Need a pep talk
Hi everyone. I need someone to knock some sense into me. I had been seeing the same man again who has left his wife. He told me he had a better handle on things with the kids. He was staying at his moms and then I like a moron allowed him to move in. It's not been a month and now he is claiming he should go back because of the kids and "give them the life they deserve". Whatever the hell that means. He didn't end up going back home last time, he went to his moms. I believe that is what he plans on doing again because he still doesn't know what he wants. He has not spoken with a lawyer and he is living in limbo. I told him I love him dearly but this is not ok. I'm trying to just move on, let him figure out his life. He keeps coming around with all these promises and I care about him so I am being very stupid. Can someone please help. I am not a stupid person but clearly im not acting that way
- mapap's blog
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his not knowing what he wants
his not knowing what he wants should be the answer you need. he's not moving forward with you, he's still caught in the past. you deserve better. find someone who will not just give you their heart but also their time and their future.
Judge him on his actions
He hasn't filed for divorce. He's planning to leave, whether for his mom's or back to the kids. He keeps coming around, I'm guessing for sex.
If your best friend asked you what to do, what would you tell her?
How do I move away from this?
How do I move away from this? How do I just let it go and not allow him to mess me all up like this?
You let it go because this
You let it go because this guy is not available for a relationship.
You block his number.. take a vacation.. let him go back to whatever he thinks was there in his past.
He isn't divorced.. how long now? is this the guy who has been separated 7 years? it will never happen..
We all like to think we are special and can "be" t he change they need.. we can't and we aren't.. You need to move on and find someone ready for alife with you.. not just wanting a place to sleep.
Cut all contact
It's the only way. Sorry, I can tell you're hurting.
sadly, yes you let him go and
sadly, yes you let him go and stay gone. this yo-yo act he's pulling isn't fair to you. he's showing you who he is, believe him. talking the good talk doesn't matter when his action are showing you the real picture. I'm sorry because I know this hurts you but letting him toy with you and go to/fro is going to hurt you time and time again. Better one hurt then healing than a lifetime of nonstop pain.
As the Nike commercial says... Just Do It!
The fact that he is even
The fact that he is even considering going back tells you all you need to know. He is not available and he is likely lying to/cheating on both of you with each other. I know you said you knew him well 30 years ago but he isn't the same guy. He hasn't grown up, he has grown down.
this guy hasn't been separed
this guy hasn't been separed long, he wanted out for about 15 years, but stayed because he was already invested in the relationship.. first issue.. the ex is physically abusive, as well as emotionally and verbally abusive to him. The love is gone, his issue is with just the kids, but in all honesty I don't understand him NOT being able to work through the things with his kids. I am not understanding that. Why if you don't love their mother would you want to go back there? What does he feel he is providing for his kids if he isn't happy with her? She doesn't want to work, she finally just got a job not too long ago ... part time of course... she is an adult.. almost 50 years old. I am not getting it, I have a great job, my own house and business. I have a good sense of humor, I take care of myself, and have very little debt. I cook, i clean, i do laundry. Why would he leave me for this messed up situation? I feel maybe it's not dealing with his own trauma, maybe we are not on the same energy wavelength.. I don't know. I shouldn't even try to rationalize it. I am sorry I am venting, I just don't get it.
Is this what HE is telling
Is this what HE is telling you? While there may be some truth to it, some could be exaggerated.
He may feel "safe" with you. Regardless, he is not available to pursue a new relationship and you deserve someone who is into you; not someone showing up at his convenience. Block him.
it's okay to vent. it doesn't
it's okay to vent. it doesn't make sense because it cannot make sense. remember the words he's using to you are what he wants you to hear. but his actions speak differently and you don't know what his words to his wife are.
he needs to figure himself out and if he is able to do that and move on with his life then maybe you will have that future you want with him. but he needs to tend to his business now then move foreward, he can't have both at the same time. you deserve better.
please, vent away. maybe we can help untangle the mess, maybe we can't but I promise we will always be here to listen.
No one stays in a relationship for 15 years unless they want to.
No one stays in a relationship for 15 years unless they want to. People get divorced every day and their kids do just fine. If this guy really wanted a divorce, he would be divorced. I don't doubt that he is confused, but he is also feeding you a line.
Tell him to give you a call once he has been divorced for a solid year. If the feelings are real, they will still be there. In them meantime, block him from everything including your phone and social media and get on with your life.
Aw, Hon!
Aw, Hon!
It hurts me to read your post. You’ve written:
… I have a great job, my own house and business. I have a good sense of humor, I take care of myself, and have very little debt. I cook, I clean, I do laundry….
and those are the very reasons that your (hopefully) ex-boyfriend is pursuing you with such determination; he needs a soft place to land as well as enjoying an attractive booty call and, Hon, you are a prize.
Please, oh please, logon to ‘’ and do some reading. Your ex-BF is a classic example of a convincing cheater and I’ll bet the farm that he’s been betraying his wife for yonks and, as already proven, ‘he’s a lying liar who lies’! Since she’s already taken him back at least twice since he became involved with you, I’m also certain that his yo-yoing follows a pattern that’s been well established over the years of his marriage. Yup, he’s a slippery sweet-talker and has been playing this game more than a few months ago. I’m an oldster who didn’t just fall off the turnip truck yesterday and, in my naïve and foolish younger years, got taken by a charming, married trickster just like this ex BF. Men like him know how to exploit kind, credulous and loving women.
It’s very telling, that the man's first real hesitation on his alleged determination to divorce was the cost of CS and alimony. With your decent income, business, home, etc. added to what monies he expected to continue keeping for himself, he might have even considered a break from his marriage but, hey, when the ugly, financial truth hit him between the eyes, he faltered. And his deep concern and anguish for his daughters seems a tad overblown for a man who was not particularly 'fatherly' in the past.
Hon, you've dodged a huge bullet! If I sound harsh, it's because, as mentioned above, I've been there, done that, and have the scars to prove it.
Stay away from him! You've already been kicked in the butt enough for one year, yes?
Yes this is what he is
Yes this is what he is telling me. He has left my house 4 different times. He first went to his house. Then realized he didn't want to be there and came back. Second time went to his moms, then moms again now apparently is going back to his moms one more time. He thinks the kids should be improving after 3 months of him leaving.. I told him it takes a lot longer than that.. how can he even think 3 months is enough?
thats what i feel like, I
thats what i feel like, I feel like he is using me to heal and thinks i am the answer. I told him he needs to make himself happy, he isn't happy overall. He misses me, then comes back thinking he is ready to deal with the stuff with the kids, then realizes I have expectations of him moving forward with his divorce, he sees I am guarded, as i should be, and that upsets him. I told him he is the only person that can stop seeing the glass half full. Addtionally, he can't have the expectation that I should give him 100 percent when he is only giving 50. Thats not how it works. I asked him why is it always the plan to leave me? Is that the easy way out? Why not go to counceling? then go to counceling with your kids? initiate your divorce proceedings because everyone needs an ending so they can move forward and heal. I told him as long as the ex is in limbo, she thinks you might come back. She is projecting that onto your kids who feel you might come back... Duh.. not getting it. Maybe im the messed up one.
He isn't worth all the stress he's generating all round
He has no earthly idea what he wants and he needs to get a grip. So do you. This is his problem to solve, not yours. So follow the of-cited advice of not being with a separated or divorced man until "he has done the work". This guy can't even begin to do the work because he keeps waffling to and fro and you are the one who is left in limbo. Sooooo, tell him to get in touch with you in a couple of years when all this has blown over and when he has done the work on himself and knows how to be a good father by himself, completely alone. Then promptly cut off all his access points to you. He's a mess and is dragging you into it.
If he's worth it, he'll be back in a couple of years with everything under control, ready to start anew with you. If not, well that would be confirmation that you dodged a bullet...
what does everyone do here to
what does everyone do here to heal and move forward?
I kept busy. Some ideas are
I kept busy. Some ideas are joining a book club, taking a craft/baking/cooking class, volunteer work, church groups (if you're into that), keep busy with your hands and body and your mind will follow too. call your friends, get together with family. join the gym or YMCA, learn to do something you've always wanted to do. Busy stuff. and also, consider counselling for yourself.
I have already scheduled a
I have already scheduled a counseling appointment yes absolutely
To be frank here. You were
To be frank here. You were dating a married man. You are the "other woman".
His wife is likely not the ogre he is venting to you about. you know how I know men lie? My EXH.. I found his instant messages to the woman he cheated on me with.. telling her all about how I was horrible.. cheated on him.. abusive.. the whole sordid nine yards.. that was a COMPLETE fabrication... my DH and I commuted Together.. spent every waking moment together.. he knew I was not cheating on him.. The way he cheated was he went back to our old state to "get some real estate issues fixed".. turns out he had been IM'ing this woman and went there to see her.
He and his wife may have their share of marital woes.. but to be clear.. you are one of their woes.. as he is cheating on her with you..
I say that not in a puritanical gasping at the sight of a bare ankle way. I say it in a .. that's the reality of the dynamic of your relationship with a man who has been "in and out" of his marital home and relationship several times in the scant 3 months that you have been "dating".
I don't doubt you are a lovely woman who wouldn't normally feel that dating a married man is cool.. I think he has sold you a bill of goods here.. has used you and your home as it was easy to soften the pain of having to live with his mom and perhaps even a bit revengy towards his wife to show her how he could do better.. so she better show him her better side.
I would put this guy on the cold storage list.. he can come see how you are doing when he has his life together.. you are not the one responsible for fixing his life.
The lies men tell. "She's
The lies men tell. "She's abusive." That might mean the wife calmly stated she's tired of his BS. "We are separated but still living together for kids/financial reasons." That might mean he's straight-up married and lying to OP about it (ashamed to admit i fell for that line once.) If this guy wanted to be all in with OP, he would be all-in with OP. He sounds shady as fk.
Also, these 2 preteen daughters of his will probably make it their mission to make OP's life a living hell for the rest of their lives if OP ends up with him.
Well said, ESMOD, as usual.
Well said, ESMOD, as usual. Your comment:
..He and his wife may have their share of marital woes.. but to be clear.. you are one of their woes.. as he is cheating on her with you..
Can be enlarged upon to include that well known maxim, 'When a man marries his mistress, he creates a vacancy'. In the fullness of time, a cheater will usually cheat again.
Yes I understand what you are
Yes I understand what you are saying. I do know his ex so I realize exactly what he is dealing with. She is a very narcissistic person. But you are right.. he needs to deal w all this and make some solid decisions and heal. Then he can truly move on. I do feel used in some ways because he didn't want to stay with his mother and always told me he misses me etc. it's just a mess
You deserve better.
You deserve better.
Cut all contact, focus on yourself. Hobbies, working out, hanging out with friends.
He just left with all his
He just left with all his things. I have no idea what to do with myself.. you are all so right about everything. I just am so very broken over this
Of course you are, you put
Of course you are, you put your hopes and emotions into him but he's got to clear out his relationship baggage before he has real room for you in his life. You cannot be his excuse to leave his wife, he has to do that for himself.
It's okay to feel what you feel. As long as it doesn't become a hobby.
Put in a movie, have a good cry and tomorrow is a new day.
Re-key the locks. NOW!
Block, block, block, block, block.
You have started the first day of the Rags three day rule. It will hurt the worst for 3days. Then each day after that it will hurt a bit less until eventually it will just be a rare unpleasant memory.
Unless you re-engage. It all starts over if you re-engage. You have already re-engaged once, don't do it again.
Cut him loose. Plenty more
Cut him loose. Plenty more fish in the sea. He is a user. No more to be said.
Thank you all for the advice!
Thank you all for the advice! I'm reading it over and over to let it sink in. I haven't heard from him since he left so I assume he knows I am serious. I feel very alone and confused as to why I allowed this to happen to me. I need to snap out of it and get back to my life. I was doing fine before this. I am usually very happy alone but he has really become intertwined in my life and I am sitting on the couch wondering how to proceed
You got this!
Proud of you Mapmap. Please don't beat yourself up - actually you can be proud of yourself for facing reality and addressing this sooner than later. Plenty of people here are very smart, capable, successful, kind, empathetic, supportive, disciplined, etc., yet -here we are on StepTalk dealing with the crazy situations we found ourselves in.
Glad you're here because we care & understand!
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your support
No contact
That's the quickest way to heal. Block on everything. Then just go out and do stuff all the time. Stay busy. Try online dating. Join an adventure club in your town . Volunteer. Stay busy
I may try online dating. That
I may try online dating. That scares me
If you are wary of online dating... join community groups.
Look for things like Wine Down Wednesdays, Foodie and Theater nights, volunteer at the SPCA, Symphony, Opera, museums, etc, etc, etc... you will find quality people to meet, network with and when those people start introducing you to quality partner candidates, watch out because the sparks will fly and the match makers will be working to hook you up until your dance card is always full. Then... be selective on who you engage on with second/third/etc...dates.
Heck, even try Church. Church squad will be all over matchmaking for a single lady.
If you want to rty the Cougar route, go back to school. There are any number of both mature men and younger men on college campuses. Though I did not go back to school for a bride, I found one. The last semester of my 11yr undergrad career, 4 years after my divorce was final from my cheating XW.
My incredible bride and I have been married 29+ years and counting. I am 12yrs the elder. It works for us.
You find quality where quality congregates.
Go there.
Take care of you.
Okay, you asked for it. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR OWN ASS!
And yes. You are being stupid.
Tell him to GTF out now. And make sure you let him know that he should target having the door knob hit him in the ass on his way out and to slam it hard so it knocks his empty skull all the way through is body back to where it belongs. Though the path through is colon will just fill his formerly empty skull with shit since he clearly has no brains.
And... WRITE HIM OFF! No more re-engaging, no more do overs with him, not a single text, or email, or phone call. And for F sake, not a single booty call. Gone, over, done. PERIOD. DOT!
Find a worthy partner who is not a spineless brainless ball-less POS.
No matter how much he makes your heart go pitter patter, or how much you 'care' he has proven himself a waste of partner skin. No matter how much he makes your tender bits flutter, guess what. There are any number of quality partners out there who can do the same thing and who are of character, with honor and who are worthy.... and don't have baggage.
You have to love yourself before anyone worth a shit can love you. He is not worth a shit. You are. Never forget that.
Get out of your own way. Send him back to his mommy's tit to suckle on. Leave him for someone elses live to be ruined. He has already ruined his mother's life, his X's life, and his kids' lives. Don't sacrifice yourself on the Sparental sacrificial alter of martyrdome to him and his life failures. You hae already done that... FOUR TIMEs!
When someone steps in shit they scrape it off of their shoe. They don't keep stepping in the same pile of shit. Remember that.
No more almost divorced failed fathers, failed husbands, failed sons, or failed men. No. More.
And remember, you asked for someone to "knock some sense" into you. Open your damned eyes and keep them open. Particularly regarding this waste of skin. There is very little space between a rescue project and a write off. He is a write off.
Good luck and take care of you.
Everyone is right. I just had
Everyone is right. I just had to see for myself if he was really at his mothers. He wasn't. It's 5 in the morning here which means he went back to his house. What a joke. He is clearly more damaged than I thought
So he lied and he's really
So he lied and he's really staying at his own house with his wife? Ditch that shady cheater.
Just gonna be blunt:
Just gonna be blunt:
Rule #1 - Never Catch Feelings For Married Men
If you deal with a married man especially one with kids girl you're in for a world of disappointment. They never leave the wife (no matter how horrid they claim she is) and IF the do leave the wife it's very rare they commit to their mistress (because they know if you're going to cheat with them then one day you might cheat on them...they trust you enough to f*ck you but they don't trust you enough to commit to you)
Rule #2 - Get Money
If you chose to break rule number one and deal with a married man you have to demand money. You are risking your life (some of these wives crazy af and will hurt you and the law will probably be on their side) and you better be getting more than d*ck and lies fed to you.
WALK AWAY from all married men. They're only good for sex and money if you're willing to take that risk. Just being honest. It is extremely rare that a married man will provide you the happily ever after PLUS he's got hella baggage and lives in his mothers basement (he's most likely using you for free hots and a cot and seggs)
Abort the mission!!!
I agree with all the above
I agree with all the above
Cut contact, clear cut off from everything.
Sit on the couch for a day or two and cry it out. Eat ice cream for dinner. Order takeout or food delivery. Treat yourself.
Then, slowly go do things. Go shopping. Go to the gym or for a walk. Stay alone if you like. Not enough people are comfortable being alone. Get used to yourself. Enjoy yourself. Go to a movie. Go to a cooking or art class.
Call friends but don't wallow in your sadness. Get exited about being single and not worrying about anyone else.
Don't date right now, just don't!
Get massages, a facial, a Mani or Pedi or both!
Etc etc
Apparently he stayed at the
Apparently he stayed at the house on the couch because it was late and he was spending time with the kids. He messaged me to come back because he made a mistake. I said absolutely not. You are not coming back to this house. You are not coming back in my life and you need to get your shit together the nerve.
oh hon. he's full of crap.
oh hon. he's full of crap.
Good job, PROUD of you!
So glad you're done with that loser. Nope, nope, NOPE to him returning.
And, mapap, one of my
And, mapap, one of my solutions to the misery of break-up was to go out with my single girlfriends, dancing and flirting. It was during those disco years and jumping around to Gloria Gaynor's 'I Will Survive' and Donna Summer's 'Bad Girls' and 'Hot Stuff' (to name a few) was empowering. I also started serious exercising (loved weight-lifing, did wonders for my glutes) and re-reading the classics. You'll be okay, Hon. You will survive!