Thanks for making me hate Christmas, skids!
I never used to. Saturday We went to DH's parents and saw SS18 for the first time since he's been home from college. DH and him didn't talk for the first hour and DH ended up telling SS that they needed to talk about his college plans, because if SS thought he could just ignore DH and DH would still pay for SS's cellphone, car ins. And health ins, and co-signs all of his college loans, he had another thing coming because DH would stop paying all of it. SS got pouty but agreed to talk later.
Demon15 was in prime form- she kept saying things like "Truenorth, you should buy me a scale". I said, I should what? She said "you should buy me a scale, please". I ignored her because I'm not buying her shit, even if she adds a please. DH's sister was saying how she does a scavenger hunt for her 9 & 11yr olds Santa gifts. Demon said "you guys should do that for me". DH told her "you get what you get", and I told her these are much younger kids than her- so no. She whined and told us that Crazy still acts like Santa is real. DH said "she probably believes he is". Lol. Demon said something else ridiculous, at which point I snapped and said, we can still take your presents back. She said she could take ours back also. I said go for it. Oh no, I wouldnt get the $8 fountain she bought me! She then went on to say that DH made faces at his toddler neice and made her cry because he looked like a "pedofile"- DH told her that was too far. She thought she was funny. As DH's mom was handing out gifts, she gave 1 to SS and 1 to his gf, and then 1 to all of the grandkids except Demon. Demon started making loud comments about how "every grandkid got a gift besides her, even a person who wasn't a grandkid". She said this 3x, and then when she got her gift she said "finally". DH was making joking comments back to her like "well that's because you're the least favorite grandkid", and things like that, so apparently he didn't see this as being as entitled and rude as I did, but if I wasn't across the room and it wouldn't have made a scene I was about to tell her to stop. She's lucky she got anything, Just this summer she was telling DH's family not to contact her! I wanted to leave just so we could get home and SD would go to her room and I could get away from her.
The next day she had plans to go to a friends and do a gift exchange from 3pm-11 or 12pm. I told DH I was happy she had plans because after her behavior at his parents I needed a break. He didn't see it as bad as I did, except the pedophile comment. Demon didn't leave until 4pm, and by 8:15 she was texting DH to pick her up. All of her friends were still there but she "wasn't feeling it". We were excited to have the house to ourself for the night because she NEVER has plans when she's here. She finally does and she doesn't stay out. DH wasn't thrilled either.
DH ended up taking SS on some errands with him and he text me to see if I wanted to go to lunch with them- no thank you, I'm trying to have as little contact as possible. DH found out that sure enough- SS is trying to get into college back in our state, 35 mins from our house. I feel sick about it. He would live on campus, but he would also constantly be asking DH to do everything for him, because he's helpless. I can see him always running home. This college didn't accept him last year, but it may be easier to transfer into. We'll see. His other options are out of state, so I'm still hoping for that.
Demon and SS18 and his gf came for Christmas Day, and it was fine but WAY too much time together. Brunch, gifts, games, dinner, more games. I was over it. SS showed up with a suitcase and we were like what's that? He said well I'm staying here tonight. We said, well you didn't tell anyone. We had no idea. So he stayed with us last night. I really don't like surprises. They came at 11am and at 12:30am I had to tell his gf to head out, after they had been all over each other all day. DH was in bed already. I don't want to kick 17yr old girls out of my house. Why do you need to spend 14+hrs with each other, every single day?? It was over the top. I will be talking to DH about that- he needs to handle it so I don't have to. DH told me he thinks SS stayed over at his gf's the night before. Gah! We would not allow that.
Today I had an appt at noon and then drove around until DH took skids back to Crazy's at 3pm. I don't even want to see them. But DH told SS we need a schedule if he plans on staying here, so he will be following Demon's custody schedule until he goes back to college on Jan 11th I think? The good news is that we are going on a trip NYE for 3 nights, so really we will only see SS a few more days, hopefully.
Oh, and yesterday, Christmas Day, Crazy sent DH a message saying she is taking him to court for not responding to her messages on OFW. lol. She has "screenshots" of him not responding, so she's filing the paperwork now. What's hilarious about this is we have very strict communication guidelines in place to keep her from messaging him, and these messages are in violation of the guidelines. He doesn't have to respond. She is in contempt of court by sending them, per our CO. So she is telling on herself. Love to see it. She's probably lying anyway, if I had a quarter for every time she said she was taking DH to court and it was just a lie...
One small thing, skids did get me gifts and they were nice. Unfortunately not nice enough to make me want to spend Christmas with them.
- TrueNorth77's blog
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It is no wonder you currently hate Christmas!
It is no wonder you currently hate Christmas! Both skids are just awful. I cannot believe that your DH would let a 15 year old act that way around family. How is he not just mortified? Does his family ever talk to him about her?
So sorry about SS wanting to switch colleges. What a stupid thing to do. Would DH have the backbone to tell him he won't pay if he changes schools? I hope he has had the birth control talk, or the next thing you are going to have to deal with is a pregnant girlfriend. I'd be kicking her out early in the evening.
I hope the new year gets better for you!
Thank you!
DH actually isn't paying for SS's school (he has contributed)...but he is co-signing the loans. Technically going to school in state would be cheaper than where he goes now, it's just definitely not going to be ideal for me or our relationship if it does happen. SS has always caused issues. So DH will still co-sign the loans if he goes here because it's actually a better financial decision, even if it's being made because of his gf....
DH's family has been making comments about Demon15 for YEARS, and how she is just like her mom (not in a good way). They didn't say anything that day as they usually don't say it in front of her, so I'm curious if they will next time we see them. I cannot believe DH didn't think this was bad. He acted like she was joking- she wasn't.
"We were excited to have the
"We were excited to have the house to ourself for the night because she NEVER has plans when she's here. She finally does and she doesn't stay out. I do not get it. DH wasn't thrilled either. "
She wasn't feeling it because her dad's family tolerated her crap to keep the peace, her friends aren't that tolerant. They probably weren't tolerating her crap or were not feeding her need for attention.
The pedo comment she made? I'd be afraid to have her anywhere near me alone ever again.
Remember Christmas is in the rear view mirror now and you survived it!!!
Good riddance, now I just
Good riddance, now I just need them to both be back in school! I wouldn't even doubt if they were sick of her or she wasn't getting attention- she tries to tell us how she is so mature, (her friends are 17 and 18 and graduating this year and 2 of 3 are going to college), but she asked for Lego sets for Christmas and bought herself a Build-A-Bear and buys different clothes for it and brings it back and forth between houses. I mean seriously. It's like she's regressing.
I am terrified for next year when her only friends will be in college and she will only be a Jr. and will have no one (and I mean no one- even these friends cut her off sometimes).
DH went to bed ? ..?…?…?
Leaving you with his mess. That's your first problem.. it's his kids. He should make sure hus kids and there GF. are out if tour home before he goes to bed. SS just doesn't decide he staying the night with out plans.
'You problem is with DH not doing anything to make your life normal. His dysfunction kids rule the world or your world. Time to have a come to Reality talk with DH.
'it's hud kids, he takes care of them, SS either talks about college or the money train stops. SD is dysfunctional and needs help And he's letting his ex takeing up too much space. OFW is the only means of communication.. it will be checked at 6 pm every night. No more or no less. BM can and will do what ever she wants there no stopping her, you get involved with crazy train that's the result you get3
So sorry You had to go
So sorry You had to go through all that and I would absolutely be done after all that. That would be the last time I'd ever cater to these skids. Christmas or not. No excuse to have to endur that bratty behavior. If you dont think its cute now, wait til another 15 years if your SD doesnt wisen up and fix herself.
After all that display, there really should Absolutely be no room for Anyone to reallly wonder why you arent keen on spending time with the Skids and why you have anxiety about it. Unless, DH or some of his relative has their heads that far up their asses like some of my side seem to be afflicted with.
You're in the trenches right
You're in the trenches right now, that's for sure.
First the demon - her behavior was unacceptable. But I've been following your story and the girl is out of control anyway. I would expect nothing less from her. She's just a few short years away from 18. The clock is ticking to get her help (honestly at this point I don't have much hope). After 18 she needs to stay out of your home. She can go live with BM or the modern day equivalent of the Manson family if she wants. That would be my hill to die on. I think your husband is on board with this if I remember?
As for SS, there's no way I would co-sign on a loan without the login to his grades portal. And if he moves back? I suspect he will be too busy running the town with his gf and friends. Another hill to die on - no grandbabies living in the home. And they don't need to be bumming around your house all day, getting all feely-mealy. Gross. It's your house too and you shouldn't have to be uncomfortable. If the young lady would like to be invited for dinner once in a while or on a family outing that's fine. But otherwise, no. Because they can't be around each other for 5 minutes without needing to be hosed down. They want to do those things, take the car out to lovers lane. There was no kissy kissy when Goofy came to stay here.
All of this
This is exactly how I feel about SS's gf. She can come over sometimes, yes. But not every single day and they don't need to be all over each other. I'm telling DH today that he better give him guidelines, because right now I think SS thinks he can just have her over every day, cuddling in bed (we do make them leave the door open and it's right next to our bedroom) and I just do not want to deal with this every day he's here. I don't feel comfortable with it, and they are way too comfortable doing this in front of us. If he moves back he will be living in dorms, absolutely. NOT with us, except maybe in summer if he absolutely has to. And DH and I are 1000% on the same page about no babies in this house. He even told SS last week that his gf needs to be on Birth Control because SS does not have a family that is willing to help support a baby. SS said "I don't think most girls her age are on BC". Um, YES THEY ARE!! DH told him as much. I don't know why SS would think that- most 17 and 18yr old girls on are BC, especially if they are sexually active!
As for Demon, we are both on the same page about her not living here beyond 18- this has always been our rule. You go to college (luckily most colleges are far enough away where they would live on campus), or you get a job and move out. Those are your options. There is no "stay at home" option. They both know this as we have reiterated it regularly. Demon can live with Crazy if she wants to try some stay-at-home option, but she doesn't- she can't wait to get out of the town we live in.