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BM claimed herself off h insurance

SweetMom's picture

My skd11 came over this past weekend limping. The following weekend she sprang her ankle. The BM took her to dr. She asked h for half dr bill. He told me his divorce degree from her says he is responsible for insurance and half the co pays. BM told him he owed half the co pay and half the x Ray. I use h insurance all the time on myself since we are a family plan and I knew the insurance pays all the xray, because I have had several X-rays... For different things but you'd think a xray was a xray so I wasn't sure. I told him to get a receipt for his records. He brings back the yellow discharge slip, no amount of money on it. Men are so clueless. Yes I'm frustrated because we are broke. It bothers me a little all week because sd kept saying her foot hurt and limping infront of our friends but at home she ran down the hallway, danced around In her room, did a lot of jumping in pool and laughing so I call bs drama queen. The money deal bothers me even though it wasn't much. We need every penny of our money because I'm about to have a procedure done that's gonna cost. So I get online and register h online at bcbs to see how much of our deductible has been met. I clicked on history and saw where BM claimed sd visit and the copy was what I expected, she lied. So I get to scroung down at the claims my son and I made over the past two years. The stranges thing showed up. BM claimed his xstep kid on His insurance in 2010 and herself several times. She was remarried to another man in 2007. So this was late and husband was laying beside me. I wake him up because this shit was just to good. I started dating h in 2010. I said to him, " I thought you two was divorced." He wakes up and says wth are you talking about. I show him all her claims on his insurance of herself and his ex step kid. He says wow! That's fraud. He said something's never change.

SweetMom's picture

All of this is new so I don't know what he is gonna do, probably ignore the claims in 2010. If she takes the kid to the Bone dr and tries to get him to pay out of his pocket more co pays then she's In For a rude awakening. I just want him to open his eyes everytime she asks for money and be aware of the bullshit xstep kid calling him daddy and every other man In her mothers life and be aware. There's no telling what other shit she used his name on. That's my husband !

SweetMom's picture

I think he should but you know men, he is afraid precious daughter would resent him. I brought it to his attention because they bring it On Themselves. His xstep kid came over at first with his bio daughter and I could see her and her mothers patterns. Always falling In Casts , breaking knuckles and In Ace bandaids, Faking a bump on head as a concussion..she leaned over and bumped her head on Counter. I saw with own eyes last spring break when his xstep kid tagged Along. She hurt her hand on swing and I saw her pushing and self inflicting injury. She hasn't been over since. Now h biological child is taking on These learned patterns of hurting herself and faking injuries.

robin333's picture

He should double check to be sure he dropped her. Insurance companies check and make sure that individual is active on the policy before paying.

SweetMom's picture

I went back and looked at the claims. It does look like the insurance didn't pay in 2010. Now prior, I'll have to continue to look. Also have to get his divorce degree and double check when their divorce was actually finalized and see when she had actually remarried. I do know for sure in 2010 she was remarried to that man and had been married for 2 years.

SweetMom's picture

Definitely have to get my facts straight. I was just puzzled when I saw she had filed in his insurance several times. You'd think the first time could be a mistake but over and over at several dr.'s offices?

just.his.wife's picture

Call the insurance company remind them of the divorce and date and that she and the extra kid came off the insurance then.

Trust me they will recoup their money and she will get to pay all of her own bills.

BethAnne's picture

Seems that you have learnt one rule with BM and that is to always check the figures and ask for proof. Now the other rule, with a BM that takes kids to the doctor at the drop of a hat is to get in front of it. Your husband should have taken the kid to the doctors himself, at least that way he knows first hand what the doctor says and can control the expenses by going to the cheapest option. He might be surprised what the doctor will reveal if SD/BM is a frequent visitor.

BethAnne's picture

Having read your reply above about her causing herself "accidents" and essentially self harming a visit to a psychologist might be a better bet. That isn't normal behavior. Do you think that it is purely from the kids craving attention, or something the BM pushes them to do or some other reason?

SweetMom's picture

The first kid of BM has learned it from her mother. I know for a fact the mother was to lazy to get up and take her to school because she missed the bus and later that day would go to dr to get excuse. That recapped in BM face because she thought she could get away some days with a dr excuse and it landed her in court with that kid. As far as I know, I think it is starved attention. The grandparents have the other daughter all the time and plays favoritism buying the oldest gifts. I agree, I think she needs a physciotrist dr. She's definitely getting this all from her oldest sister and BM is a hypochondriac so.

Delilah's picture

See I dont get this. Its foolish to allow anyone the opportunity to screw you over, because they will do it again and again. If your dh chose not to pursue action, while he was single, then while I think hes being an idiot thats his choice as it only involves him. HOWEVER, once these men get married or commit to a new relationship then I am afraid unilateral decisions are a thing of the past, this affects your finances, your life and the insurance policy.

I personally would be telling him he better buck up his lacksey attitude over the finances and his ex, you cant afford to not be detailed when it comes to payment paperwork especially as bm has already committed fraud and he also better get it in his head HE either starts protecting your joint finances or you will, and he will not like the outcome of that as you will deny all knowledgw of reporting the fraud esp if he tries to throw you under the bus. Bitchy? Perhaps, but I wouldnt allow any man to put me in a situation where another woman was walking away with OUR cash and all because he doesnt want to be the bad guy, too bad, too sad. He screwed her, he gets to deal with the repercussions.

thinkthrice's picture

The Girhippo tried to claim on Chef's insurance well past the divorce. Fortunately I caught it. Of course Chef was so wracked with guilty daddy syndrome that he would have just let it slide.

"Its foolish to allow anyone the opportunity to screw you over, because they will do it again and again. If your dh chose not to pursue action, while he was single, then while I think hes being an idiot thats his choice as it only involves him. HOWEVER, once these men get married or commit to a new relationship then I am afraid unilateral decisions are a thing of the past, this affects your finances, your life and the insurance policy."

notsobad's picture

Our BM tried to get extra money from DH in so many crazy little ways.
SD was away at school, BM would book flights home and tell him he owed her $$$$. I'd say don't do it till she gives you the receipt. She wouldn't, he'd ask SD to see her ticket and it was only for $$. She had doubled the price.

Same with adding skids to car insurance. She'd tell him the total, not just the add on.

He didn't want to fight with her, she's narcissistic and would go into a rage when confronted.

Once we got together I booked all flights and took care of insurance, ect. BM didnt like it but it wasn't the same as being caught stealing.

BM also faked migraines when she wasn't the centre of attention. At FILs 60th Bday she sat in the car because DH said he wasn't taking her home, he knew she was faking and he'd had enough. It was near the end of the marriage.
Sadly, SD started to do this. DH sat her down and said do you remember all the family things BM missed and how people didn't feel sorry for her? Nobody really missed her? And we had fun at those things, that she missed?
SD got it, but she was 18-19 years old.

thinkthrice's picture

It's a 50/50 proposition. 50% of it is to get more $$$$ from daddykins and make him PAY for the break up. The other 50% is to garner attention in the hopes that daddykins will become oddly interested in the health (or lack of it) of the BM--the narcissistic BM will want daddykins to "still care" about her. This usually spreads into a touch of the Munchausens by Proxy.

Either she or the skids will have a whole bunch of minor maladies (hangnail, blemish) etc. for which they will have to RACE to the E.R. over and make it look like a medical tragedy--making sure that daddykins knows they are "at death's door." (insert eyeroll).

Any wonder why health insurance is so high??!!

SweetMom's picture

What's so bad is that this Bitch lied over the smallest thing and went out of her way to do so. She called h last night and said she had his cash receipt. He said ok and went to get it. When he came home he showed me a piece of paper wrote In a teenagers hand writing and it was stamped U R G E N T C A R E , In a black stamp. Ok, now I know you can get alphabet stamps anywhere. Probably something that came from her work. She told H the dr bill was 80.00, we know our co pay is 40.00. I can get online and check blue cross web site. The x Ray was 10.00 extra dollars and equipment charge. Total bill was 61.00. Why lie over such a small amount and go through the trouble of supplying fake hand written paper and gas to get it to him??? It only makes us think of other times sd and BM claim they took her to dr. I looked at web site and can clearly see she never went to the dr on The days she missed school. The lady is a compulsive liar over small petty shit. If I was gonna lie to someone it would be a huge lie, damn!

SweetMom's picture

Should I do it or let my h do it? Is that over stepping my husbands business that will back fire in me? What's so bad is this BM chick works for a insurance company

SweetMom's picture

So she committed fraud again and wrote a note saying she paid 40.00 twice and stamped a company's name on it.