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Too Good To Be True….

Lillywy00's picture

When a no-boundary Disneyland Dad tells you he will have a weekend free/skid-free weekend 

Just know it's too good to be true

Once again, the manipulative failed family has forced their presence into what was supposed to be a skid-free weekend because they can stand not being the center of attention, they act like they can't understand the word NO, and they're narcissist in training 

And what this signals to me is the Disneyland dad fails to make adequate plans  where he's too obtuse to understand how his behavior/sh*tty parenting affects others. 

I had to abandon my Sunday plans (laundry, cleaning after myself only, and catching up on my todo list) so this idiot can "rescue" his clingy spawns and import them back into the house I pay bills in but apparently have less rights than his kids who contribute nothing. 

I left the house before those skids touched down. Honestly I was not about to act fake nice to those manipulators  nor their  bumbling idiot "dad" 

I left the washing machine full and he's texting me, while I'm on disengagement leave of absence, asking me if he can take my stuff out of the washing machine so he can wash his clothes. 

No bitch! You should have thought about shutting down your B*tch Beck and Call service when you need to take care of laundry first. When your kids leave is when I will return and remove my laundry 

If I gotta be inconvenienced by your obnoxious unplanned skid takeovers then you will be inconvenienced by my laundry room takeover.

Yes it's a bit petty but I'm tired of constantly being inconvenienced by him.  

Anyways sorry for the double rant. Now I'm on to applying to apartments. F*ck that laundry, f*ck his birthday, ftk, and f*ck him too!!!


Catmom024's picture

Ugh!!!  I'm so sorry they ruined what was supposed to be a skid free weekend.   There's no way their mother is going to want to have to deal with them on her weekend. 

NieMojCyrk's picture


Harry's picture

BM can not stand her own kids. I mead just like you.  So BM is going to do, what ever is in her power to dump her kids on BF.  You will never have a SK free weekend. You will never have a SK free vacation. Or holiday .   BM wants her own alone time.

Lillywy00's picture

It's not that I don't like them per say. I just really don't like the Disneyland dad importing them in this house whenever tf he feels like it, overcompensating for his lazy layaway 304 vs being masculine and providing for them adequately, and treating them like the have more privileges than the actual lady of the house who contributes way more than they do. 

Matter of fact if Disneyland dad was out of the picture and I had full authority to schedule their visits (in advance), discipline them, and raise them right then I wouldn't mind them in my space as much. 

Perhaps my frustration with his Disneyland parenting inconveniencing me is subconsciously trickling over into how I feel about them. Ugh definitely not how I want to be. When I say Ftk it's usually something the kids are doing (or not doing but need to/should do) caused by Disneyland dads lackadaisical parenting style. 

Youre right though I think she's pretending to be annoyed with them so she can dump them off and make this dude do all the work. She realizes that as long as he's running the B*tch Beck and Call Service (masterminded by her rude pushy self) then no woman will want to deal with him which keeps her BB&C in full operation. 

Catmom024's picture

You're expected to have responsibility and no authority.   It's common with step parents and creates a lot of resentment. 

Lillywy00's picture

Whoever created that expectation was really dumb

I used to work with kids in juvie and I had authority to tell them what to do while they were not in their parents/guardians custody. Hell if they acted up around their parents, I'd come with some authority then too.



So why should skids with no home training be exempt/be allowed to wreak havoc, run amok, and have more authority than the authority figures ? 

Makes no sense. 


Id actually rather work with bad a$$ kids in juvie than skids with no home training any day. At least there is a firm schedule/structure, I get compensated, and I have authority to correct their behavior when necessary 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"Matter of fact if Disneyland dad was out of the picture and I had full authority to schedule their visits (in advance), discipline them, and raise them right then I wouldn't mind them in my space as much."

And this, right here, is why stepkids bother stepparents so much more than they bother bioparents. It's the total lack of control a stepparent has when their partner is weak and/or doesn't give a shite about the stepparent's feelings or standing in their own household. 

Lillywy00's picture


Never dealing with a divorced dad with dependents ever again. 

This dude has ruined that  

Not about to be paying bills in my own home (on top of multiple other contributions) AND have no control over my own home because Disneyland parent letting kids run the house 

Even if I was a housewife and didn't pay bills I still would expect to be the lady of the house where I lead and the kids respect that leadership/authority 

Harry's picture

By SK and BM.  With DH playing disneeey dad.  Letting the kids do whatever they want.  That he doesn't want alone time with you.  He had alone time with BM.  But with you it's not that important.  To have fun sexy weekends alone with you. 

Lillywy00's picture


If I'm not planning and paying for a date (like a man) then he's running his BB&C service (like a b*tch). 

From rushed dates, calls to his kids about nothing important during the dates, being relegated to having only 2 hours for my birthday....I'm so over this dude! 

I left his ass with his mini-spouse and enjoyed my birthday without them for 2 full days.