Excited about a baby!
I am so excited to be a first time grandmother! I am only 32, so I am very young, but I accept the badge with honor! I love children, all children, and I really love babies. Sometimes I wonder if things may have been less difficult for us had my DH and I gotten together when my SD's were babies. Of course it would have but that was not meant to be, I was only 11 at the time!
My SD19 came over for dinner last night with her bf. She showed all the pics of the little baby. Such a cute little boy! And she told us she likes the name Brock Ray. Love it! Way better than Tate, the origional name she picked. All I could think of was people calling him tater. Ray is for DH and bf's dad. Cool it worked that way.
I am working on names for the baby to call me. My SD19 is not picking names for us, instead she is kinda just leaving that to us. She hasn't said no to me having a grandma name but we haven't talked about it either. My DH calls me grandma in front of her and she doesn't say anything. I know my SD19 would, too. She is very outspoken and head strong. I like that about her.
I love Nonna, Naune, Ohma, Lolly, Bella, and Sunshine.
Halfway done until GB gets here!
- svillemomof4's blog
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Is this real?
Is this real?
My thoughts exactly.
My thoughts exactly.
Yes, it is real. My husband
Yes, it is real. My husband is 16 years older than me. His younger daughter from his first wife is pregnant with our first grand. Whats so unreal about that??
I'm 30, with a SD19 and no
I'm 30, with a SD19 and no way would I be this excited about a grandskid. Ever.
If this is real, I would suggest you not get too attached to this "grandbaby" just yet. You may find yourself immensely disappointed in the end.
I would not be excited,
I would not be excited, either. And I would never get attached to a grandskid. There are too many painful stories on here, and that I have heard elsewhere. While it may work for some, the bottom line is the child is not, and never will be your biological grandchild. Not trying to be harsh, but better to protect yourself now.
I'm 45. My son is a 21. I
I'm 45. My son is a 21. I would flip out if I heard that news.
That is so nice,
That is so nice, congratulations! I'm glad you get along so well with your sd. That baby will be lucky to have so many loving people and family in his life.
How sad that OP comes here to
How sad that OP comes here to share some happy news and people piss on her parade.
Who cares if it is real or not, it is a nice post. 19 is very young to have a baby, but you don't know anything about this SD. Maybe her BF is a few years older than her and has graduated and has a great job. Maybe they have been dating for several years and this was their plan. Maybe it was a surprise, and OP and her DH are being supportive.
Congrats on being a grandma, I wish you all the best.
Congrats sville! Babies are a
Congrats sville! Babies are a blessing and you get to be a Grandma!!!! Woot woot! Hopefully all goes well...
I'd have a cow if my 15 yr
I'd have a cow if my 15 yr old got pregnant right now. But, if OP wants her teenager to have a baby, I guess that's good for them! In my opinion, a 19 yr old is way too young to be saddled with the expense and responsibility of a newborn.
Wow, I am really shocked by a
Wow, I am really shocked by a lot of your comments. I am greatful for the kind ones. I am a mature 32 year old mother, step-mother, and soon to be grandmother. DH is 16 years older than me. My husband and I have been together for over 5 years and have had lots of good times and a few really bad times with his kids. I say his just to be clear, in my eyes they are mine and his, all four of them.
My daughter was named after my mom's aunt, my dad's favorite aunt, and my ex's mother. All of them had the same name so it worked out wonderfully.
Growing up I was a SD to a wonderful man who raised me as his own child. I love that man more than I could ever express to him. He is my father, my dad, even if he isn't my bio father. I always wished growing up that I had his last name but my piece of shit bio dad wouldn't hear of it. My bond with my stepdad is stronger than the one I have with my mother, my real mom. She and my stepfather have been together since I was 8 and she and I have always been very close but for many reasons my dad and I are just closer. My kids know him as their grandfather, the only grandfather they have on my side. They know nothing of my bio father who I cut off contact with 12 years ago. My dad was in the delivery room 11 years ago when I gave birth to my son and I named my son after him, gave him his last name too. My dad cut the cord (my son's bio father deserted us when I was 4 months along). My dad was there in the delivery room 8 years ago when I gave birth to my daughter. Her dad cut that cord
So, how can anyone say not to get close to the stepkids child? My experience with being a SD has been so wonderful! I do NOT consider myself a stepchild. I am his daughter. He is closer to me than his own bio children, he will tell you that himself too. It sometimes drives my mom a little crazy because we are so close, I think she gets a little jealous. I also am very close to my sister (step). We are best friends, always there for each other. Step families are getting a bad rap from some of you. My parents and I made lemonade out of lemons. I am really blessed that my dad married my mom, I could never imagine my life without him. And no, I had my grandfather as a father figure before that so I wasn't just trying to have a daddy. Something about my dad and me just clicked.
After having such an awesome experience as a SD, I was not scared to become a SM. It hasn't always been easy but I love both of my SD's as if they were my own. We have a wonderful relationship, we go and do stuff together without their dad, we have family dinners once a month, we talk on the phone almost daily.
I am excited because you can't change the situation, you roll with the punches. I never wanted my kids, step or not, to have a child at 19. She will be 20 a month after the due date but still, I think it is too young. I was almost 22 when I had my first but I was way more mature and ready for children even though it wasn't planned. My SD19 is loving and open to suggestions and help, she will be fine. It takes a village to raise a baby, that is why I and DH are so involved. Our parents helped us, not always money wise (buying clothes here and there, helping by watching them when we worked), but in guidence, emotional support. I want to pass that to my SD, I want to be someone she knows she can count on when it comes to her child. What is so wrong with that?
My SD's BM is not a good person. She did not want custody nor did she see them much when she had visitation. She only recently, the last couple years, has had any real relationship with them, and I use the term real loosely. We know the BM will be there in the begining but when it cuts into her party time she will not be willing to help any longer. My SD's know that it doesn't matter, DH and I are always there.
I was upset when I found out but I never told her that because her first statement was that she was keeping it. Her bf does have a good job and is 22. He is mature and very attentive. I am impressed with how he is taking charge and all. His parents also will be no help and have limited involvment with the baby. They, his parents, have said so already. They have a granddaughter already and want no part of this grandson. I told them it was his parents loss and not to worry.
So, now, tell me how in the world should one react? A young child, one that you love, is having a child of her own. She doesn't live with you, is an adult, and has opted to keep it. You can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do. Nobody is going to help her. You wouldn't help? You would let the cycle continue? No, I don't think you would. I'm not. I will love this baby as I love her, like my own. What is so wrong with that?
I don't think anything is
I don't think anything is wrong with that and how you've reacted. If anything, your SD is lucky to have you! You sound like a very nice person, as does your SD. Best of luck to all of you.