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Disengaging from my adult SD and her Daughters

SMisTired's picture

Thankful for having found this site!  A little history: My husband and I have been together for 43y, married happily for 42y, and I made the decision long ago that children were not in my future.  His daughter is 52yo now, I'm 62yo.  Her parents divorced when she was 4yo (her mom's choice) - my hubby got divorce parents while at sea in the Navy.  Her mom remarried 6mos later.  Nice huh!  Oh and she's on her 7th marriage, and is a Christian marriage counselor.  Plus mental illness runs in her real mom's family.

SD was 9yo when she came into my life and I really loved her and cared for her.  She lived with us as a teenager because her mom couldn't handle her.  Typical teenager (I remembered rebellion) that didn't like our rules, thwarted me at every turn, hated me with a passion, manipulated her dad, and made my life hell.  I'm a pretty strong women then and now so I did not/do not put up with BS.  She wanted to return to her mom which she did.  We have always supported her - paid for college until she broke our simple request of keeping her GPA about 3.00 then she was on her own.  I have watched her treat her dad terribly, she lies then forgets what she has said - I have a rare form of memory/recall where I rarely forget anything (conversations, reading material, etc.) so this has been interesting watching her go through life, and just muck it up.  Fast Forward, we have helped with cars, rent, deposits, health care, food, clothes, etc., until she met then married a "permanent student" with a master's in poetry and no ambition - brings lazy to a new level.  Yeah, how are you going to support her and a family - total clown car.  They had 2 daughters which over the years, we have seen little of due to our jobs and living on the east coast where they are opposite.  We have always visited and been asked "are we doing the grandparent thing" which means buy them clothes, coats, shoes, food, toys, etc.  Let's just say that every time my married SD contacted us it was because they needed rent, car payments, health care, food, this emergency/that emergency, and we've been there.  Fast forward, it took my SD almost 10y of being separated from this no load to divorce him - we helped with that too.  Plus during separation and divorce, we continued to be financial support while she made bad decisions listening to well meaning friends and not us even when she asked us.  We stopped offering counsel long ago.

My SD ignores her wonderful dad - never a birthday card or call, never a father's day card, never a Christmas card.  He might get a text several days later when she remembers.  We have never forgotten her or the girls'  on their birthdays, Christmas, etc.  We moved to be closer to them, 1h away, my hubby's memory is on the decline, and I wanted him to know his grandchildren before it is too late.  What we have discovered is that the two girls could care less about us unless we are footing the bill, and his daughter never calls, never invites us to visit as just don't show up, her dad does all the calling until lately.  There is so much more to tell but I'd be here all day.  We had T'Giving together in 2022, and I hatched a plan - let's see how long it takes for her to make contact without him doing it first.  Well, we have a record - almost a year!  We weren't even invited to the oldest granddaughter's HS graduation yet a gift was expected.  My SD put the onus on the graduate who didn't send any notices, etc., to anyone.

So the long and short is that I am done!  I told my husband that I hope he can have a relationship with her, but I will not.  I've had enough and will not engage with my SD or her teen daughters ever again.  I am about compassion, kindness, courtesy, thoughfulness and I see none of these traits in these women.  For my own mental health, I can no longer support them in any way.  I grew up in a loving home but I worked hard for everything I ever got - college, work, our life - and I never, ever asked for help from anyone.  My wonderful husband has also seen the light and just yesterday he told me that he, too, is done.  He's tired of being hurt, ignored and just has to let go.  I applaud him and we will be happy without them.  I know our SD thinks she & her daughters are inheriting all of our antiques, artwork, jewelry, house & money when her dad or I pass - she actually said this to me.  Nope, not 1 dime.  We amended our wills - I get everything when my hubby passes (same if I die before him), and when I go, everything is being sold and goes to 4 global charities.  Not exactly revenge, but rewarding being ignored for almost 30+ years takes a toll.  We've decided to be happy, travel, enjoy our hard work and live the best life possible.  Thank you for giving me a place to vent - it feels good as I've kept this inside for so long!  I'm free finally.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yeah...SKIDs expect and feel entitled to hard earned money to be their inheritance - NOPE. Good for you and your husband. ENJOY your life ! My DH and I have been doing that and we don't see any end in sight !!!!

SMisTired's picture

Thank you so much!  I've never voiced any of this before and it's so validating to be heard and supported!!


ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yeah...don't feel bad about flashing it in their faces either. I don't really do it but my DH does and I do get a bit of satisfaction watching them get angry thinking "YOUR MONEY IS MY MONEY"...a territorial gaze of entitlement. LOL

CajunMom's picture

It took me a while but I finally "broke free" from DHs mooching, lazy, users. And while he still is in relation with them (as I would want and support), he does not give them one copper penny anymore. The stories I could share but I'd be preaching to the choir, seeing what you've endured.

We stopped the 'money grabbing" years ago. Offered to pull names for Christmas to help everyone financially but no response so we sent minimal gift cards. That was met with a couple of rude remarks and a "awesome" voice message from his oldest daughter, saying she wouldn't give that to a friend, let alone family. She called back and asked DH to not listen to the voice mail but it was too late. DH got to see her true colors as she never came with a gfit for him. LOL

I would send a Christmas card.....wishing them Happy Holidays and "we will not be home this year...vacationing in XYZ." Then go silent. 

Enjoy your's short and we don't know when it's over. Definitely not worth wasting time on humans that don't care about you. Best to you.

SMisTired's picture

Thank you so much for the support!  I've never voiced any of this to another person and to get this response makes me so happy.

Rags's picture

marriage. Not many these days make 40+. My DW and I hit 29 this year. My mom and dad hit 61 this year.  My brother and his DW hit 30 this year.  I appreciate what you and your DH have accomplished together.

Also congratulations on you and DH finding clarity on the toxic SD and her toxic progeny.

Please continue to focus on each other and enjoying your lives together. It is long past time for SD to adult up and provide for herself and her progeny.

Take care of each other.

Give rose

SMisTired's picture

Thank you so much!  He's 15y older than I am and now we are dealing with his memory loss, but I've got him and I'll take care of him and us.  It's just so wonderful to get support here!  

grannyd's picture

All RIGHT, SMisTired!

This 'ol granny is clapping and cheering! I will never understand why some parents bequeath their hard-earned money to ungrateful, entitled and heartless stepchildren/offspring when there are so many worthy charities (shelters for abused women comes to mind) that are desperate for support. Good for you, Hon, for donating your estate so thoughtfully!

I am fortunate to have a stepdaughter who has become a valued friend (over the last few decades, it wasn’t always that way) and a stepson that I love like a natural child. He is so thoughtful, generous and affectionate (a clone of his dad) that I feel blessed for having him in my life. He never forgets my birthday, Mother’s Day or Christmas and, because he is well employed, he buys me gifts that are almost ridiculously expensive. He phones regularly and is never too busy to lend me a hand, if required.

Needless to say, my stepson has been remembered in my will, on an equal footing with my biological children; he’s earned that consideration. Reading your post and appreciating the pain and disappointment that you’ve endured for so many years, I congratulate you, again, for washing your hands of people who deserve nothing from either you or their father. ♥️




SMisTired's picture

Thank you for the support and the validation.  Like I wrote to the others, I've never voiced this to anyone. It just feels so nice to be heard.  

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Read JRI's blogs and you will find someone in a similar situation. Her husband is in his 80's and SD is 62. She stays pretty disengaged, but since her husband is beginning to show his age she sometimes has to become involved.

Harry's picture

I would of been done a lot sooner then you were.  First make sure DH has a will , leaving everything to you.  That you will take care of SD and GK ....LOL   .  If DH wants a relationship, with GK that's fine, it's just limited to $300 a  kid per year. [ Birthday, Christmas, ect]. See how long that will go. 
You said DH getting forgetful,   I would keep. Really keep track of his spend. You give him X$ cash a week for spending money. Everything else is credit card .So you know his spending . I know that a lot of people don't like CC. But this is a ideal place for them. 

MorningMia's picture

I AM WITH YOU!!!  DH's will has me as the sole beneficiary. I don't have kids, so, aside from one chunk of cash for DH (he's the sole beneficiary on a bank account, but he'd do fine financially without me), mine is going to a few of my younger family members and charities as well.