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Greatful for my Bonus family!

svillemomof4's picture

I joined this site a few days ago and am realizing, more so, how very blessed I am in life. So many people here have so many problems with blended families. I was so blessed to be raised in one so I guess it made becoming a step mother easier for me than some, I can relate to some of what my SD's were going through. I also had the blessing of two great SD's who didn't have a mother involved until six months after I came into the picture.
I know it wasn't easy for my dad to be my dad. He never made me feel like I wasn't his child. Every school play, sport, event, birthday, holiday, boo boo, he was there. He never missed a single thing. My mother was a workaholic but she only missed a couple of travel ball tournaments my whole life. I had the most wonderful and supportive parents. My favorite part of growing up was every other weekend when my brothers would go to their mom's house. I would get dad all to myself. We would go golfing together, garage sales, cook, watch movies, play games, anything that we wanted to do. It's funny, I never minded sharing my mom with my new siblings as much as I hated sharing my new dad with them. EOW I became an only child and the center of their world. And now as an adult my parents are two of my best friends.


Willow2010's picture

And now as an adult my parents are two of my best friends.
Me too!

That is awesome and a testament to your parents. You hear people all the time talk about how their childhood was terrible. You are very lucky and your parents sound like great people!

Anon2009's picture

I think your parents had it right and still do.

So many step and bio parents start out with this dream of one big, happy family. That to me is a mistake, because that does not always happen even in intact families. What should happen is that the step and bio parents not try to force anything on anyone, but insist everyone is polite to one another, and see where things go from there.

I love my stepdad, mom and step siblings immensely. And I believe that is because we weren't forced to be bffs. We were given room to grow our relationships, or keep them at a polite co existence. So I felt a lot better and much more willing to get to know them on my own. They're some of my best friends.

I also love my dad & get along with my stepmother, and feel comfortable with that because he never forced me to love or like her, but did insist I treat her respectfully. I got to do a lot of things with him and still do because I do not fight with her.

Why can't we all just get along?