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SS uses up all the Laundry Soap

LindaKjl's picture

19 year old SS lives with his BM. They have a washing machine at their house but no dryer.

Lately, he has been coming over not only drying his clothes but washing them too. In addition, he helps himself to all my laundry supplies, i.e, soap, stain removers, softener, etc.

So, what I did was went to Walmart and brought a cheap box of laundry soap and stuck it up in the cubboard and took out all my good expensive stuff that I use for myself and my husband.

Last night I come home from work and he is there with a full laundry basket full of laundy that he is folding. I know the box of soap I placed in the cubboard was low and only had a cup or so left. Well, I looked and the box is now completely EMPTY.
He said nothing to me that he used it all up and after he folded his laundry and hung out at the house simply left and went on his merry way without a care in the world.

Now, I know this box of laundry soap is empty, my husband does not. Now, I'm sure next week when he comes over to do laundry, he's going to whine that there is no soap, my husband will call me at work asking where all the laundry soap is.

I feel like my response should be:
“Well, Ss ruined the good thing he had going for him. He comes over using all our stuff and then on top of it drains me of my laundry soap that I go out and buy and lug home and then I’m the one who gets screwed, because I went to do a load of OUR laundry and I’m the one who gets inconvenienced because he takes the last cup of soap and selfishly doesn’t even have the courtesy to tell anybody he used it all up and just walks away scott free. It’s not fair to me that I’m the one inconvenienced, so there is no soap left. “

As the woman of the house whose in charge of shopping and getting all the supplies and doing the laundry, this just irritates me.

oldone's picture

Do not go into any detailed explanation.

If your DH calls you just say "If there is no soap tell him to go buy some". If you start going on about how he is thoughtless and how you have to do everything, your DH will probably start defending him.

And if it were me I would make sure there was never any soap.

LindaKjl's picture

Here's the problem. My husband is very generous to a fault. I moved into his house when we married 4 years ago. Out of his paycheck he pays the mortgage, car payments, and all the household ultility bills. Out of my paycheck I pay for all the other stuff, i.e., groceries, incidentals, when we go out ot eat / entertainment.

I am the "shopper and the bookkeeper" of the household.

forgotten wife's picture

Tell SS to buy a frigging dryer! Two problems solved: no paying for his soap, no seeing his lazy butt at your house. Enough is a-frigging nuff!

dad'swife's picture

He's old enough to know that when something runs out you replace it, especially if you don't live there. Tell your husband. I understand your frustration, especially when you are going to do laundry expecting there to be detergent and there is none left.

stepmom512's picture

Stash ur good stuff and leave the empty box for ur SS. If his dad calls u about it yes stand up for urself tell him if there's no soap then that's cause the SS used it all up and he can go buy some if he needs soap. And if his dad doesn't like it let him go buy it I'm sure he's gonna get tired of doing that real quick.....

Towanda's picture

Or how about you call your SS up on the phone while you are at work and say, "hey,I noticed the laundry soap is all gone. I've got a bunch of laundry to do tonight, can you pick some up for me so when I get home I can start washing right away? Thanks!"

Orange County Ca's picture

The kid is acting normally. Adults have providing for him all his life he has no reason to think anything has changed.

It's the parents job, in this case Daddy, who teach kids that they're on their own. I.e. they toss them out of the nest. So your problem is Daddy not the boy.

If Daddy or the kid does call tell him that "if we're out go and buy some for heavens sake". As if they're too stupid to figure it out themselves. Repeat as necessary by hiding your soap and leaving his undisturbed for his future use.

BUT - as you said financially you're in a admirable situation and you have to ask yourself if this is really worth fighting over? Soon a girlfriend or wife will take over. Don't let others in this Forum tell you to start world war three over this. They have problems with steps that go far beyond what you're experiencing.

Lets change subjects. How are you going to make out if he pre-deceases you? He's paying the mortgage but is the deed only in his name? I don't want to see you on the street when this kid sells the house out from under you as well as any cars and such that are titled only to the father.

Perhaps you need legal advise about your share of the estate when he passes. Look into Living Wills while you two are at the attorneys office. From the day you married him you are 1/2 of the partnership irregardless of differences in paychecks.

steppedonstep's picture

You can solve this problem and come out looking like a hero instead of a villain. Go to Craigslist and you will find many appliances free or at maybe $25. Dryers cost less than washers. I gave away my last washer and dryer when I got new ones. Didn't want to go through having people come over to look at them, negotiate, etc. They were old, but in working condition. Get a decent dryer, tell SS "Surprise - I got you a dryer, now you don't have to lug your laundry all the way over here." Since he's 19 he probably has at least one friend to help him transport the dryer to his house. Aren't you a thoughtful SM? Problem solved.

LindaKjl's picture

Yes my husband pays the major bills of the household, but I don't want to leave the impression that I do nothing. I work full time. I pay 100% of the grocery bills, 100% of all entertainment bills (i.e., when we go out to restaurants, or whatever), 100% of all incidentals. Furthermore, my husband is in sales so I carry our medical and dental insurance (and my husband takes a LOT of medications - so without this benefit he would really be in a bind). I mean believe me, I very much contribute to keeping the household running.

hippiegirl's picture

Not a battle worth fighting.....just keep your good soap hid. Let DH & SS figure it out.