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OT: One of my dudes …

Lillywy00's picture

So if you recall, I was stuck trying to decide between two dudes I was dating

Well everything was going so good with the dude I chose (thought we'd be riding off into the sunset in wedded bliss in 10 months) lol ...... until he wanted to go all the way with physical intimacy but hemmed and hawed about getting an std test 

Im getting one for myself for peace of mind but I was completely turned off by his reluctance to take his and my intimate health seriously 

His response was imo very immature and typical of what cluessless twenty year olds do ... and he's damn near retiree age 

"oh I'm disease free" 

"oh I'm very selective with partners"

"oh I had a procedure few months ago and was tested then"

"what do we need to do that for"

"trust me!"

Like ninja do you think I was born last night ??? I need to see RECEIPTS!!!

I know a lot of people have medical and health conditions so that's not what concerns me (especially if a proactive approach is involved). What concerns me is he is so thoughtful in every aspect of his life EXCEPT intimate health where he seems so far to be impulsive, immature, and reckless

So now I'm out here investing in my sexual health which is something i thought we'd do together and our time together has been put on pause until he meets me where I am with this topic  

Not sure if he's testing my response, afraid of doctors (we know how men can be about doctor avoidance sometimes), or he thinks/knows he has some sexual health issue he doesn't want to face (and by default doesn't mind negatively impacting someone else life) 

Either way .... my attraction to him as significantly decreased 

Ughhhhh!!!! He was ideal in soooo many ways up to this point

 I hope I'm wrong and he gets tested but at this point I'm not holding my breath and I'm taking care of ME right now  

*Le sigh*


Lillywy00's picture

Oh and forgot he had some sort of condom induced impotence .... joy!

So I've pretty much drawn a hard line that no test = no physical intimacy 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

If he has condom induced impotence, he hasn't been wearing them. With Tinder and all the other apps now, he could have slept with hundreds of women. 

Lillywy00's picture

If he has condom induced impotence, he hasn't been wearing them.


With Tinder and all the other apps now, he could have slept with hundreds of women.

mind boggling ... tinder ruining men's purity lol

Lillywy00's picture

Update: he said he would try to clear his schedule to go. 

We shall see. 

and if he does .... best believe I'm looking over his shoulder and logging into his portal to see the results ... I don't trust a pdf that can be altered

Harry's picture

And nobody is.  It's not going to stop STD's.  And. There's other oral activities where is hard to request putting on on.  Maybe he's afraid of getting the blood test.  Getting stuck ?   But your health is more important . 

Lillywy00's picture

Maybe he's afraid of getting the blood test. 

could be

i definitely insisted on testing for EVERYTHING not just those 4 stds that the doctors office will test for .... no I need to see the results of everything ​​​​​​ (hiv/aids, syphillis, herpes 1 & 2, gonhorrea, chlamidia, hpv, all of it ... blood tests and urine and swabs ... from the rooter to the tooter ... 

As much as these men be trying to push for condom-less seggs....I'm pushing harder for testing 

and you're right Harry ... caution should be used during oral activities that can also be a weak spot for stds to happen

Winterglow's picture

Herpes can be contracted even with a condom.

grannyd's picture

Hey, Lilly, 

Gone are those halcyon 1960s/70s days of the birth control pill and ‘raw doggin’. Venereal disease was hazardous enough back then, but now, the sexually active have a frightening variety of STDs to worry about. AIDS in particular. You are very wise indeed, to insist on a medically proven, clean bill of health before stepping out of your undergarments.

Furthermore, if your current love interest is unwilling to undergo a few simple tests in order to ‘get intimate’ with a gal of your quality, he is not worthy! (To quote Wayne’s World’s Garth and Wayne.)

CLove's picture

Sit down and let me tell you a story.

I live in a VERY small town that some have called "incestuous" because, everyone has sex with everyone else at some point.

I had a friend (M) who told me that he was "interested" in a GF of mine but she refused to get tested for STD.

Another friend Give rose who hangs with her mentioned that she had given "something" to ANOTHER friend of ours (incurable) and he was rather mad at her about it. Hes passed away, so hes not passing anything along anymore...but I have a GF who told me he was a narcissist and gave her "something".

Story #2. A GF of mine was being rather frank in late night conversation and had just broken up (again) with her on-again-off-again manchild and told me she had to go through 5 different panels of bloodwork because (oops) they had both had s@x with the same girl and she had called stating she tested positive for gonnoreah.

Id throw this one back.

Lillywy00's picture

Id throw this one back.

looks like I'm going to have to do just that 

womp womp womp

Rags's picture


I guess I was not paying attention.

Safety is critical for both people at relationship kickoff.  So get the swab, or be gone, or... no glove no love and wrap it before you tap it.

Body count may be important, or it may not be critical.  It depends on the perspectives of each in the maybe couple.

Clean bill of health is an absolute requirement IMHO.  I was burgeoning sexually at the magic point towards the end of the sexual revolution and before the major onset of AIDS where with the exception of Herpes, a shot to the rump took care of any happy ending bugs.  With the advent of HIV control protocol meds even that is not necessarily a life sentence as long as the person maintains treatment and maintains as undetectable HIV wise.

The only rest or your life Sexually Transmitted Condition (Note I did not say disease) is..... kids.  It can be caught via marriage even if we have none of our own or if ours have been successfully raised and launched.

Do not do this to Lilly. ..... Lilly.

Take care of  you.