Took advice
Im trying to be teachable and not put the happy face on the alligator.
I texted husband what happened. I texted him that I do not take cps threats lightly, and that in the next 11 months, I will not be alone with her. That if she feels unsafe with me that she needs to call cps, then she should stay with her mother...
I also texted him that recording me in my home without my permission is abusive, and that will not be allowed in our home, and that he will make her delete that unauthorised video recording.
I didnt go on any rants, she did all the ranting and I wish I had all my faculties to have recorded her in return...
Im going to give the uke back. I dont want that juju anymore.
Stepparents - protect yourself. Take these accusations seriously and dont ever let your guard down.
- CLove's blog
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Depending on how he reacts do
Depending on how he reacts do not back down. Remain calm and firm in your decision. If he doesn't support you, there's nothing you can do except to expedite that escape plan and in the meantime all communication and doing things for both DH and SD gets shut down.
I would respond with "It's disheartening and telling that you won't support me. You can expect the same lack of support from me going forward. Nevertheless, I maintain I have the right not to be abused in my own home. I will be adjusting my plans accordingly in the future to reflect this"
Then end it and put him on ignore until he actually cares to hear your concerns.
I wouldn't have told him that
as he will use that against you. I would have told him to do what he thinks is right and you will do the same. IE...if the cps calling nutjob 17 year old is there..then you will not be. DH doesn't like..OH BOOF8CKING HOO...too bad. His kid, his problem.
No more rides from you, no cooking, no presents, no money no NOTHING. BTDT with GWR...and let me tell you ....since I was the one that did all those things for him....he found real quick HE GOT NOTHING since DH was broke as joke and I was the one that did all the planning.
Hes in a tough spot
If he believes her, shes not safe with me and I am the a$$hole. So why would he subject sweet princess power sulk to such a horrible person such as myself.
If he belieives me, then shes the a$$hole kid that he raised.
I wouldn't give the uke back
I wouldn't give the uke back to her. That just creates another opportunity for contact between you two. Donate it to a music school or daycare or something. If you give it back after you paid for it, then it's giving her free money and likely rewarding her or reinforcing for her that abusing you works and you'll find a way to chase her. She benefits from getting her uke back. No more benefits for BS/PS. She deserves absolutely nothing, especially from you. Have absolutely zero contact with her even in your home. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
ok. good advice.
I will donate it.
I agree it's also kind of a
I agree it's also kind of a cry for attention of sorts.."Hey.. in case you didn't know.. I'm mad at you" gesture. at this point.. I would give her zero response.
Didn't you say that HE
Didn't you say that HE records you too? He needs to stop that as well. Apple ... tree.
I am just getting caught up from the previous blog and I'm soo freakin mad for you!
Your DH recording you, wonder where Powersulk B$%^& Face got it from,
I'd retake that bedroom in a hurry and live there until you can escape and he can visit her outside the home if he MUST. She is no longer welcome. And once she turns 18 CPS threats will turn into Law Enforcement threats.
OH NO MISSY. She done threw the guantlet down. That is a line in the sand you don't return from. Periodt!
She can live at the beach with mommy dearest and meet daddykins for dinner somewhere else until you are long gone. Even if you aren't able to enforce her not coming to the house, She can sleep on a couch she doens't need a room. You get the room with a door and privacy and peace.
Ohhhhh i'm livid. You are too sweet for your own good and I'm not beating you up. I know its easier said than done a lot of times but this is the final straw.
((thank you))
I agree that once CPS ends, law enforcement begins, or something worse...
Maybe I'm missing something..
Maybe I'm missing something.. weren't you preparing to leave your DH? that was why you somehow thought you could stay in her room.. ?? I don't know.. maybe I'm getting someone else's story confused here?
Things had gotten so much better
We even have trips planned together, finally. One in July for our 5 year anniversary and one in August for just fun.
He got a life insurance policy that Im beneficiary on.
Has your husband responded? I
Has your husband responded? I can't believe SD did this. What is her end game here? I just can't figure out what her play is!
not a single reponse
Nothing. Nada.
Hes just afraid that this close to aging out Toxic Troll will get more $$. I just know him too well. He doesnt want scandal either.
Plus now the lupus imaginaria is rearing its head and she needs to go in for testing (no symptoms but these people dont let that stop them)
I believe her end-game is making ME the reason that she needs to stay in beach town full time. See how that works? So she doesnt look bad to her father...doesnt look like shes choosing her mother over her father.
Ive decided that my end game is that Im not going to be her excuse. If she makes that choice its on her.
You may be correct at SD's
You may be correct at SD's end game. DH is correct that if TT goes to court for more ordered time and gets it, CS would increase. But, neither are a reason for him to let SD abuse you.
You communicated your expectations very clear, especially her not being around you anymore. You can flip that if he tries to push back. Anyone who has been abused knows this (ask me how I know) but if someone is abusive to you, they are the LAST person you want to be around. While you can't be around her for safety issues, she also should not want to be around you since she thinks your abusive and wants to call CPS.
As for recording, no explanation is needed. That's a huge boundary violation and in some states, could be deemed illegal. SMH
It is indeed
In California, all parties to any confidential conversation must give their consent to be recorded. For calls occurring over cellular or cordless phones, all parties must consent before a person can record, regardless of confidentiality. Both civil and criminal penalties are available to victims of illegal recordings.
Can I sue someone for recording me without my permission in California?
The California Invasion of Privacy Act also provides consumers with the right to file civil lawsuits against those who illegally record conversations.
That's what you talk to the
That's what you talk to the lawyer about. I know when Meth Mouth was harassing my DH via text he went to the cops and asked them what he could do. They told him her had to tell her to stop harassing him before they could do anything pertaining to harassment charges. So when she started her 100+ text assault the next time he told her to stop harassing him. Meth Mouth went radio silent after that. A lawyer or even police officers can tell you your rights, the more you know the less scary this will be.
Just got a call back
From a friendly local police officer - because it occured in a home we both share in a common area, and I knew it was happening, it wasnt in secret, and she isnt using it as a blackmail tool, its not illegal.
It has to occur in a private area but the main thing was that I knew about it. Doesnt matter if I ask or say no.
I wouldn't take a police
I wouldn't take a police officer's word for that. I'd get a genuine attorney's true legal opinion. I'm no lawyer, but worked in the legal field for many years, and still have to do legal research as part of my job today. Just about everything I'm seeing in Cali law seems to indicate pemission is needed for someone to record you. I'm not sure you being aware it was happening, that it was happening in a common area in your home, or that SD was making the recording really matter in a strict legal context.
You may want to read the full article in the link. Again, I'm no lawyer, but I had to get familiar with various recording laws after being stalked, and epecially once I became a PI.
California Recording Law Summary:
California’s principle recording law (Cal. Penal Code § 632.) stipulates that it is a two-party consent state. In California, it is a criminal offense to use any device to record communications, whether they’re wire, oral or electronic, without the consent of everyone taking part in the communication. This means that in California you are not legally allowed to record a conversation you are taking part in unless all parties are in agreement. However, there are a few exceptions such as:
Public conversations with no expectation of privacy
Within government proceedings that are open to the public
Recording certain crimes
It has to occur in a private
It has to occur in a private area but the main thing was that I knew about it. Doesnt matter if I ask or say no.
That sounds right. If you know that someone is recording you, and you keep talking, you are basically giving consent. Recording someone without them knowing it, is a different story.
I stopped talking
I sat there as she ranted. I didnt keep talking about anything.
So, legally, if I sit there and ask to please stop recording me, and it doesnt stop and the ranting goes on, thats considered harrassment.
I didn't want to be the first to say it, but I agree with your friend. Unless you are being secretly recorded, it's not unlawful to be recorded by family member in the common areas (especially if you haven't expressed that you don't give any permission).
I too called the cops for
I too called the cops for being recorded and explained and they told me that my SS was within his rights as he lived there and he is allowed to record me. I told them that he physically assaulted me and they said that I could press charges but he is only 15yo so that wouldnt go anywhere. My husband and his son made up a story that I was under the influence of something that night ( i dont drink and I dont do drugs but just so you know if the officers think you were drunk or high, they will dismiss your claim) and that because I had threatened my SS by saying "get that camera off my face or I will fkin break that shit", therefore he was within his rights to retaliated by jumping me and punching me like a rag doll
Be careful. They will always side with the child and the parent. You may even end up having to leave your home if you are the one threatened because you are the adult and children should stay with their parent
Its a losing game. He will side with her. Be glad she did not put hands on you (yet - judging by her family life, they have a violent streak over there just like my SSs BM who beat up her own mother and sister multiple times). Record and document everything. Ignore your husband and do not communicate anything about this with him
She will continue to remain in the home because she is a minor and you are the adult so you will be required to leave while she is there.
Be safe....I feel for you....I know what its like to be abused and threatened by a so called child
I just read your previous
I just read your previous post, and I'm appalled. SD does sound like she needs an evaluation; but maybe for a mood or behavioral disorder, not for lupus.
I've read your blogs for years and I feel pretty confident saying that you deserve much, much more than the life you're living with these people. It's clear that you're a kind, generous, loving human. Those are great qualities, but they're being wasted on people who are only taking advantage of you. I genuinely hope that at the very least you're able to successfully disengage from SD and use the energy you usually give to her to do something that actually brings you joy.
2 dogs won't produce a cat,
2 dogs won't produce a cat, and 2 fk'd up parents won't produce a well-adjusted kid. Let her call CPS. You haven't harmed her, and it sounds like the worst you did was (maybe?) raise your voice. Even in California, that can't be a crime. It sounds like your DH's biggest fear is that BM will get more custody and he will have to pay more child support. He doesn't sound like he gives much of a sh!t about his relationship with SD.
You didn't create this mess. I know you wanted to think of these girls as your family, but you have to let them go. The more you try with them, the worse they treat you. Cats would make better family than these drama queens. Maybe better family than your DH, too. Stop trying with all of them. The girls are acquaintances. Let your DH chase you for once, if he wants a good marriage. Drop the rope with all of them.
Slow. Clap.
Two feral cats...
Two feral cats...
How can you have any respect
How can you have any respect for your H? (Not using the D unless it stands for something quite unflattering.)
After reading your previous blog and this one... CLove, you're a sweet woman and obviously a gentle soul who tries to see the best in everyone. Time after time after time after time, your H and his offensive offspring have virtually defecated all over you. And you continue to overlook, find excuses, and/or let it go. Realize that he is completely unworthy of you (or any partner!). Please love yourself enough to leave this toxic relationship. {{hugs}}
I'm not saying that his daughter is justified in threatening CPS.. or filming you (your SO either).
But.. I need you to also really examine your own actions right now as well.. and how they may be viewed by outsiders. It's extremely important, especially when you are at risk of a bad moment being digitized.. to act absolutely above reproach.
I'm not saying you are wrong for being upset when she abuses the netflix priveleges. I'm not saying you are wrong for wanting her to succeed in school.. etc.. etc.. I think your motivations and desire to have a good relationship with a productive and happy child are pure.
But.. do you think that times when you have been drinking have contributed to you possibly saying things a little more harshly than you might have intended? Or, when you give her "heck" like when she didn't get your SO a FD present.. could the way you are talking to her be taken more harshly?
Because.. it feels like the common complaint this girl has with you is that you are overly harsh on her.. giving her crap.. riding herd on her etc.. and while she has a worthless father.. and you feel since you do so much for her.. and you want her to like you.. you think pushing her will make her succeed.. but then it also seems at times when she doesn't display enough gratitude or happiness in exchange for the nice things.. you sort of "retaliate" by picking things to "go after her" over.
Like.. you do all those nice things for her.. then she turns around and is a little BM over the father's day thing (and being ungrateful and selfish for not thinking about dad.. when she was just out shopping).. so you are PO'ed at her.. and you let her know that you are highly dissappointed and give her a talking to.. then later.. after a few glasses of wine.. your inhibitions decide to go and poie at her over Netflix.. like you were kind of picking a fight with her because you were mad at her.. hurt by her.
And.. again.. please don't take this wrong.. in that as a heand of that house.. you can't have boundaries over your netflix subscription.. but it seems like a quid pro quo situation sometimes.. you do nice.. she doesn't behave nice.. so you get hurt/mad and you want her to KNOW your displeasure.. it's like your instinctual response to want to give her the Uke back.. you want her to KNOW you are hurt and angry.. if you just didn't want to care.. you would toss that thing in the back of the closet behind some old coats... you want her to "feel" bad.. like she has made YOU feel bad.
And.. with a few glasses of wine.. could you be a bit amped up to be more honest.. or let your inner voice out more?
I guess the bottom line is that I think that you need to stop drinking at home if she is going to be around.. you don't need any truth serum.. you don't need anything to lower your inhibitions to the point where you can't hold your tongue.. because she isn't your kid.. you don't want her on netflix? change the password.. give it to no one. if she fails school? who cares.. not your kid.. if she doesn't buy her dad a FD present.. who the H cares? it's not your birthday.. not your dad.. she isn't your kid to tell what to do.
I would also make your DH be aware that if he isn't there.. his daughter needs to go to her moms.. that with an accusation you won't be around her without someone else (though.. sounds like he would side with HER.. so pretty useless anyway).
I truly feel she is just like her parents.. both of them.. and it's not healthy.. but you can't fix it.. all you can do is decide to live in it or not.
In regards to alcohol, I
In regards to alcohol, I think that for the time being, it would be a good idea to refrain from imbibing completely when PS/BS is around. Total abstinence from alcohol will keep your head totally clear and your whits about you when she's in the home/your presence and it removes any "dirt" that she can use against you. If you refrain from alcohol, she can't record you while you're "glowing" or even slightly "tipsy" and blow it out of proportion. You don't want to be part of the trend on tik tok in which kids record adults and make claims about how abusive they are. It seems that SMs are the main target. Stay safe.
No drinking for me. My home has become an un-safe zone and clarity and like columbo I will gather information and consider next move.
I am considering nanny cams. I cannot trust SD17 Powersulk mini-troll.
The silver (or copper) lining is that I can direct my energies other places which I have been doing, and with the CPS threat I have good reasons to not have her living full time with us.
So - I read and re-read your response. I truly didnt feel bad about the FD thing, after all was said and done. So my motivations werent trying to extract anything there in terms of my feelings about what a selfish mini troll she is. Perhaps SHE had some residuals.
No, in fact most of it was her going off and berating me. She made false accusations of me acccusing her of different things. The netflix thing was because, yes I had a few drinks, and was locked out of my account for some reason.
When she stuck the camera in my face, while berating me on-camera with her accusations, she was acting how she has seen her sister act. Film and screen capture yourself making accusations so it seem real and maybe youl get lucky and get a reaction. She got no reaction from me.
I did the "apology thing" not because I was wrong, but to smooth things out and like mentioned below, create a sense of security and peace while I talk to a lawyer (which I did) and police officer (which I did) and do some online reading about CPS (which I did).
Sure, with wine, I do get relaxed. I made comments about her not really doing much, and that made her explode too. The summer school because didnt do the work. But I also told her I didnt really care about all that, its just a note of fact for me. But that made her explode too.
I dont think shes the innocent little kid anymore. In fact Im starting to suspect that shes been lying a lot more than Ive found. The whole getting kicked in the stomach by her sister which caused her to retaliate and hit her sisters hand with the show is now suspect.
That CPS threat cut any and all threads that remained. That was pretty absolute.
And giving the uke back, yeah that was my hurt reaction talking. Thats not going to happen. But thinking of it, I just would rather donate and get rid of that energy. It was first her sisters, then hers. Get that energy out of my house is what Im now thinking.
Luckily I will be leaving Saturday to spend time with family.
Your netflix issue probably has to do with password sharing.
Your netflix issue probably has to do with password sharing. That is the perfect excuse to keep her from using it anywhere but at your house. If she changed the settings to make BM's house the primary address for the account, it would lock you out when you try to use it. Change your password so she can't access it when she is not at your house. If you must, give her the password when she is with you and change it again as soon as she leaves.
What the actual ..
Oh boy I haven't read everything (coffee drive through) but what the hell? Aren't you glad you have your blogs here to help you document. Even just for yourself.
Things have escalated and powersulk mini-troll is acting JUST like feral forger. shes just better actress.
And yeah I’m petty. I would log out.
And change the Netflix password. So fast. Clove I think you are a good person, I know you are working through a lot of things and only want the best for you. When the dust settles on this event I hope you'll explore with your therapist what in your past (relationships/childhood family of origin) contributes to your struggling to set clear boundaries and feel the need to be "nice" with her and your DH. Trust me I get it. It's taken me a lot of years to unwind that just because someone tells me they think I'm a certain way that I feel the need to prove I'm not. My ex was a master of using my own fears and insecurities against me by saying things that I felt the need to "prove" him wrong, I was a step parent in my life with him as well and all it took was him saying "I don't think you like my kids" for me to spend 20 years attempting to prove to him that he was wrong. It's taken me a lot of work to be able to do that undo that in myself and I still occasional flub it. Luckily I'm with a good man now who knows I don't exactly like his kids and puts zero expectations on me in regards to them.
I've come a looooooooong way in my therapy, but still really enjoy watching Dr. Ramani videos on YT. She has one relating to "fawning." Fawning is often misconstrued as "being nice." I was raised by two insane narcissists/borderline/possibly sociopaths and I "fawned," to try to circumvent their abuse. Even up until fairly recent history, I had two insane bitches as colleagues and to try to stop their outbursts or rotten treatment of me, I fawned. It wasn't conscious. It's something we pick up from childhood and we end up automatically doing it. Part of the reason we fawn is because we develop that abused-person mindset that if we can just get it right, do enough, be enough, be perfect, be so nice, etc., the person will finally love me and appreciate me. Only they never do. They just shit on you. I would ask yourself if your urge every time PS/BS or your H act cold or assholey to you is to try to "prove" that you're nice and then they'll finally see the light and realize that you're wonderful after all or they'll realize how much they're hurting you by not meeting any of your needs whatsoever.
I totally understand your urge to fawn or "be nice" when BS/PS acts like a cow to you, because it stems from childhood. It's very hard to break the habit. Once my therapist told me what fawning was and told me stop, it was a game-changner. It really shook up my workplace and now the two "insane bitches," are gone. It's been bliss and I fell in love with myself because I have boundaries and remind myself that I'm enough.
I think other than Dr. Ramani (my favourite) Pete Walker has a YT channel on C-PTSD from narc abuse.
I really hope I didn't offend.
You are missing the point
Doesn't matter if she can or cannot record you. If she is out of your home she can not record anything. She gave up her rights to be in your home after she threatened you. I would not live like that. DH either does something about her, or he leaves with her.
I would get cloud base cambers. Putting them in all common areas of your home. If SD is home camabers are on.
You have to put your foot down, DH is trying to make everyone happy and making no one happy. He must understand this didn't work in his first marriage, and it's not working now.
He must take a side. And thing will play out from that side. It's not going to be one big happy family for sure
Due to the falsity around her CPS threat... file an RO/PO and
have your attorney send her a cease and decist order.
Take it out of DH's hands and purge this toxic shit kid from your life, home, and presence. ZERO tolerance. This is DH's fault and his failure as a parent is what will keep SD away from YOUR home. She is a risk, a threat, and she cannot be tolerated in your life.
I would also get the wireless web cams/microphones instqalled all over your house just in case SDPS shows up.
She cannot be allowed in your home and presence, whether DH is there or not. He will have to actually engage with her and do it somewhere else. When he gets all butt hurt, and he will, point out the crap TT has put him/you through, FF has put him/you through and ask him why it is such a surprise and why is he all butt hurt that his failed fathering is having the same result with SDPS? Lather... rinse... repeat.
IMHO of course.
the attorney
I spoke with an attorney and until she actually files something, theres not thing I can do. These are folks that have worked with my family for years with things of this nature. The threat of something isnt the thing.
Im researching hidden spy cameras right now. I dont know how long shes going to be there and I would need her to be gone while I install and test them. Im thinking in kitchen and living room would be ok, I can place and test them.
Ive started researching and consulting divorce attorneys. That would be the only thing that I can do...Im thinking of what I need to do to first protect myself (knowledge) and then GTFO. This was last straw and Im seeing hes brushing it under the rug now.
"Im seeing hes brushing it under the rug now"
You have everyones support , youve got this, you know what you need to do.
When most of your marriage is filled with unhappiness and toxic people you know its time to go.
You are such a kind warm lady, dont waste your light on darkness.
If my DH recorded me 1x, he'd
If my DH recorded me 1x, he'd never see me again.
I wouldn't bother to hide the
I wouldn't bother to hide the cameras. *unknw*
In fact, I'd be tempted to slap up a couple of fake ones, too.
I would also check
I would also check what the state law says about hidden cameras and secretly recording family members in their residence.
Yep. If the cameras are in
Yep. If the cameras are in plain sight, no worries.