Dreading Spawn Invasion
Every weekend I have come to loathe spawn invasions because it usually comes along with walking on eggshells in my own space I pay bills in, cleaning up after 3 lazy dirty slobs, having to complain multiple times about noise levels, going into "ready" or "full combat" with Disney Day over his lack of boundaries, structure, and orderlieness
Moreso after Delusional Disneyland Dad argued with me about wtf he was cooking dinner at 11:30pm last Saturday and accused me of "being mad that his kids were hungry"
This idiot is INCAPABLE of being efficient and orderly when his kids arrive. And every step to hold him and therefore his spawns account table is like dragging 6 jumbo alligators out of the filthy swamp they're used to.
My plan this weekend is to send my kid to college visit. She wrote an essay and got accepted to an all expense paid trip to tour the school. Then use the weekend to go out and celebrate again (since a$$hole tried to ruin my last weekend with his immature mantrums) AND pack more of my stuff into storage (so when it's time to go I can 'more easily leave)
I plan to leave his incapable a$$ at the house while he struggles to single parent them.
Hope his a$$ is drained while I'm out living my best life minus the heavy baggage he brings to the table.
- Lillywy00's blog
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Im having a lovely drama-free week and into weekend. Just us, and barnacle buddy occasionally.
Good luck with your GOOD plans
(Get Out Of Dodge)
Yes! I wish I could post pics
I wish I could post pics of my GOOD (and away from incompetent lazy people) adventures
Just know it will involve stilettos, getting dolled up, feeling good/looking good, maybe a martini.....and definitely dead-weight-free
Is there any way you could
Is there any way you could leave this man sooner rather than later? Being with him and his kids just seems like a nightmare that's dragging you down and making you miserable. I'd beg, borrow or steal to be able to get out.
I agree.
I agree.
Each custody weekend that goes by, his behavior gets worse and worse.
I didn't think I could successfully take on my new promotion at work/extra work responsibilities AND move at the same time.
I HAVE to leave his a$$ soon though because being disrespected every weekend in the home you pay bills in is soul crushing and I'm not putting up with his shit much longer.
Please tell me why Incapable
Please tell me why Incapable Delusional "Dad" comes through at 9pm (of course no consultation/agreement) WITH SOMEONE ELSES KID up in here in addition to his two demon seeds.....
Then had the audacity to pretend like he didn't understand the violation and try to start an argument with me about it.
I shut his narcissistic ass down and grey rocked tf out of him.
He treats your joint home as
He treats your joint home as if it were solely his and if it occurs to think of you at all he just expects you to want the same things he does and cannot fathom that maybe you don't. Or maybe he cannot grasp the fact taht you and BM are not one and the same (as if all women feel the same about all things ...) and that where she wouldn't object to having her own kids around all the time, that you don't (because they're not yours DUH!).
Is this your house? If not,
Is this your house? If not, stop paying bills
I don't own the house.
I don't own the house.
That's probably part of the problem. Since he is partial owner of the house he thinks he and his kids and whoever can just come and go whenever they please. The other part is he's an inconsiderate a$$hole.
Have a good time
Enjoy your weekend with your DD. He doesn't want to parent his kids. He most likely does want to be left alone with these kids. He needs you as a buffer.
'But forget about all of that. You have a girls weekend. Go to a good restaurant, enjoy the college. Have FUN
Thank you Harry.
Thank you Harry.
Im hitting the town, enjoying my weekend, and leaving the extra heavy luggage at that house.
Living well is the best revenge.
Enjoy living both.