Sorry skids, but the maid quit
I disengaged last year and I do absolutely NOTHING for the skids. No baking, no cooking, no laundry, no picking up after them (unless it's on the living room floor and then it is picked up and placed in the trash). I haven't been in the skids' room in MONTHS. Last night, I heard an annoying beeping sound and tracked it down: smoke detector in the skids' room needs a new battery. No, I did NOT change it. I informed DH and he will take care of it.
What I also noticed is that one of the skids put some clothing in the hamper. The only skid laundry I do is bath towels (which are washed separately from ours with hot water, detergent, oxyclean, and LOTS of vinegar). DH knows I don't do skid laundry and has told them countless times it needs to go back to BioHo's house. I wonder how long it will sit in that hamper...
FYI, we do not have a washing machine at home. I go to the Laundromat.
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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I'm willing to bet some
I'm willing to bet some seafood stuffed mushrooms that they are PigPen's clothes. A few years back, DH had to fill a large trash bag with clothes for Piggy to take back home. He'd been smuggling them from home into our house thinking that he could live with us full-time if he didn't have any clothes at 'Ho's house. Not happening, kid.
Plus, he is nasty boy who cannot be bothered to go to the bathroom and was putting underwear in the hamper with so much poop in them, they looked like they were filled with soft adobe bricks. He quit leaving them in there when DH threw them away. Every.Single.Time. Guess he got short of skivvies...
I love doing laundry, too. Guess it's one of my housewifey things. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to take nice care of my DH's clothes and hot towels fresh from the dryer on a cold Winter day are wonderful!
Thanks, now I want seafood
Thanks, now I want seafood stuffed mushrooms.
I've bought SIX washers in
I've bought SIX washers in the past decade (multiple homes and moving).
My favorite was the Whirlpool Duet with steam that cost a fortune. But it didn't fit into my next home so I didn't get to keep them.
My washer went out yesterday. The repair estimate was over $500 so I bought a new one for just a few dollars more.
After many front loaders I switched to a high efficiency top loader (as the repair guy's recommendation). So far I love it. I ordered a new one online in the afternoon and it was delivered by 9 am the next morning. Thank you Lowe's.
I really dislike the HE
I really dislike the HE models but the problem is that the only alternative is a traditional style that has a small capacity and no options or you have to try to find a used one.
I have a top load washer and it was the only one that would fit in my space since my laundry area is a bit narrow and needs to have a door open in front of the washer.
I find that things don't rinse cleanly. If I wash anything that has "dirt" on it or grass or things that are common in the country, they just don't wash "off" the stuff.
I also have found it doesn't rinse evenly. I know this because I used some "iron out" in a load (I have iron in my water so use it with certain things to prevent rust stains) and now my sage green sheets are basically tye dyed. Obviously the washer isn't evenly distributing things and there is not enough water being used.
I personally don't give a crap about water usage since I'm on a deep well. BUT this stupid HE is all they make these days.
When we bought our 1915
When we bought our 1915 house, we got a lot of OLD things but everything is so top of the line! There are things and options in that house that I have never seen even in brand new homes. The washer/dryer is old but the best I have ever used. So many options and a mini-basket for washing delicates besides!
But, I am saving up because SOME appliance is going to go out sooner or later (hell, the range is pink from 1957!) and I don't want to be caught without means to replace it!
I am NOT going to be like when we bought our first house. The hot water heater went out within a month after we moved in. For at least a good month or two, we had to heat our dishwater on the stove (luckily the dishwasher heated water up inside itself) and took our showers at a close campgrounds :?
i'm pretty ambivalent about
i'm pretty ambivalent about the act of doing laundry. in the noogies household it suck big hairy donkey balls because the genius who built the house put the freaking laundry area IN THE MASTER BATH. dh does the boys' laundry. but their laundry is always a work in progress so the itty bitty laundry room is a disaster. ALWAYS. (made doubly worse by the fact that i'm claustrophobic and feel like the room is caving in on me...) so i dont hardly use it anymore. lets just say i have LOTS of clothes and can get away with avoiding that room for weeeeks. }:)
and the towels, oh the towels... EVERY. SINGLE. SHOWER. "nnngggdddaaaaadYYYYY???? i neeeeed a towwweeellll!!!!!" then said wet towel gets dropped onto the bedroom floor. next day, same song and dance. dh gets so frustrated, but h3ll he's the one who enables it!
aniki, i predict those clothes will sit in the hamper as long as you leave them there. i would make the clothing disappear. "dirty clothes? *blink blink* no, my dear child, you always take yours back to your mothers so of COURSE none of your clothes were in there!"
lol the wet towels dont
lol the wet towels dont bother me, when they yell to dh that they need a towel, dh will get a mildewy one out of their room and hand it to them to use. i have no dog in that race!!!! he'll also ck their rooms for towels when he's gathering stuff to do their laundry. i just find it amusing that at 16 and almost 13 they havent figured out how to either A) hang the towel in the bathroom so it's there when they shower, or
bring the towel w/ them when they're ready to shower. i mean, it's not rocket science!!! it's just learned helplessness.
sally - it's posted.
sally - it's posted.
Tuff, I would absolutely LOVE
Tuff, I would absolutely LOVE to make them disappear, but I don't go in their room. ~blink blink blink~
A LOT of socks have disappeared. You leave them on the living room floor and go back home? Those socks are officially garbage. I cannot tell you how many pairs of skidmarked skivvies of PigPen's were thrown away before he stopped putting them in the hamper. I don't wash their bedding either. If DH wants it washed, he needs to haul it down to the Laundromat.
As for telling them to take their clothes home to 'Ho, that's on DH. I rarely speak to them. Hello and goodbye are about it. }:)