actually ingested the pills he claimed to have taken. We suspect that he flushed them, and then just said he took them. This might give some insight into how badly deteriorated the relationship with him is.